Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Behringer, consulte as minhas sugestões, eu acredito que cada um é enorme vantagem competitiva para você:

1- permitindo que cada canal para trabalhar com slots para o processamento (como com o daw, onde você escolhe qual o processamento ou em cada slot) e este conceito tudo fx eo portão, compressor, eq para cada canal teria tudo para ser em um local disponível para ser chamado em cada canal ou ônibus.

2- permitir a gravação autônomo diretamente da porta USB do S16 e S32.

3- firmware permitir a conexão x32core unidade (vários cascata) em outras x32 para ampliar DSP de energia (não apenas adicionando o 8FX, mas muito mais, porque temos todo o DSP dedicado ao processamento por canais que serão gratuitos e podem ser dedicados para digitar um número muito maior de fx na mistura).

4- melhorar a estética da fx porque muitos têm interface de resolver.

5- criar uma superfície x32 ou superfície do núcleo, que seria basicamente codificadores e fades LCD e sem as entradas analógicas (ou com apenas 8No e 8outs), talvez mesmo sem o DSP integrado.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Dear All,
As we have just rolled out generation 2.0 firmware for the X32, we are now starting to collect feature requests for 3.0. As mentioned some time ago we are considering adding auto-pitch correction as well as auto-mixing, a technology we are very familiar with. Auto-mixing has already been implemented in some of our commercial audio products, such as our EUROCOM MA6000M.

Not sure if this is already on the wish list; a way to record directly to a USB attached hard drive, that would create a multitrack WAV file. this multitrack WAV file would then available to import directly into DAW software.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Did an auto mix function ever get any traction as an internal function on the X32 consoles?

That's really all I want. We were promised this a long time back. Come on Behringer guys, get it in there before I retire!

Mick Berg
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Behringer, consulte as minhas sugestões, eu acredito que cada um é enorme vantagem competitiva para você:

1- permitindo que cada canal para trabalhar com slots para o processamento (como com o daw, onde você escolhe qual o processamento ou em cada slot) e este conceito tudo fx eo portão, compressor, eq para cada canal teria tudo para ser em um local disponível para ser chamado em cada canal ou ônibus.

2- permitir a gravação autônomo diretamente da porta USB do S16 e S32.

3- firmware permitir a conexão x32core unidade (vários cascata) em outras x32 para ampliar DSP de energia (não apenas adicionando o 8FX, mas muito mais, porque temos todo o DSP dedicado ao processamento por canais que serão gratuitos e podem ser dedicados para digitar um número muito maior de fx na mistura).

4- melhorar a estética da fx porque muitos têm interface de resolver.

5- criar uma superfície x32 ou superfície do núcleo, que seria basicamente codificadores e fades LCD e sem as entradas analógicas (ou com apenas 8No e 8outs), talvez mesmo sem o DSP integrado.


Behringer, see my suggestions, I believe each is enormous competitive advantage for you:

1- allowing each channel to work with slots for processing (as with the daw where you choose which processing or in each slot), and this concept everything fx and gate, compressor, eq for each channel have all to be in a site available to be called on each channel or bus.

2- allow autonomous recording directly from the USB port of the S16 and S32.

3- firmware allow connection x32core unit (several cascade) in other x32 to enlarge power DSP (not just adding 8FX, but much more because we have all the DSP dedicated to processing by channels that are free and can be dedicated to enter a much larger number of fx in the mixture).

4- improve the aesthetics of fx because many have to resolve interface.

5- create an x32 surface or core surface, which would basically encoders and LCD fades and without the analog inputs (or with only 8in and 8outs), perhaps even without the integrated DSP.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I could really use the following feature:

For inputs that are coming from Card, make the gain knob send the value out over MIDI and not do anything else. As it stands, I could probably read out the value over MIDI, but I'd also be adjusting the trim - which I don't want.

