Re: Marc Lopez of Yamaha Commercial Audio Q&A
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the fast reply.
I understand the arguments for and against including the LR Nominal parameter as part of the Channel Linking, but strongly believe it should be part of the Console automation. Part of the issue, I think, is one of my other quibbles with the Yamaha Way (which I generally like) is not dividing the internal memory structure into Shows and Scenes. Instead to load another show one must use a USB stick or CL Editor. What this means for the theatre I am currently in, and others I have visited, is that any show that is relatively simple is just saved to a single (or a few) scene(s) inside the consoles memory. With the general expectation that each scene will recall the entire console setup. As it stands this pretty much works for everything except the LR Nominal parameter (and the outport setup, however as that is not part of the channel strip parameter space, I dont take such issue with that decision).
I thought I had read somewhere that port to port patching was not a possibility, but couldn't find where I had read that, so thought I'd double check. I am aware the RSio64 would be an option, but not needing it would be cheaper, eh.
There are actually two use cases I would like MS for. One is on the channel inputs. In this case designating a channel as a 'side' channel would just reverse polarity on the right side of any stereo buses it is assigned to. I would also like to see the possibility of using MS matrtixies as part of the insert structure on stereo channels/buses, with the 8 Band parametrics and or premium rack. Other than a MS matrix on both sides of the insert(s) all that would be needed is trim control inside the matrix to turn the mid or side up or down a bit. One of the use cases where I imagine this would be handy, though Ive not tried it is on drum kits.... I do very minimal miking on kits surprisingly often, between two and four microphones. In instances where I am running stereo overheads, often just with a kick mic added, it would give me a little scope to rebalance/eq the kit a bit. Anyway, I understand it's probably not high on the list, however I think it would be fairly straightforward to do (says the most definitely not a software engineer).
Very best,