The SM58...

Re: The SM58...

I think most MI retail stores get a big incentive(kickback) from Shure if they sell a quota...or at least get to keep the franchise. I know Fender and Gibson have huge sales requirements to keep the lines so stores really hustle to sell a lot.
Re: The SM58...

Did you ever try to get out really stubborn stains rubbing your clothes on a guiro?

Handy if you're on tour, and you can always use the grille of a 58 as a gentle brillo pad for getting grease stains out of knitted sweaters, a carrot grater or a teabag-holder. The 58 don't mind 8)~8-)~:cool:
Handy if you're on tour, and you can always use the grille of a 58 as a gentle brillo pad for getting grease stains out of knitted sweaters, a carrot grater or a teabag-holder. The 58 don't mind 8)~8-)~:cool:

I tried rubbing one of my black tech shirts on a gyro but it just kept getting greasier and greasier.
Re: The SM58...

<snip>I was gonna discuss the 58 and my use of it, but I like where this thread has swerved to much better..

The 58 is like Ketchup or Coke, it is not gourmet or haute cousine, but it goes with (nearly) everything. When nothing else works right, the 58 will get you through :)~:-)~:smile:
Re: The SM58...

I think most MI retail stores get a big incentive(kickback) from Shure if they sell a quota...or at least get to keep the franchise. I know Fender and Gibson have huge sales requirements to keep the lines so stores really hustle to sell a lot.

Let's see, the world's most popular vocal mic for almost fifty years needs an incentive quota from the manufacturer...


When a shop orders SM58 mics, it's not "I wonder if I should buy them", but "How many per month do I need?".

You can add up the sales totals for the next ten most popular vocal mics below the 58, and I am pretty sure it outsells that total by a goodly amount every year.

It is predictable, dependable, and cost effective. It is also accepted world wide as the standard.

Are there better sounding vocal mics? Of course. But when push comes to shove, a 58 will almost always be acceptable.

Re: The SM58...

I own a dozen 58's. They go out on everything because well, they just plain work. Everyone knows what it is, and everyone accepts it. Is it my first pick? Not a chance- but if they get busted, they're cheap and easy to replace.

My current "go to" vocal mic is the Sennheiser e935/945, depending on the singer.

Re: The SM58...

I own a dozen 58's. They go out on everything because well, they just plain work. Everyone knows what it is, and everyone accepts it. Is it my first pick? Not a chance- but if they get busted, they're cheap and easy to replace.

My current "go to" vocal mic is the Sennheiser e935/945, depending on the singer.


+1 Sums up my feelings pretty well, 865 is a good contender as well.
Re: The SM58...

This subject has been hashed out on Internet forums for as long as there have been Internet forums. I'm surprised that this may be the first thread on the topic on this forum.

The short story is: If you're fighting against the SM-58, you're fighting the wrong battle, and you have already lost. There may be a mic that is better in some way for a specific artist or application, and when you have time to have that conversation with your artist then you can use whatever they like. If you just try and hand them something else and tell them it's better you're probably not going to have a good day.
This subject has been hashed out on Internet forums for as long as there have been Internet forums. I'm surprised that this may be the first thread on the topic on this forum.

The short story is: If you're fighting against the SM-58, you're fighting the wrong battle, and you have already lost. There may be a mic that is better in some way for a specific artist or application, and when you have time to have that conversation with your artist then you can use whatever they like. If you just try and hand them something else and tell them it's better you're probably not going to have a good day.

That is it in a nutshell. It comes down to what role I am filling for a band.

If I am working as a BE I will help them find the best mic possible in my locker or help them choose what to buy.

If I am working as a provider or in a venue they either get what they ask for or if they have no specific requests they are likely to get a pile of 58's and 57's.
Re: The SM58...

I mainly just work with bands and I don't work that much. I'm an "every few weekends" warrior. I haven't worked with an sm58 in almost 2 years. I just hear them in live shows I go to or see on youtube or TV. I had just seen a performance on at TV show and couldn't help myself. One singer with what looked like one of the modern heil PR mics and another singing with an SM58. I couldn't help but hate the way the 58 sounded. Every time she sang right after the other singer sang there was a noticeable difference in the quality of the high-end pickup of that mic.

All of that reminded me how much I hate hearing working with that mic.
Re: The SM58...

I mainly just work with bands and I don't work that much. I'm an "every few weekends" warrior. I haven't worked with an sm58 in almost 2 years. I just hear them in live shows I go to or see on youtube or TV. I had just seen a performance on at TV show and couldn't help myself. One singer with what looked like one of the modern heil PR mics and another singing with an SM58. I couldn't help but hate the way the 58 sounded. Every time she sang right after the other singer sang there was a noticeable difference in the quality of the high-end pickup of that mic.

All of that reminded me how much I hate hearing working with that mic.

Was the one on the 58 wearing a red blouse? It's well know that red blouses effect the HF..........