Heh, when you define the two sections by cost of gear involved, I barely even belong in Junior Varsity (should include 'local' in that jv description yes yes). Sorry about that and duly noted for next time.
Ivan, good questions, yes to some of them, have some kind of public liability (probably will need more if I get into this seriously), and a bit of experience (not with hanging stuff though, wouldn't dream of tackling that yet), don't know enough about acoustics, would like to learn more, if anyone can recommend any good reading ...
No business plan yet, could very well be time to make one (I have been running off of a different business plan this year - different 'product', it's only recently that I've started to feel I should put my energy back into Live - both mixing and supply).
Brad, to do both professionally would be ideal. This thread's making me think I need to do some proper planning though. Getting more training in the business side of things very good idea - I did cert II in business management but it was a pretty shallow overview. Getting trained formally in the tech side of things a good idea too but I spent 4 years (in the wrong place) learning 'tech', and get a repeatedly strong message from people working in AV that the piece of paper is worthless and feel it would be better to just do more work for already established companies.....having said that, not enough to think it, should actually go do it. In the mean time, I talked myself up to much and need a sub by Saturday :-D
Jeff, starting to get a feel for the difference between pro touring gear (last 3 days looking online, good learning curve), and smaller stuff, as goofy as it would be it would be cool to have one big sub haha (And then, yes I could get the rest of the rig to go on top of that later), but yeah, big and bulky and impractical def go on the list of cons.
Heh, what's it cost to get Danley downunder?
Currently the JBLs are looking like a logical upgrade. Guess I'm going to have to give this some more thought if I want it to turn around some kind of profit.