New Midas M32 Console

Re: New Midas M32 Console

More or less what I've been told

Another message from Midas my end desks will aparently will be shipping soon but will take a few weeks to get to places. I had a message today saying this by the sound of it it still hasn't started shippig from China which means I'll be very suprised if companies are seeing them in stock I'm being told August delivery now which is annoying as this means that any work over summer season has been lost :-( hopefully ill get it on a bunch of corporate work over the winter.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Another message from Midas my end desks will aparently will be shipping soon but will take a few weeks to get to places. I had a message today saying this by the sound of it it still hasn't started shippig from China which means I'll be very suprised if companies are seeing them in stock I'm being told August delivery now which is annoying as this means that any work over summer season has been lost :-( hopefully ill get it on a bunch of corporate work over the winter.

Punctuation helps make your message much more meaningful. Run on sentences are hard to read.

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Sorry boys but your wrong part of the buy out agreement was a new factory for Midas/ KT so not built in Same factory

I believe you are incorrect.
Marketing about the X32 stated that it was built in the same location as the PRO series consoles.
Given that M32 is built on the X32 platform, why would they manufacture it in a separate factory? They just upgraded their infrastructure (prior to the X32) for the Midas acquisition.

Also, why do you think that this is an important issue? The reliability track record for the X32 has been very good so far (consider the number sold!), so we should expect the M32 to be similar from that perspective. No reason for concern IMO.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

I feel your pain Sam. I have three gigs in august that require 30 channels. I'm still thinking September. Wish that special air freight deal would have happened this week. My July 4th gig is requiring me to load up my Pro-2... The M would have been so much easier for me... At least i'm on a Midas !
Anyone seen anything about the DL-16 ? That got quiet everywhere.
take a look at this.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Yup looks exactly like my X32 case all 100lbs of it. Height difference is 2" which they have in the case. I would like to know if the DL-16 or the DL153 will survive. With a X32 core and a DL-16 it's a nice low $ entry into Midas. The DL153 was supposed to get SW mods to handle 48 Hz according to Uli.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Yup looks exactly like my X32 case all 100lbs of it. Height difference is 2" which they have in the case. I would like to know if the DL-16 or the DL153 will survive. With a X32 core and a DL-16 it's a nice low $ entry into Midas. The DL153 was supposed to get SW mods to handle 48 Hz according to Uli.
DL16 and DL153 are close enough in cost, I'd rather get the full deal 153. The only temporary drawback is that it doesn't do 48k yet.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Robert, my guess is going to be retail around 850-900 as is the SB-16. 153 would be the better choice imo. But then thinking of future SW, the M-32 updated to 96k. Im feeling sure if that happens, the DL-16 would update as well... Thus would talk to the Pro-? with out the Aes-50 bridge... and used as a monitor desk with the Pro series ... (wish in one hand?)
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Robert, my guess is going to be retail around 850-900 as is the SB-16. 153 would be the better choice imo. But then thinking of future SW, the M-32 updated to 96k. Im feeling sure if that happens, the DL-16 would update as well... Thus would talk to the Pro-? with out the Aes-50 bridge... and used as a monitor desk with the Pro series ... (wish in one hand?)
From memory, DL 16 is only around $250 or so less than a DL153.

The intention was X32/S16, M32/DL16, Pro/DL15x or DL25x. In reality, DL251 with any surface works, or in near future DL153 with any surface. The S16 fits the 'cheap' niche, the DL153 or 251 fit the rest, the DL16 is the odd one out.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Just thought I'd let Midas know that I would be interested in a M32 compact & a couple of DL16's if they are short of things to do in the near future!
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Most excellent ... thanks, Evan.

Like others, I'm excited about the arrival of the new Midas M32. I already have one ordered.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Most excellent ... thanks, Evan.

Like others, I'm excited about the arrival of the new Midas M32. I already have one ordered.

Well having the flexability to use both the X32 and M32 system components with each other is going to be a fantastic option shortly when the M32 and DL16 are readily available. Especially when you can use the DL16 stage box with the X32 to get the M32 preamps with the surface that you may already own. It will be fun to see what everyone comes up with.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Dealer still says a special Air Freight shipment of 5 is being shipped to them. He is still not sure when they will arrive. He claims to have 3 sold.
My problem is, I have out grown the trailer i use to transport. I have a few gigs from now till November that would require using the M-32. (I have a pro-2 that is to much for some of these gig's) Do i rethink the M-32 until February when the season starts again? buy the larger trailer now? Removing the Pro-2 from the trailer would not give me the needed room. I'm not short the cash in the bank to do both but i would like to keep what i can in-case of un-foreseen problems.
I also feel the DL-16 wont ship at the same time. Just my gut feeling. I would not put a "B" 16 on a Midas and my largest snake is only 24. I'm spoiled on the Cat-5 runs.

someone please make me feel better...! (insert grin here) Happy 4th everyone. No offence intended Sam...