X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

Hello Dan, thanks for your prompt response, I'm sorry I forgot to mentioned that the questions was for the Mixing Station app on Android and for the X32 wich I have 2(full and producer), the video that I was mentioning you can find it on the you tube behringer channel tv, is called xr18 ringing monitors, and it describes how to ring the way I'm telling you, and I am still curious is that kind of service would be implemented for the X32 as well, I understand that on the screen the rta helps a lot, but pressing sends on fader for the app doesn't do what I've saw for the xr18(i completely understand that that feature is for the x air series), but it could be a really good thing to have that on board as well
Ah, OK, thanks for that pointer, Mauricio.

For that to occur on the X32 App, they'd have to implement the RTA in the remote device, which I believe has not yet happened for iPad. Does Android have it?

In the XR it's been pointed out that there are really three separate apps with different features and/or different implementations of the same features, which is distressing to say the least. The XR iPad doesn't have a single SOF button, it has a button for each separate mix which takes you to SOF for that mix.

I've been spending too much time getting my racking of the XR's finished to explore the new app version, but will get to that soon.
Re: X32 Discussion

Thanks again Dan, I use an android lg gpad 8.3 and the rta works well on it, but I can't do what I was telling, hope David (the man behind mixing station) would update the app with this service as well for X32 owners
Re: X32 Discussion


I am not sure what you are talking about. On the Mixingstation you can see the RTA on the Channel EQ, the Bus EQ and, if you have inserted a graphic EQ on one of the Busses, also on the FX Page of the Graphic EQ. Only the spectragraph view is missing.
On the Mixing Station you dont need to use Send on Faders for the Graphic EQs. You can do the job better on the FX page.
Re: X32 Discussion

you may want to check out your powercable i had that same problem with my x32 and compact a few times in the past
on my x32 with 2 s16's it was a bad contact on the powercord on my first s16 that caused the dropouts
on my compact it was a bad contact on console's powercord they came abit loose during transport i fixed it with cutting of a litle piece of cabel tie and pushed it in together with the conector never had problems since
hope this may help you out
Re: X32 Discussion

Thanks a lot Klaus for your response, I'll see what you are mentioning, I just keep seeing only the rta on the eq channel, but as soon as I change over the fx such as an eq insert in a mix bus for monitors the rta dissappear, and I would like the rta to keep show on it even if I select a 31 band graphic eq to be able to ring monitors
Re: X32 Discussion

Tim, I appreciate your post. I think/hope it helped me solve that same problem you had. But Bill said he's not using S16s, he's analog.
Bill -- I am a "newbie" but my 2 cents is: I wonder if the two issues are unrelated. The first definitely seems to be related to the guitarist engaging a foot pedal. Its like you can hear the click. For the second, it sounds to me like almost a "limiting" thing. Is there such a thing as a Threshold setting on the master? Sorry, probably not much help.

In regard to the potentially related issue Tim mentions -- a loud "crack" and cut-out. Based on reading LONG threads this seems to be caused by Electro Static Discharge (ESD) between the X32 and S16. It "should" be able to be fixed by swapping out your Ethercon cable. There are long threads on this so I am re-posting what I believe is the bottom line here:
* Behringer built and recommends this cord: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/NCAT5E50M but its $250 and 150' long (I needed 50')
* So I went with this cord: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/EtherShld50 (I hope it works!!!)
* I was previously using this cord: http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Co-Sound-Shielded-Ethercon/dp/B00FEICWU4 Although it seems to be everything its suppose to be: Shielded, Cat5e, Ethercon, I was getting that snap, crackle, pop issue -- Ouch!
* I was also running the cord under a carpet to avoid having to tape 50'. This sounds like a bad idea as well? (Did I mention I am a newbie :)
Re: X32 Discussion

Thanks a lot Klaus for your response, I'll see what you are mentioning, I just keep seeing only the rta on the eq channel, but as soon as I change over the fx such as an eq insert in a mix bus for monitors the rta dissappear, and I would like the rta to keep show on it even if I select a 31 band graphic eq to be able to ring monitors
the RTA function of the X32 can only show the RTA of one signal at any given time. If you want to switch the RTA display when switching the displayed channel/bus FX you have to engage the RTA follow function at any PEQ page. If you have it engaged then the RTA will also follow to the GEQ display on the FX Page.
Re: X32 Discussion

Tim, I appreciate your post. I think/hope it helped me solve that same problem you had. But Bill said he's not using S16s, he's analog.
Bill -- I am a "newbie" but my 2 cents is: I wonder if the two issues are unrelated. The first definitely seems to be related to the guitarist engaging a foot pedal. Its like you can hear the click. For the second, it sounds to me like almost a "limiting" thing. Is there such a thing as a Threshold setting on the master? Sorry, probably not much help.

