X32 Discussion

Re: iPad and WiFi

x2 !!

Any date on a full function Xicontrol? I still can't get my iPad to stay connected but if I did the app still doesn't do the things I need. I think this is a big priority for corporate and wedding work. I can't mix with our access to EQ and fx settings.
Re: X32 discussion

Looking at the KT DN9650, this would give you an external Word Clock which would be a cool option for studios.

External world clocks aren't just useful for studios! It would be great to see external clock as a feature on more than one of the hopefully pending add-in cards.
Re: iPad and WiFi

Any date on a full function Xicontrol? I still can't get my iPad to stay connected but if I did the app still doesn't do the things I need. I think this is a big priority for corporate and wedding work. I can't mix without access to EQ and fx settings.

As far as staying connected, I've found on Yamaha consoles, if you have WEP enabled on your router, the console will lose connection. This is because WEP adds some latency during the encryption process which can disrupt the connection. The Presonus software suffers from the same issue, but not quite as bad as the Yamaha after their latest updates. If you're having connection issues, I'd try disabling that first. Of course, that means creating an open WIFI network, so you'll want to do other things to protect against people connecting randomly, such as hiding the network, etc.
Confirming the straight-thru patch

I asked this on PSW a few months ago, but because the X32 was so new and the S-16's weren't really around no one really had a definite answer, I'm hoping now that there's more out there someone has had experience doing this or can give it a test run...

The opinions about keeping your processor in your amp racks notwithstanding, it looked like from John D's post that it is possible to route a group of inputs directly to a group of outputs, in my case (and it looked like some others would use this too) I would like to take the outputs from the system processor in a booth (install environment) to a set of local inputs on the X32 (we'll say 25-32, as in my attachment of the Xcontrol I was playing with a while back) straight to a set of outputs on an S-16 for amps at the stage. Would this eat up the "maximum" number of channels that can be routed within the system? Any other concerns or issues with doing this?

I look forward to working with this system once my employer's 2013 budget goes into effect and we can get one. I just hope by that time the extra security lockouts (locking out certain levels of control while keeping the faders and such active) are implemented into the firmware.


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Re: iPad and WiFi

I guess I must be one of the lucky ones. I used a Netgear 834G... one of the really old V1 units. Now I've got the latest version of Xi COntrol, V1.1.1, it never drops out, never locks up and works fine. Obvioulsy be nice to have more functionality and I'm sure that will come. I turned DHCP off, set the router to with the usual netmask of and a gateway of I set the desk to with the usual netmask. Then set XiControl to I should also point out this network and router are just used for this purpose and nothing else. The router is not connect to a WAN/ISDN/modem/Broadband.
Re: Confirming the straight-thru patch

I asked this on PSW a few months ago, but because the X32 was so new and the S-16's weren't really around no one really had a definite answer, I'm hoping now that there's more out there someone has had experience doing this or can give it a test run...

Difficult to do a test run without the S16, and they are still extremely scarce.
I'll give your patching a test if I can trick the X32 into communicating with itself.

EDIT: It worked fine, first setting the channel gain with normal routing on channel 25, then switching input routing to AES50a9-16 and also patching to aes50 B, so it would loop back and give sound on channel 17 to confirm it was working.
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Re: Confirming the straight-thru patch


I just cannot seem to get the Airport Express working with an iPad, after reading what people say and the Behringer Youtube video still not getting a result.

I've got images of the X32 and the iPad screens for someone to see if everything is correct.

Any help would be great.



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Re: Confirming the straight-thru patch

Craig, I might be able to help. In the second picture it is showing an IP address of - That should be in the same range as the rest of the set-up 10.X.X.X not 169.X.X.X - Change that to and it should work.

So the Airport should be - the iPad should be static not DHCP - and the computer should be 10.0.1.X (anything but .1 or .2 )
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Re: Confirming the straight-thru patch

Craig, I might be able to help. In the second picture it is showing an IP address of - That should be in the same range as the rest of the set-up 10.X.X.X not 169.X.X.X - Change that to and it should work.

So the Airport should be - the iPad should be static not DHCP - and the computer should be 10.0.1.X (anything but .1 or .2 )

...anything but .1 or .2 and not higher .255 !!!

Re: X32 Discussion

Dear all,

I am very excited to announce that we will soon release firmware 1.10 which includes a new De-Esser "Plug In" as well as many other cool features.

Also a new iPhone app is just around the corner.

You may guess what it is...

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X32 vs X32C


quick look at Behringer site reveals difference in pictures - no card with FiWi and USB

In the description is possible explanation:

The Future is Here—Now!

System expansion and connectivity capabilities are provided via an integrated card slot, which allows you to add up to 32 channels of digital audio I/O by way of IEEE1394 FireWire, ADAT TOSLINK or USB. It will even support standalone 16-channel uncompressed multi-track recording to an attached USB drive—without requiring a computer!
Re: X32 Discussion

Still waiting for the Android app.

There have been contradictory accounts as to the creation of the Android app. One post said the had assigned one engineer to it, but another post said that work hadn't started on an android app yet.

See post 1096 http://soundforums.net/junior-varsity/4393-x32-discussion-55.html#post35713


Any official answer?

If it isn't a priority then would Behringer consider licencing the graphical elements so those of us who can write android apps can at least make something that looks as good as xicontrol?

I'm writing this from a Google nexus 7 which would be an excellent controller!

Thanks, alan
X32 - Cassandra Wilson

Hi Guys,

I wanted to share a few pictures from engineer James Griffin.

James provided sound for a show in Jackson, Mississippi for the multi Grammy award winning Jazz singer Cassandra Wilson.
Cassandra Wilson | Ojah Media Group

Cassandra is opening a new venu called the Yellow Scarf.

Cassandra Wilson 1.jpgCassandra Wilson 2.jpg

On the US West Coast an X32 was used by ZZ Ward.
ZZ Ward
ZZ Ward is signed to Hollywood Records a Disney label.
She performed on the Jay Leno Show last week as well.
ZZ Ward's engineer Paul Wells thought the the X32 performed great for them and is looking to add one on up coming tours.

Joe Sanborn
Manager, Channel Marketing
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