New Midas M32 Console

Re: New Midas M32 Console

Dealer still says a special Air Freight shipment of 5 is being shipped to them. He is still not sure when they will arrive. He claims to have 3 sold.
My problem is, I have out grown the trailer i use to transport. I have a few gigs from now till November that would require using the M-32. (I have a pro-2 that is to much for some of these gig's) Do i rethink the M-32 until February when the season starts again? buy the larger trailer now? Removing the Pro-2 from the trailer would not give me the needed room. I'm not short the cash in the bank to do both but i would like to keep what i can in-case of un-foreseen problems.
I also feel the DL-16 wont ship at the same time. Just my gut feeling. I would not put a "B" 16 on a Midas and my largest snake is only 24. I'm spoiled on the Cat-5 runs.

someone please make me feel better...! (insert grin here) Happy 4th everyone. No offence intended Sam...

Well ill ive just been told September is the first full shipment to uk it's looking like!!! There are a few coming in this month which will be the demo stock for dealers... Highly annoying
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Well having the flexability to use both the X32 and M32 system components with each other is going to be a fantastic option shortly when the M32 and DL16 are readily available. Especially when you can use the DL16 stage box with the X32 to get the M32 preamps with the surface that you may already own. It will be fun to see what everyone comes up with.
:lol::lol::lol:M32 Preamps:D~:-D~:grin::D~:-D~:grin::D~:-D~:grin: haha
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Well ill ive just been told September is the first full shipment to uk it's looking like!!! There are a few coming in this month which will be the demo stock for dealers... Highly annoying

And out of interest who are the dealers in the uk? - find it difficult to find more than one who does not even quote a price
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Getting my hands on a demo with DL16's would help me make my mind up quick!

Behringer is still trying to figure out how to inject the "secret sauce" into the pre amps... because as we all know, the be-all, end-all holy grail of audio - the only damn thing that matters in the whole universe of live sound - is the freaking preamp.

I defer to John Roberts evaluation of console preamp design - that its a mature subject and making neutral, low distortion preamps isn't difficult. What is difficult is determining how much secret sauce, voodoo, innuendo and conjecture to put inside the box.

Are there differences in circuits and implementation? Sure, but when operated within their linear dynamic and frequency bandwidth the should sound the same. Where things get noticeably different are at the extremes of operation.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Clearly we've fed the trollz....^^^

You people just believe everything without question. DL 16 has different preamps then the S16. That why it works with x32 and m32. m32 has xl4 preamps and xl8 preamps.X32 has Midas Preamps and all of them have Faders that are one million times better then P&G. And all that for a quarter of the money because they have their own m32 factory which is in a better audio world.

konfuzius says; 'If its too good to be true it possibly isn't true!' Oh someone who is sceptical is a troll. I forgot.
New Midas M32 Console

You are assuming that it's all a lie in the same way that you are alleging I'm saying it's all true (which I'm not). Skepticism is one thing - but you're calling things surefire lies without substantial evidence. PS - Interjecting speculation via emoji is definitely trolling, which I'm now feeding. Darn...
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Re: New Midas M32 Console

Dirk in a previous post you said you will leave forum. Why don't you keep promise?? No need for negative people here...
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Behringer is still trying to figure out how to inject the "secret sauce" into the pre amps... because as we all know, the be-all, end-all holy grail of audio - the only damn thing that matters in the whole universe of live sound - is the freaking preamp.

I defer to John Roberts evaluation of console preamp design - that its a mature subject and making neutral, low distortion preamps isn't difficult. What is difficult is determining how much secret sauce, voodoo, innuendo and conjecture to put inside the box.

Are there differences in circuits and implementation? Sure, but when operated within their linear dynamic and frequency bandwidth the should sound the same. Where things get noticeably different are at the extremes of operation.

So I think you are missing the point of all this we aren't just talking about pre amps. There will be a sonic difference between the M32 and X32. We are not just excited about that we are generally excited about a console that we have purchased that we feel will boost our business and sit well in the market for us.
There are way to many people on here going oh it's just an X32 in a new box. Yes in certain ways it is but in other ways there is a few major difference (96k operations in future, Midas faders, Midas XL4 preamps, pro series i/o section). Yes the software is the same but actually if you have played with the X32 software it's actually very good... My main hope at the minute is that the XLR connectors on the back of the desk are neutrix. As I say we are not just going on marketing and getting excited by that we are excited about a purchase that is going to boost our businesses.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

ALL MG Products will now be using Neutrik/REAN connectors where possible. That's Behringer as well.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Daniel, that's great to know. I would hate to cut the end off a snake fan (or unscrew the cap and pull it out) due to the desk not releasing the XLR as many of my "B" friends have had to do.
I am saying that the DL16, having the Pre's that it will, is what will help me wait until they are available. (I'll just drag out my copper 32 if the money burns a hole in my pocket) (grin)
Unless I'm not reading things right, the M32 and the DL16 have all the better PRO series parts. It doesn't matter the core is X-32. As stable as I have read and heard from owners and forums, I'm sure the desk will be reliable as the Midas name. (future 96K !)
I mean not to sound like a "B" bash-er. I mean no disrespect to the product, its not a product i care to own. I was close to purchasing the x-32 last summer but I held out and saved enough to get a Pro-2. Now I'm ready for a lighter and smaller desk on the smaller jobs. The M-32/DL16 fits all the requirements. The fact it's branded "Midas" has everything to do with it as well. It could be built in the "B's" bathroom, I don't care.
Thanks to all that allow me to voice my opinion here...
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Re: New Midas M32 Console

So I think you are missing the point of all this we aren't just talking about pre amps. There will be a sonic difference between the M32 and X32. We are not just excited about that we are generally excited about a console that we have purchased that we feel will boost our business and sit well in the market for us.
There are way to many people on here going oh it's just an X32 in a new box. Yes in certain ways it is but in other ways there is a few major difference (96k operations in future, Midas faders, Midas XL4 preamps, pro series i/o section). Yes the software is the same but actually if you have played with the X32 software it's actually very good... My main hope at the minute is that the XLR connectors on the back of the desk are neutrix. As I say we are not just going on marketing and getting excited by that we are excited about a purchase that is going to boost our businesses.

Well, I didn't address the other issues, but since you insist:

96k is voodoo bullshit in LIVE audio. If you're recording for potential public release, you MIGHT hear a difference at the studio/mastering stage. IMNSHO by the time it arrives in the public's ears, any differences will be moot. From a live sonic standpoint, I'll wager that 99% of audio engineers could not correctly & consistently identify 48/96 mixing in situ in live audio circumstances. There are blind studies of this in controlled listening environments and the successful identification there was <15%. These were "golden ears" folks listening on gear that is specifically designed for critical listening, not PA for the masses.

The only advantages I can see to the M32 are direct connectability to the K-T world of signal distribution and more robust faders. The nicer design of the desk itself is also welcome... but in the end, it's still an X32 in Midas drag (and drag is VERY British ;) ). If there is some sonic difference, it's a DIFFERENCE (and therefore a MARKETING "feature")... but to claim that a difference makes for sonic superiority, in and of itself, is disingenuous and intellectually dishonest. You can like, prefer, and exclusively use this difference if you like, but it's no more superior than anything else.

Or if it helps the ridiculously strong placebo effect here, consider the X32 to a crippled M32 in Behringer drag....