Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

- True channel insert patch to and from Card slot I/O for easier DAW/ plugin integration

- capability to fully remote controll X32, X32 Rack, and X32 core from an X32 console.
allowing to use X32core for example as individual Monitor mixer (each X32Core feeding only One monitor output, but having own Fx and own full processing for all channels. (Kind of SAC monitor mixing experience, but on real low latency hardware)

- also incorporating the possibility to send pre/post EQ, and/or Dynamics and/or fader all channels on the AES50 in order tho chose the source for the individual monitor mixers (X32Core units) (user could use monitor mixer #1 EQ settings on all of the monitors, avoiding the need of setting up the same EQs and dynamics etc on all other Monitor mixers)

just think about a cheap 40 input FOH and Monitor mixer system with as many stereo i dividual monitor mixes (with their own EQ, dynamics, FX and plugins) as you want (depending on the number of X32core units used in the system)


Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

- Since the X32 uses quite a lot of MIDI data on several channels, it needs a better implemented MIDI filter, especially for the program changes. Right now you can turn on/off program changes, but I think it would be more useful, if you could turn on/off scene changes, cue changes and snippet changes separately.

- This is kind of off-topic, but if you make hardware improvements to the X32-series, please use TRS/XLR-combo inputs instead of only XLR-inputs. Also, the possibility to buy the X32 without the USB-card would also be appreciated.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

An X32-FOH would be good.
As in, a full size X32 with no XLR inputs or pre-amps on board.
I mean, I have my XLR inputs on my S16s on the stage. Why add weight with them in the console as well?
I can't recall the last time I plugged something into an XLR on the console itself.
Who knows, maybe the extra space inside could be used for more processing to cater for v3.0 and up, or more cards, etc.
Ditto with the M32. Why have onboard inputs if you're going to be using remote stageboxes?

While I'm at it, how about a sidecar with another 16 motorised faders, so that all 32 channels could be used at once...?
Maybe something like the Hammond XK3 lower manual, although that would put the knobs and screen a bit further away.


Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

An X32-FOH would be good.
As in, a full size X32 with no XLR inputs or pre-amps on board.
I mean, I have my XLR inputs on my S16s on the stage. Why add weight with them in the console as well?
I can't recall the last time I plugged something into an XLR on the console itself.
Who knows, maybe the extra space inside could be used for more processing to cater for v3.0 and up, or more cards, etc.
Ditto with the M32. Why have onboard inputs if you're going to be using remote stageboxes?

While I'm at it, how about a sidecar with another 16 motorised faders, so that all 32 channels could be used at once...?
Maybe something like the Hammond XK3 lower manual, although that would put the knobs and screen a bit further away.



Really, Karl, _no_ inputs used at FOH? No "voice of god" microphone for emergency announcements or talkback to stage? No MP3 player or SFX/CueLab playback? No local tech-world audio from the DVD player or computers on corporates?

Not saying you're being untruthful, just that it's very hard to believe that you have no need for FOH inputs at all, and further that you find that desirable in some manner. And taking the i/o out of the desk might make it weigh 1 kg less, that's not exactly a big deal.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Not quite. There's room on the desk for the local jack and RCA inputs. I don't recall mentioning them. I only referred to XLR inputs, however I can see that I might have implied ALL inputs instead of just XLR.
I'm referring to the two S16's sitting inside the desk that are unused dead weight. I have two on the stage, why duplicate them at FOH when they wouldn't be used.
There is a voice of god input on the top panel, which should also be kept.
For studio use, local inputs are fine. An S16 in a studio would be a luxury to keep the cable runs small, but not a necessity.
Sorry for the ambiguity.
Thanks for calling me on it.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

An X32-FOH would be good.
As in, a full size X32 with no XLR inputs or pre-amps on board.

One step further and the FOH desk is just a remote control for the core or rack on stage.
THAT would be a real gamechanger.

Doing soundcheck with these remote console and when guests come in you can simple unplug it and everything goes on. Then you can set it up stage side or put it in the truck, doing small adjustments on the ipad or so...

Maybe the connection to the core or rack can also be by wifi, because in fact it's just a big ipad with knobs.
Just for simplicity to existing users, it should have the same layout as a X32.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

One step further and the FOH desk is just a remote control for the core or rack on stage.
THAT would be a real gamechanger.

Doing soundcheck with these remote console and when guests come in you can simple unplug it and everything goes on. Then you can set it up stage side or put it in the truck, doing small adjustments on the ipad or so...

Maybe the connection to the core or rack can also be by wifi, because in fact it's just a big ipad with knobs.
Just for simplicity to existing users, it should have the same layout as a X32.

That's iLive territory.
You could get close to that by using a Rack or Core with S16s in a single rack, but you'd still be without a console with faders.
Perhaps a better way to do it would be with a remote unit using a network connection.
Without the need for processing in the FOH console (as it's all being done in the Core or Rack), the need for a full on console would be gone.
Perhaps a thrid party company could create a physical interface for the XEdit software that mirrors the layout of the X32 desk.......
Something akin to a dumb MIDI contoller keyboard for controlling racks of Yamaha and Korg modules, etc.
Plug the 'dumb' controller console into the laptop running XEdit and the laptop network connection into a CAT5 cable running to the stage (I wouldn't trust wireless for something as critical as FOH).

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

That's iLive territory.

You could get close to that by using a Rack or Core with S16s in a single rack, but you'd still be without a console with faders.
Perhaps a better way to do it would be with a remote unit using a network connection.
Without the need for processing in the FOH console (as it's all being done in the Core or Rack), the need for a full on console would be gone.
That's what I'm saying...

