re: X32 Discussion
Did some music and vocal listening comparisons, and the X32 preamps definitely are Not Midas preamps.
Sorry for off topic, but I would like to ask the forum, because I'm curious about this "Preamp-Thing".
I was quite surprised, when reading in this and other US sound/recording forums, that lot's of people seems to be convinced or concerned,
that the micpre preamp design has such a big influence to the overall sound. This topic is actually hardly ever addressed in German pro audio forums, that's why I'm asking.
Anyway, my very own personal opinion is, that the impact of micpres is generally overated.
How to build a propper micpre is common knowledge since the golden 50s. Sure, there are different designs and they do sound different.
But the differences are so subtle to me, that I never would think about it for a second during a live show.
What I belief: The PA system, mircophones, the artist and room acoustic - these things have a hundered times more impact on the general sound of a show, than the build in micpres in a desk.
Even the quality of the artist catering has more impact in my eyes!
Like I said, my very own opinion.8)~

Basically I don't care at all, what preamps are build in the X32. I did some X32 measurements with a friend of mine, and these Preamps are close to that what's physically feasible.
Maximum out is +21dBu, maximum Input (before analog clipping) is +23dBu, minimal THD, straight frequenzy response and lot's of headroom (72dB)-->
To me the X32 Preamps are definite not to blame, when the show sucks soundwise.
What do you think?