Re: Mini Line Array
You may not be aware of the level of knowledge and experience of the responders on this Forum. You have been given some analysis by very "heavy hitters" in the loudspeaker industry. This is not your average Internet chat-space.
Right now you really need to learn the difference between "noise" and "sound". Continue on your present course and you'll be able to make some noise, but it's not going to sound good. And unless your business can support a VERY substantial cash outlay for a properly engineered SYSTEM, you'll be relegated to the world of crap DJ sound with all the attendant problems.
If your market will pay for that, then go ahead. But I think even the general public can/will put up with noise instead of sound for only a short time. You will not get any repeat business with noise.
You may not be aware of the level of knowledge and experience of the responders on this Forum. You have been given some analysis by very "heavy hitters" in the loudspeaker industry. This is not your average Internet chat-space.
Right now you really need to learn the difference between "noise" and "sound". Continue on your present course and you'll be able to make some noise, but it's not going to sound good. And unless your business can support a VERY substantial cash outlay for a properly engineered SYSTEM, you'll be relegated to the world of crap DJ sound with all the attendant problems.
If your market will pay for that, then go ahead. But I think even the general public can/will put up with noise instead of sound for only a short time. You will not get any repeat business with noise.