Yes - because just like speaking louder to people who don't speak the same language you do improves their comprehension of what you are trying to communicate, staring at a problem for an infinite amount of time will always solve it
That's a bit harsh and not very welcoming. How about not assuming everyone has decades of experience and that things that are obvious to you are obvious to everyone else?
How's this for a request - if you think a question is dumb, obvious or just not "worth it" stifle that desire to chime in and let it go. I've never understood this about forums - people who feel compelled to point out questions are silly, inane or can be solved by "just searching for it". Thanks for the blinding flash of the obvious!
So to Mick or anyone else who might be reading this thread and might be put off by responses like Shane's - please just ignore them. If you have a question and you feel it should be embarrassingly simple but just aren't getting it - ask it anyway! There is no such thing as a stupid question. There might be annoying questions if you are a serial asker of things that might be found in the manual - and you might get ignored on the 10th such question - but even both of Mick's questions really aren't that dumb because when you first start out neither of them are explicitly spelled out in the manual. That may sound silly to the "seasoned pros", but remember with the price point of this desk there are going to be lots of casual and non-pro users. For many this may be their first digital desk. And while the USB slots are "clearly labeled" - if the labels dont' have meaning since you are new to a TON of terminology and trying to absorb it all, that "clear label" may not be all that clear.
Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything either :blush: And you probably experienced the same thing when you were first learning - you just don't remember.
If a question just rubs you the wrong way or you think it's obvious and if you don't feel compelled to answer or provide otherwise constructive commentary, please just ignore it. The question will take care of itself - guarnateed!