X32 Discussion

re: X32 Discussion

I'm still trying to get MIDI in and out of my X32.
The error is: "Control Surface: Error opening MIDI inputs and outputs".

Oh, and the X32 Remote Button is pressed. The DCA displays show Mute.

Can anyone help? I'm thinking of sending the X32 back :-(

I'd be surprised if it is an X32 issue, it is more than likely something with your computer or DAW software. I have had no issue at all - I have had the X32 connected so far to Studio One v2 and also to a Nuendo rig in daw controller mode. I have not used Sonar or Reaper. Maybe try downloading the demo of StudioOne V2, I could help you then via PM if you wish.
re: X32 Discussion

I can hear an electric guitar input but again only through headphones.
The guitar is connected to an Aux input due to a shortage of XLR cables.
How can I hear the guitar through an external PA?


Are you connected to the Control Room outputs? If so, there is a volume knob for these outputs that you may need to adjust. Also, are you certain that the Aux Input is routed to L/R ?
re: X32 Discussion

Thanks Jaap. It's working now in Reaper. :)~:)~:smile:

At least it proves my X32 is ok.

Now all I need is to get it working in Sonar!
re: X32 Discussion


today i mixed an album release show and everything went quite well, except for one thing: for some reason the main vocal was not audible on the PA for two times, when i moved the fader a little bit the signal was back on the PA. the setup was channel via DCA and vocalgroup. Xcontrol running on a macbook. it seemed to me that the problem occured, when i was in "sends on fader" mode before and the faders jumped back to the original value. anyone ever had this problem? could it be because of Xcontrol running OSX?

Does anyone notice a hissing sound coming from the console when the channels are turned up? It seems the more channels you turn up the louder the hiss. The pre amp gain on each channel is set between +17 - +28. I did not notice this at the show, but when I setup the console in the shop and plugged in some studio monitors I could hear this hiss. Note: At the shop no mics were plugged in and the channels were still up from the show. I initialized the console and loaded a scene and had the same results.
do you have the hiss with plugged mics or without? without load there's hiss present with mine but that disappears when i plug-in a mic or DI.

i compared hiss-level with my dav bg01 preamp and both performed similar.

re: X32 Discussion

Hi Guys,
We are offering an X32 Webinar UserGroup session this coming Saturday!
The first hour will be an X32 overview, as we did last week, followed by the second hour for anything you would like demonstrated and or questions.

Justin Fry and Chris Painter will be the presenters for this event.

I hope you can make it!

Joe Sanborn
Manager, Channel Marketing

X32 Webinar and User Group #3
Join us for a Webinar on October 20
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
This is an X32 Webinar open to anyone who would like to know more about the X32.
This event is a great opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and share info about the X32.
Title:X32 Webinar and User Group #3
Date:Saturday, October 20, 2012
Time:10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
System Requirements
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Re: Using the X32 for Corporate Shows

Hi Brian,
It sounds like for this application you would want to configure your bus sends as subgroups rather than post fader sends.
To do so, select the input channel you wish to send to the group and press view near the Bus Send rotary encoders.
By pressing the LAYER down arrow by the screen, you will reveal the option to change between pre/post fader, pre/post EQ, and subgroup.
When you choose subgroup on a pair of bus sends, the channel will be send to those busses and their volume and panning would track the main mix as you described.

Hope this helps,

John DiNicola
Senior Specialist, Product Support

interesting. Thanks. I suppose that makes sense in that it tracks with the typical behavior or an analog console. Stereo auxes have their own Pan controls, but subgroups track the same pan knob as the stereo bus.

this may answer some issues for me. I'd still like to be able to track the channel pan on a stereo aux on occasion though. I've used 01v96 consoles heavily and gotten used to this capability.