In regard to the potentially related issue Tim mentions -- a loud "crack" and cut-out. Based on reading LONG threads this seems to be caused by Electro Static Discharge (ESD) between the X32 and S16. It "should" be able to be fixed by swapping out your Ethercon cable. There are long threads on this so I am re-posting what I believe is the bottom line here:
* Behringer built and recommends this cord: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/NCAT5E50M but its $250 and 150' long (I needed 50')
* So I went with this cord: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/EtherShld50 (I hope it works!!!)
* I was previously using this cord: http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Co-Sound-Shielded-Ethercon/dp/B00FEICWU4 Although it seems to be everything its suppose to be: Shielded, Cat5e, Ethercon, I was getting that snap, crackle, pop issue -- Ouch!
* I was also running the cord under a carpet to avoid having to tape 50'. This sounds like a bad idea as well? (Did I mention I am a newbie :)

In my case I'm pretty sure that it was the physical properties of my cat5 causing my pops. It was some generic shielded cat5e with metal ends and ethercon shells. I think the cable was immune to static, but my cheap cat5 was real easy to shift the pairs around inside the jacket. I think it was stepped on and thats when it popped.

I got frustrated and put that snake away and haven't touched it since. I'm about to pull it out and redo it with the proper cable though. I'm going to use the proplex product and hope that I can get 2 runs of it inside the braided sleeving that I already have.
Re: X32 Discussion

* I was also running the cord under a carpet to avoid having to tape 50'. This sounds like a bad idea as well?
Hi Woody,

There is nothing wrong with running Ethernet cable under a carpet AFAIK, with one caveat: I have been able to disrupt the sync and cause restarts by a combination of pulling and pinching CAT5e cable. Granted that was UTP (unshielded), but there is nothing we've figured out to suggest that the shielding or lack of had any effect on what was causing that disruption.

We've theorized that it was the changing relationship between the four internal twisted pairs on the cable that changed the capacitance between them and caused the disruption. We tried half a dozen different UTP CAT5e (this was at a workshop before Brian Wynn's findings about needing STP and Ethercons to avoid ESD problems) and all of them were disruptable EXCEPT the one that had a massive longitudinal spacer inside the cable which isolated the pairs from each other.

CAT 6 all seems to have some sort of longitudinal spacer, so that's what I recommend when people ask me and what I use myself.

A writeup of that workshop is at http://www.aes-media.org/sections/pnw/pnwrecaps/2013/jun_cat5/ if you are interested. I feel like I've learned enough since then to do another one, but don't think it's in the cards for a while.

Fake edit: Tim posted a possible corroboration of the idea of disruption from physically compressing the cable before I could post this.

Tim, before you rebuild you cable using Proplex can you try it again and stomp on it? We were able at our workshop to cause disruption with stomping, too.

Real edit: My point 9B in the workshop summary has been superseded by Brian Wynn's ESD findings; you MUST HAVE STP WITH ETHERCON to avoid ESD problems with the X32 and with at least some Midas consoles. (All using AES50 protocol.)
Last edited:
Re: RTA on IPad...what's the holdup?.

It is called X Air, the new toy. Apparantly this nice little thing, I like my XR18, put the X32 development to a halt.

That's unsurprising.

Although much of what we purchase today can be firmware updated, it simply isn't.

I buy for what it is today, not what it might be tomorrow. Saves me from the vaporware disappointment. :)~:)~:smile:

Eric H.
Single-Channel FX *SEND* Mute on User Button?

Hey everybody,

In the final throes of a show set-up, and trying to find a way to do an on/off control of a single channel's send to a bus FX (13) with a User Button.

The effect (a multi-tap delay/reverb) has to be only on certain words of dialog, and as the operator is inexperienced, I figured it would be too risky for him to have to switch layers and fumble with SOF to find the send mute button manually in this context.

Right now, we have the FX set up as an in-line and has placed the channel's insert on/off on a button, which is fine except that this effectively controls the return not the send, so the effect cuts off when you release it (and also, strangely, you immediately hear the effect from the channel audio's PRIOR to engaging it, but that's a separate issue, and hopefully a moot point).

I figured you could put Channel Bus Send Mutes in either a Mute Group or on a User Button, but apparently you can't, and I ran out of time last night, resulting in the temporary solution above.

What I have subsequently realized is that you CAN put the Bus's own Mute on a User Button, and also the FX Return Mute. I'm guessing the latter wouldn't be what I want, but would the former work?

There will only ever be that channel going to this FX, so it doesn't really matter whether it's muted before or after the channel contributions are combined, as long as it's muted BEFORE the effect rather than after, so that the delay/reverb tail will continue after releasing the button.

Any feedback on this warmly welcomed, please, as I only just thought of it, and will have about 15 minutes to implement it before tonight's rehearsal, in which I'm really supposed to be an actor!


Firmware upgrades

I've gotten clearance to upgrade the x32 in the rental house my theatre company plays in from 2.04 to 2.10, when I'm there next in July.

I don't recall having seen any notice of Brown Paper Bag bugs in 2.10, but vaguely remember reading something about having to dump saved scenes out through a PC and the PC app then reload them.

Can anyone clarify if that's still necessary? I generally have either a Mac or Linux laptop in the booth, and I don't think I've ever gotten the app to connect to the board on any platform ... though Mixing Station on Android and the x32 iPad app both work fine.
Re: Single-Channel FX *SEND* Mute on User Button?

