Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I would like the TC M3000 verb added (now that Music Group owns TC Electronics) to the effects rack and AFS. I know it won't happen, but MP3 playback with play lists would be good too.

What I want more than anything is for the iPad app to be brought up to speed with the features ALREADY in 2.XX. I am beginning to wonder if I will even get this as a Christmas present from Behringer though :(
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

If hasn't been asked already, I'd love to be able to control my head amps via the surface instead of the menu while using Waves Multirack.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi John,

I love the X32 and its associated AES50 hardware, it's totally amazing.

Hope its not too late to ask, one thing that seems to be missing, but should be really, really easy would be a back up / restore everything option - like the whole console's settings all in one go! - I can't find that anywhere on X32 menus or in the app or PC software. I'd like to know that all the settings for everything are safely backed up, so if I do a factory reset, I can bring the console back exactly as it was before the reset please

Also, I doubt it's possible in software or you would have done it already, but maybe add some level of multitrack recording to the USB recorder, even if it were 4 tracks or 8 tracks it would be welcome. Right now, I'm slaving a hardware recorder off the S16 adats which is fine, but its more to lug around. I see that Cymatic have worked with you on a hardware card option to record 32 channels, which looks very exciting. I guess if the software can't do it, we now have a hardware solution.

Nice to have would be a midi through option to send and receive midi via the ports on the S16 via AES50 back to the consoles physical midi ports so it carries the midi over the aes50 out to the real world on both the console and snake side

Good luck with 3.0, please don't break all the great stuff in 2 :), remember you have a lot of very happy customers already.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I use the X32 for recoring only - I have a couple of pairs of studio monitors plugged into XLR outputs, and I route the L/R outs to Matrixes and then to the outputs.
What I would like is for the solo output destination to be able to be set to L/R (Main fader) - That way - I could use it in the studio :)

Thanks for listening
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi Tim,

Not sure I understand that... I don't want to send solo to other outputs, I want it to 'Take Over' L&R which I have routed to the matrixes in order to choose monitoring options... So... when I press the solo button on the snare drum, the monitors no longer get the L/R signal, but just the Solo signal.

Is that what you're suggesting is possible?


That is possible.

Under the monitor tab, select the box that says something like solo on master. I forget what it says, but its there.

Then you can select 2 outputs to get their feed from "pfl listen L/R"
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Ahh. I see.

That is possible too.

You need to not worry about using matrixes for your L/R though. Just set up your control room outputs correctly.

So, you send your PFL listen buss to the outputs that are hooked up to your speakers. Then under the monitor tab there will be some checkboxes that say what gets played when there is nothing solo'd.

So, when the solo select is off you get the main mix. When you press a solo button you get that solo'd channel.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi Ian,

Nope - Cannot use the main monitor outputs as they have the horrible headphone whine that plagues these desks. Also, I run subwoofers at varying levels (defending on the studio monitors being used - IE nearfields or large) which is automated via snippets (thanks to Paul V!)).. SO I have matrix 1 & 2 with subs, 3 & 4 with one set of monitors, and 5 & 6 with another set - all fed by L/R outputs....So I need 6 outputs for the two sets of monitors.

Thanks anyway for persisting ;-)


Ahh. I see.

That is possible too.

You need to not worry about using matrixes for your L/R though. Just set up your control room outputs correctly.

So, you send your PFL listen buss to the outputs that are hooked up to your speakers. Then under the monitor tab there will be some checkboxes that say what gets played when there is nothing solo'd.

So, when the solo select is off you get the main mix. When you press a solo button you get that solo'd channel.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi Tim,

Hence my request :)


Then, no I don't think you can do what you want.

Btw, I'm not talking about using the headphone outs for anything. You route the PFL bus to the xlr outs. Thats all in the digital domain and comes out of the d/a.

It sounds like you need an external dsp to process your different monitor configs.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

#1 suggestion (in this post)

I keep forgetting to mention this request. I don't think I've seen it suggested but it's moving up my list of wishes.