Even better would be if we could assign the gain knob to any possible input channel - that way, I could use Waves MultiRack by sending the inputs directly to the card and sending the card inputs to the channels, and still be able to adjust the gain on the inputs (be it Local or AES). Then just add a "dummy" option and I'll really be super happy ;).
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi I have another important request for theater productions, I will switch the snippets by foot switch, for this it must be possible to assign a midi command to the GO button . Pressing the footswitch will send a CC that emulates the GO button . 2. a costum fader layer , activating by a button in the custom assign area. 3 playing mp3. 4. Linkchannels vice versa , not only 1-2 3-4 but also 2-3 4-5. 5. Groups of 8 , ungroup it, so that it is possible to route by single channel not by groups of 8. 6. more symbols in the Stribble Setup, also 2 or 3 other colors. 7. automixing in channels an busses. 8. one time activating GEQ on faders must set enabled , not only for 1 session( turning of desk, will also turn of GEQ on Faders fir the moment). Many thanks :) since now - great job !!! I use 6 of those desks for the moment. I love it :)
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi I have another important request for theater productions, I will switch the snippets by foot switch, for this it must be possible to assign a midi command to the GO button . Pressing the footswitch will send a CC that emulates the GO button . 2. a costum fader layer , activating by a button in the custom assign area. 3 playing mp3. 4. Linkchannels vice versa , not only 1-2 3-4 but also 2-3 4-5. 5. Groups of 8 , ungroup it, so that it is possible to route by single channel not by groups of 8. 6. more symbols in the Stribble Setup, also 2 or 3 other colors. 7. automixing in channels an busses. 8. one time activating GEQ on faders must set enabled , not only for 1 session( turning of desk, will also turn of GEQ on Faders fir the moment). Many thanks :) since now - great job !!! I use 6 of those desks for the moment. I love it :)

Snippets are already MIDI recallable, FYI.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Thats right , but only with the Option program Change , so you can't use a foot Switch that sends only one Control, then you must use a PC with Software that generates the Programm Change code from the Control Change Code of the foot pedal.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

So, there is also a possible solution to fix this on the pedal. Because program changes sounds for me the better midi function as snippets or scenes are the mixers 'programs'.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi. Just finished off a Midas support ticket, apparently this is the official way to suggest features for X32 and M32 series consoles.

X/M32 iPad app suggestion: 'Mix Select' when selecting a mix in sends-on-fader mode. Situation: X32 Rack with an iPad at side of stage for monitor duties (small number of mixes, but a demanding band), engineer has a listen system. Can solo mixes (fine), but if one is listening to mix 1 and a change is requested in mix 3, one must hit six buttons to listen to the mix that one is adjusting send levels for. The 'Solo follows select' option has no effect, as these mixes are not 'selected' when put into sends-on-fader.

Solo bus suggestion: If a band is all on IEMs, the monitor engineer will spend their whole gig with their ears plugged. It would be very useful to either allow the solo bus to be sent to a matrix (to allow mixing of FoH's shout system into the matrix feeding the monitor engineer's listen system). Alternatively, a feature from the PRO series could be implemented - basically, allow injection of an external 'always on' noise source (i.e, FoH shout to mons) into the monitor path.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Not sure if this has been requested before but would it be possible , on X32 producer/compact , to have a fader mode/layer that allows the 16 faders to address inputs ( ie: 2 layers of 16 rather than 4 of 8 ) , and the same for layers of master faders. 16 master bus faders on one layer & DCA + Matrix& main on the other layer.

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Not sure if this has been requested before but would it be possible , on X32 producer/compact , to have a fader mode/layer that allows the 16 faders to address inputs ( ie: 2 layers of 16 rather than 4 of 8 ) , and the same for layers of master faders. 16 master bus faders on one layer & DCA + Matrix& main on the other layer.


It already exists. With any of the V2 or great firmware, push 2 layer select buttons at the same time. The right hand bank of faders will now have the second input layer you selected.

Raul Suarez
Third Ear Sound
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Will it be possible to add to the oscillator a sweep function. ? Would say, you press a button (Start) an the desk creates a Little sweep Sound from 20 to 20.000 Hz to Setup a P.A. Today a lot of Controllers use this sweep other than pink noise to calibrate / Setup the P.A. Thanks
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Here's my laundry list to add to the heap...

1. DCA spill- enabled in settings/config. One press or double tap DCA select button to spill. Press again to unspill. DCAs that contain more than 16 channels should be pageable somehow. How's this: press a DCA select button to spill it. If more than 16 channels exist on that DCA, the DCA bank select button will strobe. Press it to get the next fader page. Press the DCA select button to unspill. Something like that.
2. Double press any input or output to bring that channel up on the "home screen".
3. Custom rotaries and buttons- view/utility/various import export options so I can load the buttons and knobs I like when bellying up to the console during a festival or what have you. Maybe import and export by bank. Also, the console should store the previous custom settings so they can be quickly recalled when I'm done and the next engineer steps up.
4. Global bus pick off on the console. There is a sort of pre-configurator doohickey, but that often doesn't get me where I need to be without going channel by channel and selecting pre or post or whatever the case might be. I don't always have my iPad handy, and I'm sure this has been requested fifty times already.
5. Custom fader bank.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hello please separate the Pan,Fader option in the the snippes . In theater productions it is very important to often change panorama while the fader didn't move! Thanks