New Midas M32 Console

Re: New Midas M32 Console

my dumb luck, had a wreck on the way. Car is done for but me? not a mark... didn't make it to the dealer but i will go tomorrow that's for sure.
so i took some time to read the x32 book today... How very Pro2. the learning curve for the M-32 should be a breeze. bet i find new things everyday for years to come...
I must admit, its been a LONG time since i got excited about anything. if i dont reply for a few days, im busy twisting and pushing stuff..

so is it coming out 96K ? Sure hope so. !!!

Wrecking your car probably wasn't the best option... I doubt it will be 96K at launch Midas are being so quiet about stuff which is annoying. It would make sense for It to be 96k at launch to put a defining gap between x32 and m32 and the piss off all the x32 fan boys :p (I jest boys don't castrate me)
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Sorry boys but your wrong part of the buy out agreement was a new factory for Midas/ KT so not built in Same factory

Nope, no promise of new factory just investment of $20mil in current factory. The new MG factory was planned before the Midas/KT acquisition.
Hell, they need the new capacity just to keep up with the Behringer stuff.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

No desk guy's. Was informed that a few (10 or less) would be air freighted with-in the next 10 days. No snakes are expected. was also told that there are only 4 that don't have someones name on it... if i want one of the remaining units, i would pay today dang near full retail to guarantee one. sales person is someone i have purchased a LOT of sound from for near 30 years so I know he's not pulling anything on me. so NO snake coming with that shipment ? that makes me wonder about the release of the DL-16. with genuine Midas pre-amps... err insert blank look on face... I'm learning how to wait...
friend of mine purchased an x32. first gig was nice however the desk wouldn't let go of 3 XLR inputs. yep they were STUCK to the snake.. Returned that unit for a swap, got the new one back to his business, plugged it in and the fan sounded like a jet engine ! nothing inside of the blades. clean as can be. he got it replaced and hes done like 20 gigs with no problems. Knock on wood.
there are other story's i'm sure but i'm holding for the m-32. better pre's, future 96k, (i have other DL's) but i am reading the x-32 manual. Like what i read. and yes the 48k will do more channels but my pipe is standard 4 - cat6 to the head.. wish i had gotten a 5 but i got enough. (1 to 24, 25 to 48, ultra to the PM's and a backup redundant)
Re: New Midas M32 Console

No desk guy's. Was informed that a few (10 or less) would be air freighted with-in the next 10 days. No snakes are expected. was also told that there are only 4 that don't have someones name on it... if i want one of the remaining units, i would pay today dang near full retail to guarantee one. sales person is someone i have purchased a LOT of sound from for near 30 years so I know he's not pulling anything on me. )

Did you buy one?
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Nope, no promise of new factory just investment of $20mil in current factory. The new MG factory was planned before the Midas/KT acquisition.
Hell, they need the new capacity just to keep up with the Behringer stuff.

When we acquired Midas, their people made it very clear to me that they would only agree to move manufacturing to China if we would invest in the most sophisticated equipment and they came up with a list that made us spend US$ 20 million last year. We built one of the most high-tech and automated plants in the world with high-precision SMT machines, in-circuit testers, optical inspection systems that automatically check every solder joint and x-ray equipment that can “see” through multilayer boards with fine-pitch and ball-grid parts.

As as quoted from uli new plant built for Midas if you look at music groups pictures and such there is a new plant (factory) built for Midas and klark technic
Re: New Midas M32 Console


When we acquired Midas, their people made it very clear to me that they would only agree to move manufacturing to China if we would invest in the most sophisticated equipment and they came up with a list that made us spend US$ 20 million last year. We built one of the most high-tech and automated plants in the world with high-precision SMT machines, in-circuit testers, optical inspection systems that automatically check every solder joint and x-ray equipment that can “see” through multilayer boards with fine-pitch and ball-grid parts.

As as quoted from uli new plant built for Midas if you look at music groups pictures and such there is a new plant (factory) built for Midas and klark technic

That was just pictures of the upgrades to the current factory they haven't finished building the new factory yet.