thanks so much for your response though. Very helpful. And FWIW, I'm extremely pleased with my new dual X32 FOH rig. I've been particularly amazed at how easy it has been to network and configure. I've now got both desks running XControl for extra visual info, and the iPad app works flawlessly with either desk. Both desks, and both XControl computers are networked together using our church's existing LAN. Just plugged them all into cat5 wall jacks and it worked. Since WiFi is implemented across the entire campus, I now have access and control over all of it from anywhere. I've also got both desks running into my MacBook Pro and am doing 48 track recording for virtual soundcheck. Again, just plugged it in, set up an aggregate device on my MBP, and it worked. This is a very impressive machine indeed.
re: X32 Discussion

Are you connected to the Control Room outputs? If so, there is a volume knob for these outputs that you may need to adjust. Also, are you certain that the Aux Input is routed to L/R ?

Hi and thanks. I'm not using the Control Room outputs. I'm using Output 15 as I read that that is the default for L/R

I thought that the Aux was routed to L/R but I'm still not sure exactly how to do that. I can hear the inputs on headphones.

I can see the input meters signal just no output to an external amp.
re: X32 Discussion

Hi All,

I want to thank you all and especially Christian for the wealth of information about the X32.
After ordering early, I got mine at the end of august and mixed several shows with it.

I´m mixing quite regularly in a rock/blues club in eastern germany and the first time I brought my brandnew X32, the owner of the club said "Oh, this is the new desk you were talking about for the last months!" :lol:

This was the first show I mixed with it, so I wanted to keep all as simple as possible but he insisted of doing a multitrack recording with his old notebook. He installed the driver from the website, plugged in the USB cable and we were rolling.

The band is called Egypt, a blues rock band from the UK. I recorded 11 tracks to Cubase. The only pitfall I ran into was with his laptop that kept going to standby every now and then because of the energy saving options. After turning these off, all went without problems.

Here is one of the tracks I recorded that night:
Egypt - Live at Black Night

The raw tracks I got from the X32 sounded veeery good and I just applied some minor eq tweaks and some compression in cubase.

All in all I am quite impressed and for me it is a lot of fun to mix with this desk. Thank You! 8)~:cool:~:cool:

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re: X32 Discussion

Thanks Jaap. It's working now in Reaper. :)~:)~:smile:

At least it proves my X32 is ok.

Now all I need is to get it working in Sonar!

I've got the same thing going. Remote works fine in Reaper but can not get it to work in Sonar (8.5 Producer) at all ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I've tried different MIDI connections as well as all three options on the console..... Nothing.... :cry:

Maybe Behringer can talk to Sonar for a software patch to fix this :D~:-D~:grin:

re: X32 Discussion

Hi and thanks. I'm not using the Control Room outputs. I'm using Output 15 as I read that that is the default for L/R

I thought that the Aux was routed to L/R but I'm still not sure exactly how to do that. I can hear the inputs on headphones.

I can see the input meters signal just no output to an external amp.

Is the input by any chance panned to the right which would put it on output 16? (Assuming 15-16 are the L-R outputs)?
Is the Aux input assigned to the L-R bus?
re: X32 Discussion

Is the input by any chance panned to the right which would put it on output 16? (Assuming 15-16 are the L-R outputs)?
Is the Aux input assigned to the L-R bus?

I'm sure I tried the panning to see if that was the problem but no joy.

However, I just checked the PA inputs and found that the cable had not been inserted into the input there. So no wonder I could not hear anything from the PA speakers. Doh!

I'd been trying a few different cables and became confused with cable runs. Not for the first time.

Thanks for your help.
re: X32 Discussion

I'm trying to use the USb connection from the X3 to a PC running Cakewalk SOnar Procuder expanded.

I've installed the Behringer USB driver OK.

Sonar sees the usb audio ins and outs. The Audio track is set to the X32 usb audio as its input.

Playback is to the usb audio out

I was able to hear playback of a drum loop as a test piece but only intermittently.

If I adjusted the volume level on the X32 the audio broke up and stopped completely.

This happened several times. The audio was not consistent at all.

I can now not hear any audio from the PC / Sonar into the X32.

