Re: X32 Discussion
Is there any guide re using this (or could someone explain how)?- noticed was not in the "engineers " quick start
Dear Nick,
As we implemented the crossover feature in a firmware update, we had not included it in the X32 Engineer's Quick Start Guide which was finished before the firmware update. We plan to update the guide soon to account for new features, but for now here are the steps:
The crossover features are inside of the parametric EQ on the 6 matrix mixes. In order to utilize them you will need send your Main Mix to Matrix mixes and feed your speakers from there.
1. If you are running your tops in stereo, you will need to link pairs of matrix mixes together for them, using two for highs (matrix 1-2) and one for lows (matrix 3). For the rest of this example, we will assume a mono system running to matrix 1 (lows) and 2 (highs).
2. Select the Main LR Mix and use the Bus Send encoders in the channel strip to send it to matrix mixes 1 & 2
3. Select matrix 1 (located on layer 4 of the output faders) and press VIEW on the Parametric EQ section of the channel strip. Don't forget to turn the PEQ on.
4. Press the LAYER Down key until the mode controls becomes available on the rotary encoders beneath the screen (you will not find the crossover filters if you press the dedicated MODE button in the channel strip)
5. Rotate the 6th encoder (high band) and choose your crossover for the the high-cut filter. You will see options for Butterworth (BU), Bessel (BS), and Linkwitz Riley (LR). Now choose your frequency for this band (this can be done from the channel strip like usual).
6. Select matrix 2 and press VIEW on the Parametric EQ section of the channel strip. Don't forget to turn the PEQ on.
7. Rotate the 1st encoder (low band) and choose your crossover for the low-cut filter. Then choose the frequency, which you will likely want to be the same frequency you choose previously.
8. Go to the ROUTING menu and assign Matrix 1 and 2 to the desired analog / aux outputs to feed your Main Top / Bottom speakers.
Note that it is possible to use all 6 matrix mixes to setup a stereo 3-way crossover, as you can use the high and low band crossover filters simultaneously in the PEQ for feeding mids.
Hope this helps!