Only one problem: without flying faders you can't mix remotely.
This in not true. The faders just don't move on the board. Try to watch the clip with an open mind. Change is good. Competition is good. A friend of mine has the 16 channel version and sent me that YouTube clip. I replied asking if it was Apple Airport or wireless router hooked to a laptop and he replied - ''I had my laptop hooked up to a wireless router and firewire to the board. I was controlling
it from 100' away easy ! That's without the app, just VNC viewer on the computer.
The app will make things SO EASY, no more snakes !!!''
I kind of like the idea of not needing a snake - especially a 24 channel 10 send snake. Even the macdaddy iPads are cheaper than a 24/10 100 ft. snake. I'm saving my pennies for a 24 channel StudioLive. My A&H GL2400 is available as well as some outboard gear. Let the wailing and knashing of teeth begin!
I've asked this question before an can't seem to find anyone with an answer.
Lets say vocal is in channel 1 and the fader on the desk is all the way down. A person takes their Ipad out and moves the fader in it up to 0db and the vocal is great. Now they go back to the desk and move fader 1 up just a little say -30db.
What happens?
Does the vocal drop back down? Does the fader not work until it reaches 0db?
I don't know what it is called but does the person have to put the board in ''calibrate'' mode.(Locate I think its called) Move all the faders until the meter bridge reads 0 then take it out to stop this problem?
Having an Ipad App. is great but how does the board with its faders not in the same place as the Ipad figure in to this? I wouldn't want allot of recalibrating just to go back and use the board.
How does this work?
Douglas R. Allen