X32 Discussion

Firmware Update?

I just noticed that the firmware in this brand new X32 I just got is version 1.04. Are there a lot of major changes between 1.04 and 1.09?
Since it isn't my console, and I believe 1.10 is about to come out, is it worth upgrading?

BTW apart from my console-locking snafu, everything is going very well. It all seems to work very nicely and the sound is very good. One thing I don't like is having to switch the dual graphic EQ's with the layer buttons to get to the one you want. This is especially inconvenient when used with the user-defined buttons.

Also, I heard a bit of the high-pitched sound in the headphones that others complained of. Is there a fix for this? I guess that since the console has 1.04 firmware, it may be quite old, relatively speaking.

Mick Berg.
Re: Firmware Update?

I just noticed that the firmware in this brand new X32 I just got is version 1.04. Are there a lot of major changes between 1.04 and 1.09?
Since it isn't my console, and I believe 1.10 is about to come out, is it worth upgrading?

Mine shipped with 1.02, upgrading to 1.09 was the first thing I did before i even lifted a fader. Looking at the release history, I would definitely recommend doing it.
Re: Firmware Update?

How about taking the time out and going through some of the past threads and also checking out you tube as well as the webinars that are out instead of expecting to be spoon fed. That is what a lot of us here did, and it's free. I learned more about this board because of this thread and you tube because I took the time and researched before I purchased and not pissing folks here asking for answers "ASAP" .
Re: X32 Discussion

Been following the forums for a while deciding on wether or not to take the plunge and buy an X32. After reading all the informative posts for the last month, I just ordered my board yesterday and hope to have it the first of next week. Another sound engineer I work with also ordered one, and we were wondering if there would be a way we could pump a multitrack signal ( Nine Inch Nails garageband download for example) from a mac or pc DAW so we can basically get used to using the board before we use it in a live environment? Any thoughts or examples would be greatly appreciated! Im really looking forward to tearing into this board!


Yes of cause- just connect your DAW to the USB-FIWI card (I use Studio One v2 on a pc laptop- make sure you have installed the correct XUF drivers)
The first thing i mixed on this board was a Marvin Gaye song multitrack :p
Re: Fader Jumping problem

I wonder if , if you had unlinked the two matrix channels, it would have stopped the problem. First thing to try if anyone has this happen to them again..

We managed to replicate this issue back in our warehouse yesterday and it's definitely to do with the faders being linked. If you unlink the faders they stop moving.

We had a pair of stereo matrices (1&2, 3&4) and a pair of stereo auxes (Bus 1&2, 3&4) and the faders move on layers 2 & 4, but not on layers 1 & 3 as the DCA's aren't linked and neither were buses 9&10 or 11&12

More reason not to link faders and mutes...
Re: Firmware Update?

How about taking the time out and going through some of the past threads and also checking out you tube as well as the webinars that are out instead of expecting to be spoon fed. That is what a lot of us here did, and it's free. I learned more about this board because of this thread and you tube because I took the time and researched before I purchased and not pissing folks here asking for answers "ASAP" .

Mark, my man, I hear your frustration, but go easy. A brother was in need of some help. I can relate to Mick's predicament. I'd be freaking out too if I had just gotten a new board and couldn't get it out of locked mode, and couldn't find out anything about it in the manual. You make a valid point that it is good to gather as much info as possible before a purchase - and there certainly is a lot of it out there with the x32. Very cool all the webinars Behringer has had so far, not to mention all the other videos on youtube by non Behringer people. I just started researching digital mixers last week, so it is a bit overwhelming seeing all the info there is out there, and trying to think of every situation that might come up at a gig and how each board might deal with it. But as you point out, all the info is free, and how cool is that? And how cool is it that there is this forum where if someone is in a pinch and needs some help, they can get it here?
Re: Does X32 produce uninterrupted audio during a reboot?

....</trim>:)~:)~:smile:. ..but i will say that the desk doesn't pass audio on standard boot up. and when the console boots up it automatically takes the stereo and mono master faders to zero. don't know if that's changeable in the preferences, but that's the default behavior. so that'd certainly cause a loss of audio on boot up regardless of any other issues.

If you uncheck "Safe Main Levels" in the main setup screen it ought to pass audio on startup. I've not tried it and my X32 is packed ready to go to a venue at the mo.
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Re: live reports

Thanks for the live reports guys. Please keep doing it. It's good to see more of those other than Christian's. :)

Hi guys,

two X32 successfully used for FOH/Mon consoles last weekend

Absolutely no problems on the X32 side, I did monitors, 8 mixes for a mid sized Salsa band, 27 inputs

The new task for me was the reponsibility for all gains in combination with the very nature of a Salsa band soundcheck :)~:)~:smile: , me speaking no Spanish and the musicians and their BE speaking only Spanish didnt help to introduce any order into the soundcheck.

Another challenge was the 99dB LaEQ limit, which is impossible to do with this kind of music, so I ended with giving the musicians less power than they would have liked on stage, I even compressed some monitor sends to make life easier for FOH.

Their BE took at least ten photos of the board as I was told by our babysitter and was able to operate the desk despite the language barrier, says alot about the work flow on the X32 IMO.

One slight drawback:
I used the "Master fader as Solo Master option" and discovered that this fader rules the headphone and the monitor out, means if you are using HP and listen wedge, you have to work on the dedicated pots to switch one of them off.
On the LS9 I can have the fader controling the wedge and the HP is controled by the dedicated knob.

Because I did exactly the same band some time ago on the LS9, I can say for me: the overall work flow on monitor duty is much nicer on the X32

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Re: Does X32 produce uninterrupted audio during a reboot?