On the X32 Rack model: A mode where the encoders that are below the screen can be assigned as channel or output faders. I often have little gigs where I only need a handful of channels. Switching between channels from the front panel is far too slow. Imagine the scenario where you are coming back from a break and someone is trying to speak at a mic. Fading the break music down while making their mic live is really difficult without concurrent faders. Additionally, pressing the encoder could perhaps engage mute or some kind of channel selection. You tablet heroes may wonder if the ipad/android app usurps this feature. Perhaps for some. But I often don't want to setup a wifi router (or wired laptop) for these kinds of situations. I can see great usability for this function in installations as well, especially if this mode can be locked in.

#2 suggestion

More sophisticated built-in recorder.
A) I would like to see elapsed time and remaining time displays.
B) An option for mono only recording. (smaller file size among other reasons)
C) A DVR style mode where it is recording constantly if there is a usb stick in the socket. (primarily for avoiding an issue when you forget to start the recorder). I haven't thought this through enough yet so I'm not sure about all the features and interface questions about this mode. But I think there should be some ways to split files or "drop markers".

#3 suggestion

A way to use one X32 as a control surface for another X32. Also, and perhaps this is just part of how this can be implemented, I want a way to tether 2 consoles together for more always available faders. If two consoles could be sort of “mirrored" you could set one of them to one bank of faders and the other console to second bank of faders and essentially make a bigger console. Conversely, this mirrored arrangement would allow 2 people to operate the mixer at the same time. For instance, one sound mixer handles vocal mics (like musical theater) while another handles the band or playback/sound effects. There might even be some use cases where one mixer is located somewhere that it can be accessed by a backup person. Imagine the FOH dude passing out and the tech director or Monitor dude can get some mics live in the house until his understudy can step in. Of course, the I/O in the ghost mixer should be available on the AES50 or Dante network while the twiddles and blinkies work the other console. Essentially, the ghost console is doing the same thing that an iPad would be doing when it’s connected.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

"On the X32 Rack model: A mode where the encoders that are below the screen can be assigned as channel or output faders. I often have little gigs where I only need a handful of channels. Switching between channels from the front panel is far too slow. Imagine the scenario where you are coming back from a break and someone is trying to speak at a mic. Fading the break music down while making their mic live is really difficult without concurrent faders. Additionally, pressing the encoder could perhaps engage mute or some kind of channel selection."

Put the 2nd layer stuff you need quick access to on DCAs.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

It would be great if you could assign a next, prev, and go button to the assignable buttons since the producer doesn't have these buttons.
And a full reset of the console would be great, maybe somebody asked for this already...
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I don't know if it has been mentioned already, but would like to see gain reduction metered next to the other meters, on the iPad app

Sent from my iPhone . Hanno
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

On the X32 Rack model: A mode where the encoders that are below the screen can be assigned as channel or output faders.

This feature has existed since V2.02 firmware.

2.02 (2014-03-11)
new features:
- assignable controls can be accessed on X32RACK by pressing MUTEGRP & UTILITY simultaneously

You can use the middle 4 encoders to control 4 faders of your choosing. It would be improved if the push button assigns would also be controllable but alas, no. At least you can get some faders.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

- assignable controls can be accessed on X32RACK by pressing MUTEGRP & UTILITY simultaneously
You can use the middle 4 encoders to control 4 faders of your choosing. It would be improved if the push button assigns would also be controllable but alas, no. At least you can get some faders.


That could be great to have them on X32R - but how do you get to see them on iPad ???
I just removed my X32-mix and loaded latest version on iPad - still get thet dumb message : "This console does not have any assignable controls"

So what good is it to have it, if you can not use it - my wish for ages now...
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests


Already one year and seven months since the creation of this subjects, tons of requests and suggestions, some realistics and some less.

Is there somewhere a board or something resuming all these ?

Does a team of programmers is already working on V3 ?

Can we expect it in a near future ? Some months ? A year ?

The X32 family is so great, will it evolve more ?

Thanks for any news
