Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

the only wifi aloud is the one the school

Don't worry about this and stop skipping English class...I don't think that's (Allowed)
Buy a $40 wifi router and set a password, tell the school why seperate wifi is required and hide the ssid. Or better yet, do all that and don't tell the school..... You rebel...
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Don't worry about this and stop skipping English class...I don't think that's (Allowed)
Buy a $40 wifi router and set a password, tell the school why seperate wifi is required and hide the ssid. Or better yet, do all that and don't tell the school..... You rebel...

Doing something like this is very likely to get detected by the campus IT department and could result in any number of consequnces. Just like we have frequency scanners for wireless mic's some commercial access will even go so far as to report what rouge access points are near by.

I'd suggest asking if they can create a separate SSID on the campus system (or at least the access points in/near the auditorium) that is on a separate isolated VLAN that you can use for your equipment control.

Hope this helps,

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I have already gone to the school technology department and they say that another router located in a school building would jeopardize the state funded and government controlled network/Internet rules.

So if you turn on the local hotspot on your phone, you violate some government funding rules? What if you have a mixer with a built-in wifi, violation again?
I think that if you explain the use of the router, there shouldn't be a problem. Remember, we are talking about an access point for a device or a small network that is not connected to the school network or the internet.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

- I'm still missing a post fader metering (i.e. like PRESONUS 16.4.2)
On the page METERS > Channel there could be an option to switch from pre fader to post fader and vice versa.
- X32-Mix for WINDOWS
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

As a FOH engineer, I would like to suggest the following be added to the SETUP >> config >> Bus Pre-configuration tab.

1--Add a LR Assign/Un-Assign button for channel LR assignments to better facilitate subgroup mixing.
2--Add a LR Assign/Un-Assign button for subgroup LR assignments to better facilitate subgroup mixing.

Reason: Mixing in a theatre usually requires creating different mixes with varying audio content for sending to various parts of the theatre. The same is true for other venues where different mixes are needed, such as front lip fills and things like that. This can only be accomplished by using the matrix in conjunction with subgroups, whether DCAs are used or not. In many of my configurations I use a combination of DCAs & subgroups where individual channels are NOT assigned to the LR Mixbus but the subgroups are assigned to the LR Mixbus. I then set the subgroup "sends" levels as necessary for the various matrix outputs. During the performance, I mix my main LR output using the DCAs and individual channel faders and make adjustments to the subgroup sends as necessary for the matrix outputs.

The Problem: In order to set up for subgroup mixing, I need to make a number of changes to the console configuration. I need to assign every subgroup to the LR Mixbus and also (and most importantly) un-assign every channel from the LR Mixbus. As a dedicated FOH console, this can amount to as many as 64 individual assignment changes that could need to be made, depending upon the manner in which I want to set up my subgroups.

For those of you who are comfortable using DCAs with direct channel assignment to the LR Mixbus, you may not consider this request as an important one. For those of us who require the ability to set up multiple mixes which all vary in regards to content, it is important, especially in theatre work where we have to interface our systems into a distributed audio system where the needs vary with their location within the theatre.

Thank you,
Tony Martin
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

As a FOH engineer, I would like to suggest the following be added to the SETUP >> config >> Bus Pre-configuration tab.

1--Add a LR Assign/Un-Assign button for channel LR assignments to better facilitate subgroup mixing.
2--Add a LR Assign/Un-Assign button for subgroup LR assignments to better facilitate subgroup mixing.

Agreed. I generally use the same layout - with the channels not going to the LR bus, and headed to vocal/orchestra/FX groups instead. I've actually never bothered using the bus config tab, because I just set everything in X32-Edit and it only takes a few minutes to change things when you're using a mouse and keyboard. A quicker solution for when you've only got the desk to hand would be a good idea though.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

For those of you who are comfortable using DCAs with direct channel assignment to the LR Mixbus, you may not consider this request as an important one. For those of us who require the ability to set up multiple mixes which all vary in regards to content, it is important, especially in theatre work where we have to interface our systems into a distributed audio system where the needs vary with their location within the theatre.

Thank you,
Tony Martin

How do you deal with scene management when doing theatrical show with the X32? Do you use the built in scenes/ snippets/cues or do you use an external system?
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

As a FOH engineer, I would like to suggest the following be added to the SETUP >> config >> Bus Pre-configuration tab.

1--Add a LR Assign/Un-Assign button for channel LR assignments to better facilitate subgroup mixing.
2--Add a LR Assign/Un-Assign button for subgroup LR assignments to better facilitate subgroup mixing.

Not sure exactly what you want those buttons to do, but it seems very specific to just one particular application, and something that might not fit very many cases.
Number one I get, un-assigning all channels form main (and mono) makes some sense.
Number two, one button for all buses makes no sense, one button for each bus, you could just as easily achieve that in the bus config.

If you have specific needs, setup- or otherwise, make snippets to do it.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

How do you deal with scene management when doing theatrical show with the X32? Do you use the built in scenes/ snippets/cues or do you use an external system?

Personally I use the built-in scenes, and occasionally a few snippets if I want to make an adjustment to a stack of existing scenes without having to go through them all and re-save. I typically assign all the radio mics to one DCA, and safe it. I normally plan the cues to be at the end of dialogue or at the end of musical numbers, then when the scene finishes you can fade down the DCA, load the next scene during applause or silence, and bring up the DCA again once I know all the cast are in place. A manual way of getting around the lack of automatic scene fades I guess.