If you uncheck "Safe Main Levels" in the main setup screen it ought to pass audio on startup. I've not tried it and my X32 is packed ready to go to a venue at the mo.

thanks. I'll try that. This behavior did kinda bug me as I am trying to train my church volunteers to leave the masters alone once they are set. Hard to do that when they have to reset the levels every time they turn on the desk.
Re: Firmware Update?

How about taking the time out and going through some of the past threads and also checking out you tube as well as the webinars that are out instead of expecting to be spoon fed. That is what a lot of us here did, and it's free. I learned more about this board because of this thread and you tube because I took the time and researched before I purchased and not pissing folks here asking for answers "ASAP" .

Jeez............................what side of the bed did you get out of today! I don't like watching youtubes of eighteen-year-old-would-be-sound-engineers who do it just so they can see themselves on youtube, and record their audio at -70db.

Anyway, I thought I was justified in asking for this info as soon as possible because I have limited time with the console and I'm not learning much while it is locked. I searched for "lock" and didn't get a valuable result.

I often ask questions on forums because they often lead to lively discussions and other people can share the information.

A Behringer rep got back to me with a PM in five minutes and was polite and respectful and was glad to be of service.

Thanks and happy Thanksgiving.................:)~:)~:smile:

Mick Berg.
Re: Firmware Update?

Jeez............................what side of the bed did you get out of today! I don't like watching youtubes of eighteen-year-old-would-be-sound-engineers who do it just so they can see themselves on youtube, and record their audio at -70db.

Anyway, I thought I was justified in asking for this info as soon as possible because I have limited time with the console and I'm not learning much while it is locked. I searched for "lock" and didn't get a valuable result.

I often ask questions on forums because they often lead to lively discussions and other people can share the information.

A Behringer rep got back to me with a PM in five minutes and was polite and respectful and was glad to be of service.

Thanks and happy Thanksgiving.................:)~:)~:smile:

Mick Berg.

Part of the problem is that the quick start guide has some info that's not in the regular manual. From page 18 of the QSG:

"NOTE: The X32 can be locked against unintended use by activating 'Lock Console' from the Setup/Global page. In this state the UI will not allow any changes to be made and the display shows “X”. Keep HOME depressed for about 5s to unlock the X32."
Re: Firmware Update?

Part of the problem is that the quick start guide has some info that's not in the regular manual. From page 18 of the QSG:

"NOTE: The X32 can be locked against unintended use by activating 'Lock Console' from the Setup/Global page. In this state the UI will not allow any changes to be made and the display shows “X”. Keep HOME depressed for about 5s to unlock the X32."

Big thanks for pointing that out! I was getting ready to take another crack at the manual, but looks like the QSG would be a worthwhile read as well, and a good place to start.
Re: Firmware Update?

Part of the problem is that the quick start guide has some info that's not in the regular manual. From page 18 of the QSG:

"NOTE: The X32 can be locked against unintended use by activating 'Lock Console' from the Setup/Global page. In this state the UI will not allow any changes to be made and the display shows “X”. Keep HOME depressed for about 5s to unlock the X32."

H'mmm, that's embarrassing!:blush: I thought I didn't need to read a lowly quick start guide. I will make a point of reading every page!

Mick Berg.
Re: Does X32 produce uninterrupted audio during a reboot?

I'm bumping this post as I never got a reply to it. Has anyone ever rebooted the console during a show, or had it crash during a show, and did the console continue to produce audio in its last state throughout the reboot?

As I've said before, I will have an X32 to play with in a couple of days, and I will be able to answer my own question.

Mick Berg.

I might have to try this tonight and see what happens. I believe I read in the manual that the mains get muted during boot so as to prevent any burps during the boot-up, but was *thinking* it said this was a configuration option.

I would believe that even were this not the case with muting the outputs on startup, it would be impossible for the audio to continue through a power-failure/reboot as it is all in the digital domain. The reason this happens with analog outboard equipment is there are bypass relays in place which will tie a set of inputs and outputs together in the event of power failure. Being that the first and last things encountered within the X32 are A/D and D/A converters, the software would need to be fully in control of these converters and the routing of the audio from an input to an output, nothing is hard-wired via relay when turned off. I presume that in the process of booting the console it would be unable to fully control the routing and such until fully booted, just as any computer needs time to finish loading its operating system before it can begin other tasks.

If this is not what you were asking or was already evident then I apologize.
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Re: Firmware Update?

Mark, my man, I hear your frustration, but go easy. A brother was in need of some help. I can relate to Mick's predicament. I'd be freaking out too if I had just gotten a new board and couldn't get it out of locked mode, and couldn't find out anything about it in the manual. You make a valid point that it is good to gather as much info as possible before a purchase - and there certainly is a lot of it out there with the x32. Very cool all the webinars Behringer has had so far, not to mention all the other videos on youtube by non Behringer people. I just started researching digital mixers last week, so it is a bit overwhelming seeing all the info there is out there, and trying to think of every situation that might come up at a gig and how each board might deal with it. But as you point out, all the info is free, and how cool is that? And how cool is it that there is this forum where if someone is in a pinch and needs some help, they can get it here?

I agree Bill, we are all on a learning curve at different levels. I'm sure Mark Philips will agree that Forums are for a fraternity to give a friendly helping hand to others. Keep good vibes around the X32
Peace and Love
Re: Firmware Update?

maybe export the show to USB first, just in case? (Scene View button -> Utility button -> 'Export show')

People don't routinely back up their configurations? Heck I don't have an x32 yet, just playing around with xControl, but I'm keeping version histories in case I change something in a bad way but don't notice right way so I can revert. It's the biggest advantage of a digital desk! I'm considering setting up one of the many version control systems out there (or may just punt and use SharePoint that's loaded on our small business server by default) to help keep things organized - and we don't even have that complicated of a sound setup...