X32 Discussion

Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Mateusz Ciesiółka;46024 said:
Feature added. Now you can choose if you want or not FX return on the input list.

Hi Mateusz, We all really appreciate your great work! I just wanted to let you know, that the weblink doesnt work here...

Re: X32 Firmware 2.0

Dear all,

IPad app version 2.0.1 has just been uploaded on the app store waiting Apple's approval. Many of the reported bugs have already been fixed.

Just to manage expectations, we never promised a 2.0 for Namm but possibly for later this year. Please make sure you share your feature requests on our Behringer forum.

The countdown for the Namm show has started and we are looking forward to seeing you there.

Warm regards

Can you spill the beans on if there are some new/enhanced features that may be worked into the v1.x branch or if we are pretty much set at the moment?

XiControl V2.0 and WiFI Connection - Problem but only on V2.0

Can I just ask Behringer if there has been ANY change in the WIFI connection section of the XiControl software code between V1.2 and V2.0? On the iPad when using V1.2 the connection to the desk was rock solid, never dropped out, not once. I've now loaded the new iPad app, V2.0, this dropped out about 5 times over a 2 hour period (I'm using the X32 in a fixed location). The iPad itself was not losing connection to the router, the iPad wifi icon remained with at least three bars, but the XiControl app wifi icon was going red and the meters stopped moving, the app then attempted automatic reconnection and was always successful.

Is anybody experiencing this issue? The Wireless Network is not used by anything other than the X32 and the iPad. The Router is a Netgear 834G which is old but reliable.

The new V2.0 app is just fantastic..... used it Sunday twice and other than the wifi dropout issue it is incredible.

Re: XiQ app

I fully agree with some previous post, that MAster Fader for the MIX BUSSES would be great,
and also level meter, to avoid OL on the busses...

Back in the days of analog you didn't have this feature.
And yes lots of people were overloading busses, even to a level they did like it. :)
Because most analog mix busses have a nicer clip as the mic inputs. (No phase reversal)

Adding extra faders would be a nice sounding solution but it is not necessary. Because they will only adjust your sends back to a lower level.
So if you just run your sends a little less hot you're all set.

Btw, the meters are pre fader so indicate the mixed bus level?
Re: X32 Firmware 2.0

Same exact thing here. I have left it on for extended times and watched it repeatedly drop in and out of connection. My router was 2 feet away.

Interesting, I had that exact same problem on an older router too, I switched to a new one that can do a 5Ghz connection, and never saw it again - rock solid after that.

As far as feature requests go, can we add a knee knob on the gate (make it an expander too), and add ability to make direct outs pre/post mute switchable?
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Re: XiQ app

Well, this may seems to be obvious if you think about it in a way analogue consoles work....
IF the master ist at 0 dB and the sends are so hot, that the sum of them are Overloading the corresponding MIX bus,
lovering the MASTER fader doesn't helps you get rid of the clipping....

However It can be implemented on the digital domain - if floating point math is used - quite differently as well.
That said, if you decrease the level at the MIXbus Master fader, you can also avoid digital clipping that way, and not only with
decreasing all Send levels... Of course this highly depends on the way the engineers wrote the code, so maybe somebody will
chime in to clarify this... OTOH we can test it on the console also quite easily :)


Not sure if this relevant or not, but I found that a 3dB boost at the input of my monitor DSP (XTi4000 in my case) allowed for much more reasonable send levels on the X32. I don't think it was a headroom problem, more of a psychological issue: engineers just seem to prefer seeing the sends on fader sit around unity on the vocal strips.

Didn't find the same problem to exist kn the L/R side.
XiQ Busses

I think this is a dumb question but I'll ask anyway. The busses that show in the demo mode on XiQ (going to church later play with this), are these the actual bus mixes on the X32? If so does that mean that the musician could be changing which channel strips are routed to which busses? Or are they virtual busses on the iPhone. The reason I ask is we don't want musicians/vocalists adding, removing or changing the levels of the 'hearing loop' which by way of example is one of the busses currently.