I am also unable to heat the X32 through my external amp/PA speakers.

This is another issue I realize.

I can hear an electric guitar input but again only through headphones.

The guitar is connected to an Aux input due to a shortage of XLR cables.

How can I hear the guitar through an external PA?


Hi Guys,

I see we are getting many questions on using Sonar with the X32.
I have to admit I am a ProTools guy. Our team has used PT, Logic, and Reaper, all with no problems.

In an effort to get these questions answered I am getting a copy of Sonar in the next few days.

I will test it and share what I find out.

Joe Sanborn
Manager, Channel Marketing
re: X32 Discussion

Hi Guys,

I see we are getting many questions on using Sonar with the X32.
I have to admit I am a ProTools guy. Our team has used PT, Logic, and Reaper, all with no problems.

In an effort to get these questions answered I am getting a copy of Sonar in the next few days.

I will test it and share what I find out.

Joe Sanborn
Manager, Channel Marketing


I'll be testing with Sonar X1 & X2 this weekend. Eager to see your results compared to mine.

re: X32 Discussion

I've been playing with my x32 for two days now. I'm very happy so far!

I'm compiling a small list of nitpicks, like compressor ratio has too course steps, yellow selection box is difficult to see, light red on dark red (led emulation) is hard to view, etc....

I'm confused if the remote-usb is enabled or not. In the manual it says that I can use either ethernet or usb for remote. In the documentation for xcontrol only ethernet is mentioned. My computer won't discover any connected device if I try the remote-usb.
re: X32 Discussion

I've been playing with my x32 for two days now. I'm very happy so far!

I'm compiling a small list of nitpicks, like compressor ratio has too course steps, yellow selection box is difficult to see, light red on dark red (led emulation) is hard to view, etc....

I'm confused if the remote-usb is enabled or not. In the manual it says that I can use either ethernet or usb for remote. In the documentation for xcontrol only ethernet is mentioned. My computer won't discover any connected device if I try the remote-usb.

Dear Robert,

This is correct for now. The current version of X Control will only allow Ethernet. The USB connectivity isn't "turned on" yet. This is something we hope is implemented on the next update. Alternately, there is another really neat way to connect. If this is a laptop with Wi-Fi, you can connect the laptop wireless to the X32 using a Wi-Fi router connected to the X32! Then the iPad and the computer can both connect to the X32.

Those are valid nitpicks. I'll admit I have thought to myself that a 3.5 ratio would be nice. Although ratios of 3 or 4 have always worked well in my applications and I have had really great results with the "sound" of the compressor in the X32.

I'm sure you already have done this, but I'll suggest checking the Brightness and Contrast to optimize the scribble strip for your environment. Press SETUP > global tab.

I hope this helps

Chris Painter
Specialist, Product Support
re: X32 Discussion

Dear Robert,

This is correct for now. The current version of X Control will only allow Ethernet. The USB connectivity isn't "turned on" yet. This is something we hope is implemented on the next update. Alternately, there is another really neat way to connect. If this is a laptop with Wi-Fi, you can connect the laptop wireless to the X32 using a Wi-Fi router connected to the X32! Then the iPad and the computer can both connect to the X32.

Those are valid nitpicks. I'll admit I have thought to myself that a 3.5 ratio would be nice. Although ratios of 3 or 4 have always worked well in my applications and I have had really great results with the "sound" of the compressor in the X32.

I'm sure you already have done this, but I'll suggest checking the Brightness and Contrast to optimize the scribble strip for your environment. Press SETUP > global tab.

I hope this helps

Chris Painter
Specialist, Product Support

Tnx Chris!

Ok, I understand. I was hoping to not need the wifi for my tests at this moment.

I'd like to dial in a subtle compression 1:1.8 or even 1:1.2 and like for mastering type of effect. There exist some other parameters that I feel have too course steps. As I said, I take notes while playing with the desk...

I'm having no issues so far with the scribble strips other than it would be nice to have even more colors to chose from.