The campus will design, build and distribute products for the entire MUSIC Group portfolio, including MIDAS, KLARK TEKNIK, TURBOSOUND, BEHRINGER and BUGERA.

In all fairness some of their press releases have not been to clear on this.
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Re: New Midas M32 Console

Did you buy one?
No, I decided to wait as the sales person said he expected a second shipment to soon follow within a month. Maybe by then the Ver 2.o will be released to include 96K and the need for me NOT to purchase more snake heads. (have 2-DL251's, and 1-DL351's) I have plenty of other Midas desk's to cover the rentals so i'm in no hurry. So instead i purchased a few more speakers! One day soon, i will need to buy a bigger truck and get a larger warehouse. To have started out 30 years ago with two speakers, one amp, a few mic's and an 8 channel desk, to see where i am today is sure fun. all the New Digital toys has convinced me to do this for a few more years. I will own an M-32, just might be as late as September for me. it will be so nice to take a lighter and smaller mixer to the small gigs.
BTW, i know im new here but i wanted to say thanks for allowing me to jump into your gang. i feel very welcomed here...
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Sure got quiet in here ! my supplier hasn't gotten his shipment yet but but expects them by Thursday. i sure hope they will open one for us to put fingers on. took the time and went thru the B manual twice so far. I do feel confidante i could walk up to one and run it. The M is going to put a big hole in my pocket and im sooooo ok with that...
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Mike ... what are your plans for a case for the M32 ... assuming you need one ?

I've also got a deposit on one and will need a case.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Gator makes a nice case for the "B". Nice hard case with attached caster's. I don't like the face end that comes off tho. i would think damage could happen if the desk isn't covered all the way around when the lid is removed. I know for sure i would want a dog house as again the gator has. unless it would make it difficult to see the screen print on the connections. a fold down dog house would be nice for that.. All of this could change depending on the headphone jacks. A square hole cut in the foam bottom to store small items like, desk lamp, power cord, just small needs to keep with the desk... If there are other idea's out there i would sure like to read them here.
But, what can be done with the case to support the surface.? the slope back is 10" tall and that leaves 5" unsupported on the face. so foam pad it? what about the position of the fades ? Make sure there all the way down so they don't get crushed ? (i think about stuff to much!)
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Re: New Midas M32 Console

Gator makes a nice case for the "B". Nice hard case with attached caster's. I don't like the face end that comes off tho. i would think damage could happen if the desk isn't covered all the way around when the lid is removed. I know for sure i would want a dog house as again the gator has. unless it would make it difficult to see the screen print on the connections. a fold down dog house would be nice for that.. All of this could change depending on the headphone jacks. A square hole cut in the foam bottom to store small items like, desk lamp, power cord, just small needs to keep with the desk... If there are other idea's out there i would sure like to read them here.
But, what can be done with the case to support the surface.? the slope back is 10" tall and that leaves 5" unsupported on the face. so foam pad it? what about the position of the fades ? Make sure there all the way down so they don't get crushed ? (i think about stuff to much!)

"Nose cone" cases are pretty much standard any more. They allow access to under-the-bolster things like headphone jacks, keyboard drawers, etc. Also means the operator's wrists and arms don't have to rest of the cases tongue and groove extrusions...

Yes, foam blocking is normally used to prevent movement when the case is in the upright position; typically the nose cone provides blocking on the bolster so the faders don't have to be compressed, and additional blocking is used in the lid to contact the tops of the mixer's side panels. You're over-thinking this unless you're buying the cheapest case you can find.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Sure got quiet in here ! my supplier hasn't gotten his shipment yet but but expects them by Thursday. i sure hope they will open one for us to put fingers on. took the time and went thru the B manual twice so far. I do feel confidante i could walk up to one and run it. The M is going to put a big hole in my pocket and im sooooo ok with that...

Would be be interested if yours does come because I've now been told august delivery.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Would be be interested if yours does come because I've now been told august delivery.
What I heard last week is that they are currently in production, the first wave will hopefully arrive end of August or so. From then until Feb or so, limited availability. After that, should be able to order and have stock available.

Typed on a virtual keyboard.