Plug the 'dumb' controller console into the laptop running XEdit .
Would like to avoid the laptop/Xedit software. Could be a workaround.

CAT5 cable running to the stage (I wouldn't trust wireless for something as critical as FOH).
Best would be, when both are possible, so when using it in a more fixed setup, you use cable, when just soundcheck, use wifi.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

So......., if we get the X-touch, and a module that holds an iPad (mainly for display purposes), handles communication and provides some basic I/O, communicating with the on-stage setup via AES50 carrying also the remote control communication...........
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

That's iLive territory.

Perhaps a thrid party company could create a physical interface for the XEdit software that mirrors the layout of the X32 desk.......

Here's a link for software that does what's being asked. The main console and brains live on stage, and the FOH unit just mirrors it. This is exactly the functionality that should be built in to V3.0. Now, with Ethernet, you could control the unit on stage. No audio would have to pass to FOH. If the ethernet connection breaks, the sound keeps flowing. If you need any audio inputs at FOH, no big deal. Simply run an AES50 line and you can patch from FOH at will.

Yeah, it sucks to think that you've got 32 XLR inputs at FOH that you're never using, but how much do you think the price would actually drop if those were removed?
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

An X32-FOH would be good.
As in, a full size X32 with no XLR inputs or pre-amps on board.
I mean, I have my XLR inputs on my S16s on the stage. Why add weight with them in the console as well?
I can't recall the last time I plugged something into an XLR on the console itself.
Who knows, maybe the extra space inside could be used for more processing to cater for v3.0 and up, or more cards, etc.
Ditto with the M32. Why have onboard inputs if you're going to be using remote stageboxes?

While I'm at it, how about a sidecar with another 16 motorised faders, so that all 32 channels could be used at once...?
Maybe something like the Hammond XK3 lower manual, although that would put the knobs and screen a bit further away.



Is it just me but it seems to that this would be pretty tough to do with a firmware update?

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Here's a link for software that does what's being asked. The main console and brains live on stage, and the FOH unit just mirrors it. This is exactly the functionality that should be built in to V3.0. Now, with Ethernet, you could control the unit on stage. No audio would have to pass to FOH. If the ethernet connection breaks, the sound keeps flowing. If you need any audio inputs at FOH, no big deal. Simply run an AES50 line and you can patch from FOH at will.

Yeah, it sucks to think that you've got 32 XLR inputs at FOH that you're never using, but how much do you think the price would actually drop if those were removed?

Now what would be really great (but rather difficult) would be this with redundancy of some sort so that if either fails the other takes over. Then again, most of the issues that shut down the X32 seem to me to be software bugs that would affect both but hey - why not?
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Is it just me but it seems to that this would be pretty tough to do with a firmware update?

Sent from my iPad HD

OK, you got me Rob, but let's not forget that with v2.0 came the Compact, Rack, Core and Producer.
Maybe v3.0 will add some more members to the family...

Speaking of which, how about a 16 fader (motorised) desk that can take Ultranet input?
Like a P16m, but easier to see what's happening on all the channels at once.
Or a reverse P16i that takes an Ultranet input and gives out 16 channels on XLR.
You could use a Producer as a personal mixer then....

Thinking bigger...

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Here is one that I haven't seen yet. Having used my compact on some musical theatre this summer, I'd love to be able to 'lock' the left fader bank to one set, and have the right bank switch around. It could probably be done with a press and hold the select button. Upon "lock" that button flashes and allows you to move around the rest of the console.

I had many moments when I wanted to keep the left bank on my leads layer, and work on other things at the same time. I had to remember to always keep a hand on the initial bank.

This is just a convenience request. I think it would be good.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi Guys,

I have been using the X32 line of products for a few years now and I find them to be very powerful and feature packed for the price of admission.

I have toured with many "pro" desks in the past. For what it is.. I really like this desk, Behringer did an amazing job.

Here are a few features I think could be better:

1: CUE and sends on fader mix selection on iPad

Imagine using IEM's to CUE wirelessly.

currently in X-MIX..

When you are in "sends on fader" mode on the ipad, selecting a mix will allow you to adjust levels however.. it will not send the mix to the cue bus even though "Select follows solo" is ticked in the monitor prefs.

Right now you have to get out of sends on fader mode, select the bus bank, solo the bus THEN select the input bank, hit sends on fader, select the mix (which you are already hearing in the cue) then adjust. Not fast enough.

The sends on fader mix buttons in X-Mix should be recognized as "solo" buttons by the console (or have the option to) and they should work in "exclusive" mode (or have the option to). This would fix the issue.

I also really want to see the name of the mix written on the mix button when selecting a mix in sends on fader mode. (ala StageMix)
AND, make the mix button double wide when the mix is linked stereo.
(ala StageMix)

Would love to be able to pan a channel in a sterso mix on the iPad. (ala StageMix)

2: Mute Groups un-mute "HARD MUTED" channels

Any channel that you mute at the channel will be un-muted if it is assigned to a mute group and toggled. This must be fixed.

3: Copy Mixes

At the moment, we can not copy a mix to another mix (bus 1 to bus 2).

4: Aux In Remap

I wish the routing was more dynamic allowing you to choose and apply from more sources without replacing input choices on the channel level.

5: Library / Routing

Creating a routing library does not include the XLR-OUT settings of the routing menu at the moment.