It's the led emulation in the 'vintage room reverb' I'm havin an issue with. In a normal view position the dark red blends too much with the bright led making it hard to read the actual numbers unless you read the values of the rotary encoders.

FR: I know that dca's aren't mix-buses but it would be very nice if the meters above the dca-faders would show the signal level for the dca's. Now they just sit unused...
re: X32 Discussion

What can we expect on the next generation firmware for the X32 ??? I guess Behringer will unveil it in NAMM 2013 in January, and I will be there... but what insight can we have as to look forward to... like full EQ+Dynamics on all AUX Returns ???

And what about full EQ + Dynamics on DCA's as to not be forced to use a Buss before the DCA ??? (Given the fact we only have 16 buses)

Dear Josh,

I was looking back a few days to see if any good questions slipped between the cracks. I don't see a straight answer which ever addressed your comments.

Our engineers don't like to reveal what they are working on implementing until it's real. With that said, I know I keep hearing rumors of a 1.10 release sometime in the near future. Of course I don't have a list of specifics, but it's just awesome how quick they are to respond to bugs, features, and revisions so quickly!

You're correct, there is EQ but not dynamics on the AUX and USB inputs. The FX returns don't have EQ or dynamics. This is correct, as your unit isn't missing anything. There are a couple work-arounds to suggest that might help depending on the rest of your setup. First, a lot of the built in FX actually have a bit of EQ control within the FX features. This might be enough depending on what you’re trying to accomplish as far as EQ on the FX themselves. Another solution is to route the FX returns to one of the 32 channels, if you're not using them all. On a channel you would then have full EQ and dynamics both.

The real reason why the DCA's cannot have processing, is because technically channels routed to a DCA aren't really being routed through it like a bus.

With a Bus, you're sending multiple channels to that bus which "sums" all those channels together, and puts it through that bus fader as an additional gain stage.
With a DCA, you're assigning multiple channels to that DCA which is only "controlling" those channels, but at the channel. They are not being routed through the DCA or being summed by the DCA like with a bus.

So you see, that is why there cannot be any processing on a DCA.

Hope it helps.

Chris Painter
Specialist, Product Support
re: X32 Discussion

Thanks for your Response Chris, I understand how a DCA work, I just would love to have more busses. As far as the AUX returns, Im not the only one here who thinks EQ on FX is needed, as well as Dynamics on AUX ins, hopefully that can be brought in later firmwares. I dont have any open channels to which to route the FX's, so I'm stuck there, but as I say, I'm confident your techs/engineers will put EQ in FX rets.

Dear Josh,

I was looking back a few days to see if any good questions slipped between the cracks. I don't see a straight answer which ever addressed your comments.

Our engineers don't like to reveal what they are working on implementing until it's real. With that said, I know I keep hearing rumors of a 1.10 release sometime in the near future. Of course I don't have a list of specifics, but it's just awesome how quick they are to respond to bugs, features, and revisions so quickly!

You're correct, there is EQ but not dynamics on the AUX and USB inputs. The FX returns don't have EQ or dynamics. This is correct, as your unit isn't missing anything. There are a couple work-arounds to suggest that might help depending on the rest of your setup. First, a lot of the built in FX actually have a bit of EQ control within the FX features. This might be enough depending on what you’re trying to accomplish as far as EQ on the FX themselves. Another solution is to route the FX returns to one of the 32 channels, if you're not using them all. On a channel you would then have full EQ and dynamics both.

The real reason why the DCA's cannot have processing, is because technically channels routed to a DCA aren't really being routed through it like a bus.

With a Bus, you're sending multiple channels to that bus which "sums" all those channels together, and puts it through that bus fader as an additional gain stage.
With a DCA, you're assigning multiple channels to that DCA which is only "controlling" those channels, but at the channel. They are not being routed through the DCA or being summed by the DCA like with a bus.

So you see, that is why there cannot be any processing on a DCA.

Hope it helps.

Chris Painter
Specialist, Product Support