X16 Preview

Re: X16 Preview

So have there been any updates that I've missed on the ix16 release date? As far as I can tell there's been nothing.


Dear All,
The iX16 has gone through a major redesign, adding many new features. These exciting enhancements have delayed release and as such we do not have a ship date currently available. However we promise you that the wait will be worth it! Thanks for your patience.
Re: X16 Preview


While we obviously still have to wait quite some time for the new iX16 - I was looking into Mackie DL1608 and noticed, that they have made that horrible mistake - in my opinion - to have separate models for Apple 30-pin and Apple Lightning. In my book that is a NO NO NO !!! - right now I have iPad two and iPad mini - different connectors but both work as well with my X32 and X32 Rack.

I wrote earlier about having a cavity with space for docking cable and just standard USB-socket in there - with that one is able to use whatever iPad model he/she happens to have - not to think of future, when Apple decides to change the connector again - I believe Apple has included a chip in their cables to differentiate them from copy-cables - thus copy-cables are no more able to charge the iPad, if it has latest OS in it. I wonder how iPad with latest software would behave with a mixer, that does not have that chip.....

So please - make it universal with USB - after all, the Android apps are on their way, too.

Any chance to give us a hint of availability???

Re: X16 Preview

I was looking into Mackie DL1608 and noticed, that they have made that horrible mistake - in my opinion - to have separate models for Apple 30-pin and Apple Lightning.
Just to be historically accurate - the designed it with the 30-pin connector Apple had been using forever. Then one day Apple announce their new products with the Lightning connector WITHOUT GIVING MACKIE ANY ADVANCED NOTICE. Yes, that right - we all knew about the change to the Lightning connector the same day as Mackie. Apple sucks eggs. Anyways Mackie then designed a new connector board for the Lightning connector which they offer as a retrofit. They are also selling the mixer with either connector. If you really want it you can get both connector boards but it's not a quick change. Mackie's only "horrible mistake" IMO is thinking that Apple doesn't suck eggs. Oh, and did I mention that Apple sucks eggs ? Well, they do.

BTW I own two iPad 2's and one iPad Mini. Aside from a couple Steve Job's mandated "issues" they ain't too bad - maybe now that he's dead they can move to hydraulic brakes (obscure Henry Ford reference). iOS7 is definitely a step in the right direction. I do have to say that battery life is incredible! I have a @#$%^&* Samsung Galaxy S3 that can't go 12 hours on a charge if you actually use it. I can get two gigs out of my iPad Mini if I have to and about two months on standby 8O~8-O~:shock:.
Re: X16 Preview


A friend of mine just called me and notified, that all info about X16 has disappeared.

Does this mean that project has been cancelled for good or only for a moment.

Please give a hint - if it has been cancelled for good, he ( and kazillion others ??? ) can start looking towards X32 Rack or as Monty Python puts it : " And now - something completely different ..."

I posted this to both "X16 preview" and "Uli Behringer of The Music Group Q&A"


A friend of mine just called me and notified, that all info about X16 has disappeared.

Does this mean that project has been cancelled for good or only for a moment.

Please give a hint - if it has been cancelled for good, he ( and kazillion others ??? ) can start looking towards X32 Rack or as Monty Python puts it : " And now - something completely different ..."

I posted this to both "X16 preview" and "Uli Behringer of The Music Group Q&A"


It was stated earlier by Uli in his thread that it was being re-engineered.
I suspect the IT guys finally got around to taking down the obsolete pages.

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: X16 Preview

I'll agree with Eric. The x32-rack is an amazing piece. The only thing I see in the now missing x16 is less of everything good. I can't imaging getting the price down to where it would make sense for people to go with fewer channels. Not to mention the rack format makes more sense than a flat unit to which you mount the ipad. I keep my ipad on a mic stand to my left. The mixer is back stage. It looks really clean. Having a small, unracked box with mic cables strewn about would look really unprofessional.
Most bands can get by with a 16x8 mixer. Having the luxury of adding an S16 and having 32x16 is cake. I could be wrong but I think the market for less is really quite small and would be dwarfed by the development and tooling costs.
Re: X16 Preview

Timo has both the x32 and the x-32-rack so he already know its value ;-)

It's a "friend" that's asking :-)

I'm thinking that the price probably lands somewhere between the core and rack...?


Robert knows - yes I have both X32 and X32 Rack - I love them both - perhaps the rack more now that I am so used to iPad-mixing.

Reason fthat my friend has been so anxious about it is simply expectation of low price - thinking that DL1608 is 1150,-/16/8 - and X32R is 1600,-/22/14 - I am counting the 1/4-jack ins & outs , too could easily be less pricey than DL1608 - perhaps even under 1000,-

Taking in account the impressive sound-quality of X32 and all nice DSP-power X16 seems far more interesting than DL1608

He plays keyboards in dance-music band nd is the soundguy at same time - X16 has plenty of inputs and outputs for his group plus option to use P16M if needed. For him there would be no extra benefit of having the display of X32R - so why pay for it and all extra inputs and outputs.

To Rob

Yes - I remember the announcement of X16 going into major redesign - but maybe Behringer could have put some information on their product page instead of simply removing it.

About redesigning the unit

Personally I never liked the connectors on top of any mixer - the cables go up and turn down to make a messy bundle - perhaps they could take a S16 for connectors and extend the casing a bit to gain space for DSP and iPad - removable rack-ears would come to front and connectors to back - this way it could be optionally rack-mountable or free standing unit - in both cases cables would go much neater. Price difference to X32R should be noticeable.

My two euro-cents
Re: X16 Preview

"From Jim King Ugh.. please no. ...on several fronts.
ipad Apple has a long history of changing the dimensions and connectors for all of their computers and devices every other model (and even the software interfaces). So you can guarantee that this board won't work with new iPads 2 years from now. And you've now made the core of your system something who's stability you don't control. "

In addition to this thought... the day I bought the Ipad it went into an Otterbox. We use this live and in crowds and dropping or screen scratches are inevitable. But it also prevents it from fitting into any dock or pocket.

Have the same problem with the square pad on the X32. It only fits an unprotected iPhone. I would love to replace it with a flat rubber pad that would be more universal.
Re: X16 Preview

"From Jim King Ugh.. please no. ...on several fronts.
ipad Apple has a long history of changing the dimensions and connectors for all of their computers and devices every other model (and even the software interfaces). So you can guarantee that this board won't work with new iPads 2 years from now. And you've now made the core of your system something who's stability you don't control. "

In addition to this thought... the day I bought the Ipad it went into an Otterbox. We use this live and in crowds and dropping or screen scratches are inevitable. But it also prevents it from fitting into any dock or pocket.

Have the same problem with the square pad on the X32. It only fits an unprotected iPhone. I would love to replace it with a flat rubber pad that would be more universal.

I think the physical docking is crazy as well. If they want to provide a tethered USB connection, I could see that, but as the Mackie guys found out with the DL1608, you don't want to be a slave to Apple.
Re: X16 Preview

Have the same problem with the square pad on the X32. It only fits an unprotected iPhone. I would love to replace it with a flat rubber pad that would be more universal.
The screws for the holder is under the rubber matt so it is easy to remove and replace with something else.

Hmmm, why not glue an older iphone directly to the x32 :-) At least no one can steal it...