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  1. Justice C. Bigler

    Training young engineers

    now that I have my computer problems for the day dealt with... How do you guys go about training young engineers? And especially how do you go about getting them from a basic bar band PA or DJ set up level of knowledge and skill to something approximating a professional sound engineer? I have...
  2. Justice C. Bigler

    OT: has anyone successfully installed Firefox 4.0 on Mac OS X 10.6.7?

    I'm trying to update Firefox on my work computer (a new iMac OS X 10.6.7) when I try to copy the Firefox 4.0 install file to the applications folder, it says Is anyone else getting this error message? FWIW, I get this when I am logged in as the administrator and I have changed all the...
  3. Justice C. Bigler

    Cadac DM1600

    Cadac is, apparently, entering the small format compact digital mixer market. Enter the Cadac DM1600 Not sure what the price point is going to be, but it sure looks like it's going to compete directly with the LS9 line. And I'll bet the automated faders work too :roll: (sorry about the link...
  4. Justice C. Bigler

    Snowmageddon 2011

    The dig out begins. reports indicate that we got upwards of a foot of snow in about 12 hours. Some places as much as 20 inches. Snow drifts 2 to 4 feet deep. I'm hunkering down with friends south of Tulsa, about 20 minutes from the venue, still a no go to get to work. My car at about...
  5. Justice C. Bigler

    Vans Warped Tour 2003?

    Is there anybody here who worked on thew Vans Warped tour in 2003? If so, shoot me a PM.
  6. Justice C. Bigler

    Working with The Vault--standards?

    I was working on adding some content to The Vault tonight, I input specs and a starting page for the PM5D and SD8 consoles. I was going to do another couple of entries, Avid Profile, and Soundcraft Vi something or another. It occurred to me that, especially in the case of the digital...
  7. Justice C. Bigler

    system processor for studio theatre

    I'm looking for a system processor to put in our small studio theatre. Mostly community theatre, acoustic music with maybe an announce mic, CD playback, etc... Seats about 100. Currently I have a pair of Meyer UP-Juniors hanging from the uni-strut grid. There is also a pair of old horn type...
  8. Justice C. Bigler

    two home buttons?

    At the top of the forum, there are two home buttons. One of which goes to the Vault, I'm guessing that one should be labeled as Vault, and not Home?