Re: Dual X32 weekend
Mateusz Ciesiółka;62375 said:
It looks great. I really love to see reviews of X32 'in action'. Especially when includes photos. Show us Your gear - don't be ashamed of it
OK, Mateusz, you've forced me to do it.
Here are a few shows in the last week:
This is Randy Newman last Wednesday at my big concert series, for which I've done all 30 seasons. 1 vocal, 2 piano mics, lots of spill back onto the stage from the arrays. I was able to get it loud enough and a decent tonality; he and his manager were happy, and the audience sure enjoyed it. He has written an incredible number of wonderful songs. It looks like this will be the only headliner I get to mix this summer; everyone else brings their own crew.
This was the next night; much smaller series, now in its 11th year. Paula Fuga and Mike Love from Hawaii, sort of a reggae group. Paula has a lovely voice and plays ukelele, and Mike plays guitar and sings while doing live overdubs with himself, doing many different instrumental parts and many different vocal parts. He did this many-track vocal where he sung syllables to his own mental beat, and eventually the overdubbed syllables formed words and harmonies. I've never seen anything exactly like it, and it was most impressive. The rest of what they did was really great, too.
This was tonight, back at my big series, where I mixed the Lindsay Fuller band, the opener for the Indigo Girls. They were really cool, too, and did all originals (just realized that is true of all these artists in this post). My crew and I got them set up and fully soundchecked in 30 minutes, which I was pretty proud of. It turned out that I knew the keyboard player from about 15 or 20 years ago. He was playing both a B3/Leslie and an electric keyboard of some sort, and was another reason their music sounded so good, although all the players were really good and tight as a group.
Here is our monitor world, with another X32. We must have been doing 5 mixes, as they are a 5 piece.
Here's a wider view of FOH, with the IG's Digico SD8 on the right. To fit the two consoles and the lighting guy within our FOH area (3 sheets of plywood on the ground), I put my drive rack in front of the console and looked over the top of it to mix. The main engineer's drive rack was to his left. I'll flatter myself and say that both mixes sounded pretty good, despite the price difference between the consoles. :lol:
I didn't get the impression that he was going to think about jumping on the X32 bandwagon....
IG had another SD8 for their monitor console.
We have a repeat show tomorrow in the same location, so that will be nice.