Hey everybody,

In the final throes of a show set-up, and trying to find a way to do an on/off control of a single channel's send to a bus FX (13) with a User Button.

The effect (a multi-tap delay/reverb) has to be only on certain words of dialog, and as the operator is inexperienced, I figured it would be too risky for him to have to switch layers and fumble with SOF to find the send mute button manually in this context.

Right now, we have the FX set up as an in-line and has placed the channel's insert on/off on a button, which is fine except that this effectively controls the return not the send, so the effect cuts off when you release it (and also, strangely, you immediately hear the effect from the channel audio's PRIOR to engaging it, but that's a separate issue, and hopefully a moot point).

I figured you could put Channel Bus Send Mutes in either a Mute Group or on a User Button, but apparently you can't, and I ran out of time last night, resulting in the temporary solution above.

What I have subsequently realized is that you CAN put the Bus's own Mute on a User Button, and also the FX Return Mute. I'm guessing the latter wouldn't be what I want, but would the former work?

There will only ever be that channel going to this FX, so it doesn't really matter whether it's muted before or after the channel contributions are combined, as long as it's muted BEFORE the effect rather than after, so that the delay/reverb tail will continue after releasing the button.

Any feedback on this warmly welcomed, please, as I only just thought of it, and will have about 15 minutes to implement it before tonight's rehearsal, in which I'm really supposed to be an actor!



the way you've described certainly should work just fine. assuming you have an unused channel strip [could even be on of the aux inputs], another option would be to send the same input to a second channel strip. then route that channel strip ONLY to the delay you want to use [i.e. take it out of the stereo buss and all other busses]. now you can set just that channel to a mute group and have it available on the top of the console at all times.
Re: Single-Channel FX *SEND* Mute on User Button?

In the final throes of a show set-up, and trying to find a way to do an on/off control of a single channel's send to a bus FX (13) with a User Button.
Hi Simon,

This maybe too late, but just saw your post. A few suggestions come to mind.
1. Create 2 snippets to turn the channel send on and off, then assign those snippets to 2 assign buttons. Unfortunately there is no toggle feature in the underlying OSC protocol. If it is channel one you need this for you could create 2 snippets files using a text editor as follows:

Snippet #1
#2.1# "Ch 1 Snd 13 Mute"
/ch/01/mix/13/on OFF

Snippet #2
#2.1# "Ch 1 Snd 13 Unmute"
/ch/01/mix/13/on ON

Save those as text files with .snp extension, then import them into the X32. Finally goto the User Assign section and assign 2 buttons to those snippets.

A couple of software solutions:
2. Using Mixing Station on a cheap android tablet (or smartphone), limit the access (first screen) to mixbus 13, then connect. This will automatically make Mixing Station go into SOF mode for that mixbus. Customize the layer to only show the channel or channels you want muted/unmuted.
3. X32 Live Toolbox (https://sourceforge.net/projects/x32livetoolbox/) has a snippet like feature (called tidbits). Since it is software based, it has expanded the value types to include a toggle type. A tidbit could be created with "/ch/01/mix/13/on ,t". There is also a popup button that allows the user to click on the button or hit the spacebar. I will be releasing an update of Live Toolbox today with a few enhancements (including a version for the Raspberry Pi 2).

Re: Single-Channel FX *SEND* Mute on User Button?

All good suggestions! Thanks, guys! I love this forum!

One more rehearsal to get this (and SOOOOO much else, sound and otherwise) working...

Re: X32 Discussion

Upcoming event is to big for one X32, I need about 42 mic channels + some extra.

I would like to use 2 X32 full size, and 3 S16 stage box.

I would like to put the S16 in series on the AES50 / cat cable, connect this one to the first X32 and connect the B port to the second X32.
On the second X32 I use the input channels of 1 S16 and make some groups and send these to the other X32 over the AES50, where I have my main mix and the outputs connected.

Should this work? How should the headamp gain be adjusted in this case?

Worked like a charm, easy to use. I used 8 channels (full block) to send LR and 6 mixbussen from the "slave" to the main X32 over AES50.
Some input blocks from stage could be on both X32, giving a bit of extra flexibility.
I also used 4 local inputs for wireless.
Only thing is that you need to adjust the gain settings on the main X32, the slave only has trim for these channels. In my case not a real problem, better then 2 different consoles. :)
Total was about 48 channels.

Advantage 16x DCA! Local subgroups did give me also group eq.
Took me only some time in planning to have the channels nicely split over the consoles.
Would do it again when usefull. :)
Re: X32 Discussion

Sorry if this has been covered before, but I can't find it.

How can I include the Scribble Strip state from certain channels in the snippet state? Looking to have scenes with mic pack changes.

I have the snippet working for the mix data, just can't workout how to get it to do the strips.
Re: X32 Discussion

Sorry if this has been covered before, but I can't find it.

How can I include the Scribble Strip state from certain channels in the snippet state? Looking to have scenes with mic pack changes.

I have the snippet working for the mix data, just can't workout how to get it to do the strips.

Yes - Use the Library to store the channel. It recalls everything including color and text of scribbles.