Re: M32 For STUDIO use
Hey folks.
I am a new memeber, so forgive me for breaking any strict protocols ;-)
Has anyone been using multirack/logic/Cubase hosting plugins from inserts on the Midas M32?
Just putting it out there, as I am currently experimenting with different configs. I have only been using the USB card thus far and was interested to hear if anyone had installed the Dante card and used their virtual soundcard for this process?
I am of course talking for live use and latency factors.
FWIW, Here is my experience using Waves Multirack. I use Waves Multirack with an X32 via the Firewire interface. That's because earlier X32's came with a USB/Firewire combo card. Anyway, I measured round-trip latency running Waves Multirack with "0" latency plugins on a MacBook Pro Retina i7 with 16gb ram at
8.57ms with a 64 sample buffer. The same setup on a Lenovo W520 running Win7, i7, 8gb ram yielded a latency of
15.83ms with a 192 sample buffer. I used the lowest buffer size that resulted in an artifact free output. The take away here is that the hardware you run your plugins on makes a significant impact on performance.
I have also tried Waves Multirack with a Dante card in the X32 via DVS on the MacBook Pro. I did not measure the latency but did not notice any improvement in latency with IEM's. With that said, I view Firewire/USB and Dante as having too much latency for IEM's. However, I've not had a complaint with wedges. I have also run Waves Multirack and ProTools (for live recording) on the same MacBook Pro via Dante without incident. If you do this, do not return your DAW channels on the Dante path. If you do, they will combine with the output from Multirack and not be synchronized. They will be out of phase by some degree.
In a nutshell:
I wouldn't buy a Dante card just to run plugins. The USB card works just as well.
*If you are running IEM's from FOH, consider getting an X32 Rack or the like as a dedicated monitor console. I would just use the AES50 out of the FOH console or vice-versa.
If you want a low-latency solution, RPM Dynamics has an interface that has very low latency.
Otherwise, perhaps some combination of a DN9650 network bridge, interface card, and a Waves Soundgrid Server may work. However, it would most likely be expensive and you would have to research the details.