New Midas PRO X Console at PL&S

re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

On the topic of the price drops: I can almost not believe the influx of Pro Series gear that has arrived in the marketplace as of late. Related, do you think?
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

Is that price exclusive of i/o?

Almost certainly!

I'm not sure on what basis they are calling it the worlds most powerful live audio console? Probably the gigaflops value, since an SD7 supports more actual channels-to-mix and aux busses...

Interesting new direction for the Pro series though. I'll bet there is a surface upgrade path too...

It also seems that SoundForums may have jumped the gun, since Midas haven't announced yet. My understanding is that announcement was due tomorrow (first day of PL+S)...
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

Wow. Didnt see this one coming. With 268 channels the new Midas is actually more capable as the SD7 can do max 255 channels. You are right Justice it is about 80% less than an SD7 which is around 200k. This will change pro industry and also kill some competitors!
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

This will change pro industry and also kill some competitors!

If, IF, IF...they can keep the quality up. I just had a conversation with my sales rep at a large national A/V vendor and there is a huggabaloo brewing with Behringer/Music Group's US distributor who apparently is refusing to take back any merchandise for return or repair. So who knows...
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

Here in europe, Midas has take many market share from Avid, Digico and they are growing. The PRO2 is everywhere and people very happy with it. Interesting time
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

With 268 channels the new Midas is actually more capable as the SD7 can do max 255 channels. You are right Justice it is about 80% less than an SD7 which is around 200k.

Sort of.

The SD7 will do 256 simultaneous processing paths at 96kHz, but It can have more input channels than a Pro X, if you like. And equally, it can have more output buses than a Pro X, if you like.
It also supports waaaaaay more I/O than a Pro X (1392 channels...) and has 2 console engines for complete redundancy.

So in short, its not really in the same league as an SD7. But it is most definitely in the same league as an SD5, and thats an interesting comparison.

Still a lot less operational flexibility though. Less fader customisation, less faders in total, etc...
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

Chris, the SD7 can do 255 processing channels and the new midas seems to do be 268. Without knowing details about new Midas, the SD7 has DSP sharing so it can do more inputs OR more outputs but it cannot do at same time. With 255 inputs you have 1 output bus or so :D~:-D~:grin:
I dont think SD7 can do 168 inputs AND 100 busses at same time. Not sure about the I/O and need wait until Midas inform details. Curios sure
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

Speaking on my behalf only, I would never spend this amount of money with 'Made in China' stamped on it. A $2k console maybe, but not a $50k+ plus console. There is a reason why a Rolls Royce isn't built in China.
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

Speaking on my behalf only, I would never spend this amount of money with 'Made in China' stamped on it. A $2k console maybe, but not a $50k+ plus console.

Really? Why?

Its a myth that China doesn't have the capability to produce quality manufacturing. The music group have state of the art facilities, as do Foxconn, etc... China actually lead the world in high quality electronics production...

There is a reason why a Rolls Royce isn't built in China.

And that reason has nothing to do with China...

Jaguar on the other hand are opening a big plant in China, and also now do final assembly of vehicles in India...
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

Shameless cross-post from 'the other' forum:

One of the the interesting things with this product though is that it highlights a downside with the AES50 system when it comes to availability of all those I/O points. Let me explain:

I'm of the opinion that the industry will head further toward modularity. Soon we won't run a 12 pair to the RF rack, we'll have an I/O box in the rack, and it will just sit on our audio 'backbone'. Midas now have a very comprehensive range of boxes to help you get closer to this goal. And the 15X range are very reasonably priced.
However, you have 8 AES50 connections on the Neutron. Thats theoretically 192 in + 192 out. However, its actually impossible to connect that many channels unless you use all DL451s with 8in+8out jack cards. Any other rack combination ends up with a bunch of inaccessible AES50 'paths'
If you use 16x8 DL153 racks, and cable them all redundantly, then you can only get 64 in and 32 out into the engine...
If you use mic splitters, you could say have 3 of them cabled redundantly for 72 inputs, but you'd need the last 2 for some outputs, otherwise you'd have none...

Equally, at the console end, you only have 3 AES50 ports. So lets say you got a bunch of 431 mic splits, didn't do redundant cabling, and so got yourself 6 splits (144 in). You can't do a virtual soundcheck at FOH, because the most you can get into a recorder is 72ch via the AES50.


I'm excited about Neutron, but I think its capabilities won't be fully realised until you can use the I/O in a better way.
re: New Midas Pro X Console at PL&S

The AES50 connections on the board will more than likely be for console audio I/o and control for the neutron dsp core only with all processing/aes50 audio going to the neutron dsp only.

The limit for AES50 connections could possibly be circumvented by using the midas AES50 router.

To see more MIDAS PRO-X
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