Re: X32 Firmware 2.0

Interesting, I had that exact same problem on an older router too, I switched to a new one that can do a 5Ghz connection, and never saw it again - rock solid after that.

As far as feature requests go, can we add a knee knob on the gate (make it an expander too), and add ability to make direct outs pre/post mute switchable?

I've just ordered a new router to see if that fixes the problem.
Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Mateusz Ciesiółka;46120 said:
Something goes wrong (hosting servers are down)... Really sorry. Here is new link - this one should works:
XControl channel list generator - x32.net16.net

Hi Mateusz,

does not work for me (Browser Firefox 18.0):

PHP Error Message
Warning: imagecreatefromgif(csimg/119.5.gif) [function.imagecreatefromgif]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/a8215119/public_html/fpdf.php on line 1396
Free Web Hosting
FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file: csimg/119.5.gif

PS: suddenly it works, hmm..... strange
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X32 with Reaper

I have had my X32 since September 2012 and I love it. I only use it for home recording so it never leaves my studio, and I have it interfaced using the firewire interface with a Windows 7 PC running Reaper software. Everything works fine for my taste. I have only one problem I have never been able to solve, even after watching the "Behringer X32 Reaper" webinar posted a few months ago. I have never been able to get the "assign" section to communicate via midi with Reaper. I have the mackie control surface enabled in preferences both in Reaper and on the X32, and as I said everything works fine as far as transport control, faders, mutes and solos. But when I go into the X32 assign section and under "remote" assign (for example) a return to zero function nothing happens. I also have the usb midi connection plugged in (not the 32 channel audio USB, the "remote control" USB) although I understand this may not be implemented yet. If I go to the midi section in preferences for Reaper I can see a "XUF midi" selection, but if I enable it I get an error message saying something to the effect that it cannot be recognized. Has anybody with Reaper been able to get this to function correctly?

Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Hi Mateusz,

does not work for me (Browser Firefox 18.0):

PHP Error Message
Warning: imagecreatefromgif(csimg/119.5.gif) [function.imagecreatefromgif]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/a8215119/public_html/fpdf.php on line 1396
Free Web Hosting
FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file: csimg/119.5.gif

worked for me using Chrome
Re: iPad apps - XiControl

What the heck is VEQ? I've been designing (and using) audio gear for 15+ years and have never heard of such a thing. Its action doesn't seem much different than PEQ, except for a more shallow slope on 'Q'. The "preliminary" manual is of no help. Also, where are you finding changes to the manual as the firmware is updated? Sorry if these questions have been asked before. The forum software doesn't allow searches of "VEQ".
Re: XiQ Busses

I think this is a dumb question but I'll ask anyway. The busses that show in the demo mode on XiQ (going to church later play with this), are these the actual bus mixes on the X32? If so does that mean that the musician could be changing which channel strips are routed to which busses? Or are they virtual busses on the iPhone. The reason I ask is we don't want musicians/vocalists adding, removing or changing the levels of the 'hearing loop' which by way of example is one of the busses currently.


Hey Mike - I have not yet played with the new app, or iphone app, and I could be talking out my a$$, BUT.... I don't believe a musician could change routing from the app. If you really wanted to keep the hearing loop, "out of reach", you should move it to being fed from one of the 6 matrix outputs (which I what I would do anyway)
Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Thanks Mateusz,

it works like a charme. Is it possible to create this tool for offline use? That would be great.

Best reagards
Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Are you sure, that:
- you're uploading .scn file
- you follow the instruction on the website and
- you're using 0.91?

If all answers are 'yes' and the script is still not working, please send me your uploaded file name via PM or e-mail: [email protected] - I have access to all uploaded files, so I'll check that.


I checked some non-working files, and there are exported from 0.90 or eariler version. After open them in 0.91 and export all are working correctly. Make sure if you use 0.91 (Setup > Config tab)
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