X32 Discussion

Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Watch this space :D~:-D~:grin: , I have been discussing this with Mateusz and a stand alone windows version is on its way. My intention is that it will allow you to edit it and add notes as you have requested and then save in a whole list of different formats.

The app will load scenes saved to USB from the desk, scenes saved by xcontrol or if you are connected to your desk then no need to save and reload into the app it will just read it direct from the x32.

the application will also eventually allow you manage and upload scenes to the x32 as well so that you can use more than the current 100 scenes.

any other suggestions for functionality are welcomed 8)~:cool:~:cool:


Just a teaser to let you see whats coming 8)~:cool:~:cool:



Application allows you to edit notes etc before you print. It is also fully skinable so you can pick how you want it to look and you also have the option not to display channels that have nothing edited.


Printing capability allows you to print direct from the application or export to PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, Text or an Image (PNG, JPG, BMP, EMF, WMF .... and many more). Example of an image below and can also automatically create an email with exported document already inside it.


As you can see a lot of this application is complete but Ive still got some more to add before it will be released.

eg - Loading scene details straight from the X32 , translation of input & channel names .

Re: X32 with Reaper

I have had my X32 since September 2012 and I love it. I only use it for home recording so it never leaves my studio, and I have it interfaced using the firewire interface with a Windows 7 PC running Reaper software. Everything works fine for my taste. I have only one problem I have never been able to solve, even after watching the "Behringer X32 Reaper" webinar posted a few months ago. I have never been able to get the "assign" section to communicate via midi with Reaper. I have the mackie control surface enabled in preferences both in Reaper and on the X32, and as I said everything works fine as far as transport control, faders, mutes and solos. But when I go into the X32 assign section and under "remote" assign (for example) a return to zero function nothing happens. I also have the usb midi connection plugged in (not the 32 channel audio USB, the "remote control" USB) although I understand this may not be implemented yet. If I go to the midi section in preferences for Reaper I can see a "XUF midi" selection, but if I enable it I get an error message saying something to the effect that it cannot be recognized. Has anybody with Reaper been able to get this to function correctly?

View attachment 5711


Please PM me with your contact information. I would like to try to duplicate what you are experiencing and see what I can do to help.

Dennie Edwards
Specialist, Product Support
Re: Precision limiter

I'm trying to figure out what most of the effect plugins are. Allthough some certainly look like stuff I've seen before, the details don't match. I really miss either a reasonable effects manual or a listing of the emulations that is precise enough for me to find the information elsewhere. I just can't use or tweak effects in a live situation unless I know what the knobs are supposed to be doing, so untill I have the time to sit down with a multitrack and experiment, most of the effect section is pretty useless to me.
Fortunately, as long as I get a couple of reverbs and a delays going, I don't really miss the rest.
This is why I try to identify the fx so that I can compile a manual from the original products.

Finally I understand the limiter and de-esser!
Re: Sneaky Sneaky

Some weird stuff going on at the Behringer site:

I spy a rackmount X series mixer, a smaller format X series mixer, a control surface? and a power amp?

I guess it's not a power amp - for me that's digital signal converter (for eg. AES-50 -> MADI). Look at the rectangle leds - I think they show connection status of 2 inputs and 2 outs. But... Only 8 days left to answer.

PS. Why the console on the left doesn't have channel strip displays? (That's a rhetorical question)

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Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Mateusz Ciesiółka;46265 said:
Are you talking about Kevin project? I think it should works along with WINE for mac.

I tried it yesterday without success. Maybe I'm to stupid to use Wine. It always stops while creating the app. :(
Re: iPad apps - XiControl

Guys-I just setup a new X32 with an Airport Extreme and iPad. It works great when the internet is connected to the Airport but once I unhook the Airport from the internet I cannot connect to the Airport Extreme via ipad or the console. What configuration setting the Airport am I missing? I feel like a dummy because I had this working on another system a couple months ago. Thoughts?
Re: Fairy Tale more like!

I like the presonus stuff but WTF is this?!

Even if the updated apps weren't available at the time of releasing the document, it is so full of errors that I can't understand how their marketing department and legal advisers approved this...

The studiolive and x32 are two different consoles for different type of applications and people. Why can't they just focus on that...?
Re: Fairy Tale more like!

I like the presonus stuff but WTF is this?!

Even if the updated apps weren't available at the time of releasing the document, it is so full of errors that I can't understand how their marketing department and legal advisers approved this...

The studiolive and x32 are two different consoles for different type of applications and people. Why can't they just focus on that...?

Presonus used to have a monopoly on this market, that is no longer the case. Do you really expect them to sit on their hands?
Re: Fairy Tale more like!

Presonus used to have a monopoly on this market, that is no longer the case. Do you really expect them to sit on their hands?
No, but most people can see that the 'information' is wrong. This will hurt presonus in the end.

The studiolive is a great mixer and should be that emphisized and not by doing erronous comparing.

I also assume that behringer can swing a bat too if they want to so this is just a bad move in my eyes...
Re: iPad apps - XiControl

I tried it yesterday without success. Maybe I'm to stupid to use Wine. It always stops while creating the app. :(

Cant be my app then as I've not released it yet :roll:

Yes, that's my mistake. You are talking about my "app".

My program is an local web serwer with my code in. It's called "Server2Go" - it's an freeware project for Windows. I know that Mac version exsist, but it's beta version avalible for premium donators only (to get access to mac beta you have to donate minimum 40€ - I'm not able to spend so much money).

You should wait for Kevin app - I think it will works on Mac with WINE.
Re: Fairy Tale more like!

No, but most people can see that the 'information' is wrong. This will hurt presonus in the end.

The studiolive is a great mixer and should be that emphisized and not by doing erronous comparing.

I also assume that behringer can swing a bat too if they want to so this is just a bad move in my eyes...

I think you will be surprised how many people will accept that document as gospel, the consumer electronics level in fanboi-ism present in both camps is quite amusing.
Re: Fairy Tale more like!

I think you will be surprised how many people will accept that document as gospel, the consumer electronics level in fanboi-ism present in both camps is quite amusing.


If someone has religious approach to audio gear - yes I know there are multitudes ( perhaps including me ) - so they simply make their moves accordingly. With luck they stay happy with what they did - or they can think they are stuck with dong. Either way it is their own decision and they are the ones to live with it.

As for me - I got my X32 mid-August and simply love it. I have been in business last 36 years and I have owned many fine tools. Now the time has come to part with my Studer 980 console, keep the 169 and 962 ( for a while ) and get some version of X16... Maybe even two different...

I used to try get me Presonus 16.0.2. But never had loose money... Then X32 came along and luckily some loose money hit the wallet at right moment.

I think Presonus makes good product, but after release of X32 they seem to be high priced. So if they manage to get price down, they could still sell many of those desks. Not being a manufacturer I've no idea if it is possible. R&D oughta be paid by now anyhow.....

I have not seen such BAD behaviour by Behringer, and sincerely wish I never will...
Re: Fairy Tale more like!

I like the presonus stuff but WTF is this?!

Even if the updated apps weren't available at the time of releasing the document, it is so full of errors that I can't understand how their marketing department and legal advisers approved this...

The studiolive and x32 are two different consoles for different type of applications and people. Why can't they just focus on that...?

There are so many lies, f. eg. page 47:
There is no quick visual way to see the status of potential clipping on all Mixer X channels at once!
Really? METERS section?

From the last page:
We tried to be fair.

That's really funny.

I don't see what PreSonus wants to achieve... Can't they accept, that both of consoles are preety good, and each better in various things? Shame.
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