X32 Discussion

Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Thanks Mateusz,

it works like a charme. Is it possible to create this tool for offline use? That would be great.

Best reagards

I have an idea how to make offline version of it, but at first I want to eliminate all bugs in script.

BTW. Does the word 'lister' exist (to use instead of 'list generator')?
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Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Mateusz Ciesiółka;46140 said:
I have an idea how to make offline version of it, but at first I want to eliminate all bugs in script.

Guys, I can write stand alone windows apps . If you want me to knock one up , let me know.

Re: iPad apps - XiControl

I decided to share with you offline version right now. I don't see other bugs, so... Enjoy :)

1. Download - link
2. Create folder and unzip the file
3. Run Generator.exe
4. Do what you need to.
5. Shutdown program by closing browser window.
Re: iPad apps - XiControl

What the heck is VEQ? I've been designing (and using) audio gear for 15+ years and have never heard of such a thing. Its action doesn't seem much different than PEQ, except for a more shallow slope on 'Q'. The "preliminary" manual is of no help. Also, where are you finding changes to the manual as the firmware is updated? Sorry if these questions have been asked before. The forum software doesn't allow searches of "VEQ".
VEQ - As in Vintage-eq. This emulates the british eq sound from the old british analog consoles.

Google british eq and you will find lots of info about it.
Re: XiQ Busses

I think this is a dumb question but I'll ask anyway. The busses that show in the demo mode on XiQ (going to church later play with this), are these the actual bus mixes on the X32? If so does that mean that the musician could be changing which channel strips are routed to which busses? Or are they virtual busses on the iPhone. The reason I ask is we don't want musicians/vocalists adding, removing or changing the levels of the 'hearing loop' which by way of example is one of the busses currently.

The buses that you select to work on are the real buses, so untill some kind of permission system is in place, the apps are not very safe, and users should only be allowed onto the network after you are satisfied they know what they are doing. The four MCAs are virtual, and doesn't use any resources of the X32 other than the bus sends.
Re: XiQ Busses

Hey Mike - I have not yet played with the new app, or iphone app, and I could be talking out my a$$, BUT.... I don't believe a musician could change routing from the app. If you really wanted to keep the hearing loop, "out of reach", you should move it to being fed from one of the 6 matrix outputs (which I what I would do anyway)

OK, had a play with this now. The musician/vocalist can indeed decide which channels will be at what levels on the busses. However, it does not of course provide access to the 'routing' tab as such. I like the idea of moving the 'hearing loop' to a matrix bus. Will do that next week.

I found this app to be a bit 'clunky' and not very intuative.
Re: XiQ Busses

The buses that you select to work on are the real buses, so untill some kind of permission system is in place, the apps are not very safe, and users should only be allowed onto the network after you are satisfied they know what they are doing. The four MCAs are virtual, and doesn't use any resources of the X32 other than the bus sends.

Thanks, had a play tonight with this. To risky to use for now, except for perhaps the 'drummer' as he happens to be a sound guy as well :)
Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Worked fine for me as well. I really like this app althoug i'd prefer it not in PDF format so I can easily edit it and add noted once generated.

Watch this space :D~:-D~:grin: , I have been discussing this with Mateusz and a stand alone windows version is on its way. My intention is that it will allow you to edit it and add notes as you have requested and then save in a whole list of different formats.

The app will load scenes saved to USB from the desk, scenes saved by xcontrol or if you are connected to your desk then no need to save and reload into the app it will just read it direct from the x32.

the application will also eventually allow you manage and upload scenes to the x32 as well so that you can use more than the current 100 scenes.

any other suggestions for functionality are welcomed 8)~:cool:~:cool:

Re: Precision limiter

I'm trying to figure out what emulation the precision limiter is.

Does anyone else out there recognice the limiter?

I'm trying to figure out what most of the effect plugins are. Allthough some certainly look like stuff I've seen before, the details don't match. I really miss either a reasonable effects manual or a listing of the emulations that is precise enough for me to find the information elsewhere. I just can't use or tweak effects in a live situation unless I know what the knobs are supposed to be doing, so untill I have the time to sit down with a multitrack and experiment, most of the effect section is pretty useless to me.
Fortunately, as long as I get a couple of reverbs and a delays going, I don't really miss the rest.
Sneaky Sneaky

Some weird stuff going on at the Behringer site:

I spy a rackmount X series mixer, a smaller format X series mixer, a control surface? and a power amp?