It'd be interesting to start an X32 Theatre thread and post our own favourite tips and tricks.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Personally I use the built-in scenes, and occasionally a few snippets if I want to make an adjustment to a stack of existing scenes without having to go through them all and re-save. I typically assign all the radio mics to one DCA, and safe it. I normally plan the cues to be at the end of dialogue or at the end of musical numbers, then when the scene finishes you can fade down the DCA, load the next scene during applause or silence, and bring up the DCA again once I know all the cast are in place. A manual way of getting around the lack of automatic scene fades I guess.

It'd be interesting to start an X32 Theatre thread and post our own favourite tips and tricks.

I started an X32 for theater thread a while ago and it didn’t go anywhere. It would be nice if someone were to try again.

I have found the answer to my needs with a program that runs on a computer hooked up to the X32 by Midi. It is called Palladium and is from CH Sound Design. They are in Australia.

When I first looked at it I erased it from my computer after a quick look, I didn’t understand it. Then someone on the Theater sound Google groups recommended it to me. So I gave it a second look and have communicated with CH Sound Design quite a bit. I wrote the X32 Mixer file and a few other files and an X32/M32 quick start guide that is now available of the CH Sound Design website under mixer files. I know that people are used to getting free apps lately to do most of what they want but the price of Palladium is worth it to me for what it does. And I am not even using probably half of its capabilities. And I am learning new things about it. The limitations are related to what the Midi capabilities of the X32 are. But for me when doing theater I generally safe everything but the fader moves. And since Palladium doesn’t work in your traditional snapshot mode it makes mixing so much easier. It works on changes. And you don’t even have to deal with saving your cues it basically does it when you move to the next or previous cue. If you have a chance download the X32 file and take a look at it and first read the quick start guide and let me know what you think.

Edited to add the CH Sound Design website address.

BTW I got my hands on an M32 for the first time today. The sound company I do a lot of my work for just picked one up.
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Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

To some extent I understand what you say but I do not consider setting up an X32 as a dedicated FOH console to be a specific need. Fully, the changes needed for use as a FOH console are global changes and, as such, it would be nice to have the firmware handle that in the Pre-configuration of the console. Please take in account that, at FOH with a dedicated console, I almost always require more than just a single LR output and their content varies considerably based upon what part of the audience that feed addresses. To properly set up a the X32 as a dedicated FOH console, the process is entirely too "mechanical" where there are entirely too many opportunities for error--I am hoping to help minimize those "opportunities".
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I would love to have a possibility to use DCAs in a mixbus. So when I setup mixbus1 as a monitormix I could turn the whole drumset louder or quieter and didn't have to adjust every single channel.
But since I got my X32 just today maybe I just didn't find the right way to do this.

greetings Joey
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I would love to have a possibility to use DCAs in a mixbus. So when I setup mixbus1 as a monitormix I could turn the whole drumset louder or quieter and didn't have to adjust every single channel.
But since I got my X32 just today maybe I just didn't find the right way to do this.

greetings Joey
I am not in front of an X32 but in X-edit go to the home screen and then select a Bus send and you will see DCA 1-8 listed across the bottom left of the screen just click on which DCA you want to control that Bus and you will see it turn orange you now are all set. Just remember if you have more then one DCA controlling something then all of those DCAs need to be up to get any sound out.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I am not in front of an X32 but in X-edit go to the home screen and then select a Bus send and you will see DCA 1-8 listed across the bottom left of the screen just click on which DCA you want to control that Bus and you will see it turn orange you now are all set. Just remember if you have more then one DCA controlling something then all of those DCAs need to be up to get any sound out.

Yeah, but I don't want to control the whole bus by a DCA, I want the DCA to control a bussend of some channels to mixingbus. I hope that makes some sense, sorry but my english is really not the best.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Yeah, but I don't want to control the whole bus by a DCA, I want the DCA to control a bussend of some channels to mixingbus. I hope that makes some sense, sorry but my english is really not the best.


If you use the MATRIX outputs for monitors, you could send those drums via BUS1 to MTX1 and send other stuff going to MTX via separate BUS - now you could control the drums with DCA, that is controlling BUS1

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Okay thanks for the tip. But when using Matrix for monitormix, I would need to use the matrixsend on the BUS and I can't control those via DCA, or am I thinking wrong there?
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests


You can not control Matrixes with DCA - but all buses and channels - it would be helpful to know how many monitor lines you need and more precisely what kind control you wish to achieve.
What exactly is the deal of these drums - are you sending all drum channels into monitors or only BD and snare...

So please - give us whole picture.

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I usually have up to 15 Vocals each with a SM58. On their monitormix they often ask for more Sopran or more of the male voices. This is where my Problem lies.(I talked about a drumset just to simplify).
So I was thinking about being able to control those Groups of vocs in my monitormix as a whole, and not having to adjust them all seperatly.

Thanks for your help sofar, much appreciated.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests


This is like a dentist pulling teeth out one by one - finally patient says "Now you got right out"...

So - it is a choir of 15 persons - how many monitor groups - how many microphones - can not be that hard to figure out - but PLEASE give full information of what you have and what you wish to do.