Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Running our school show last night, I often wanted to check whether a mic was muted or not in the NEXT scene/cue.

How about a 'Scene Preview' button (probably a User Assign key) that when held-down displays the selected next scene/cue on the fader banks?

Or even a full "blind" editing mode (as in a lighting desk) that lets you call up and edit and save stored scene (or even save a new scene) without affecting the current live mix at all!
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hey everybody

im a live sound Engineer from Switzerland. I mix FOH and monitors for various bands here and after reading a lot of forum posts / reviews I really think that the time has come for me to buy a X32 and 2 stageboxes

I just found these forums via Google and read through some pages of this feature-request thread. I don't know if it has been mentioned yet but there's one big thing for me that would make the X32 the ultimate desk for that money: the ability to send input channels directly to matrix busses. AND the ability to use a matrix as an input for effects.

That would practically give me six more busses. I mix some bands with 6 stereo IEM on stage. Plus I'd like to use some effects. In that way i would still be able to use at least 4 subgroups..

The other reason is: I like the idea of sending subgroups to FX. I could for example send the whole horn section to one reverb. And even better: I often compress only my subgroups, especially when mixing monitors from FOH. But when I send a channel to a reverb now, the reverberated signal has a different dynamic behavior than what's feeding my mix bus. Of course, I could compress the send, but I cannot keep track of 373736 compressors at the same time..

Channels -> Matrix and Matrix -> FX! Now! Please! :)

i hope you guys can understand what I mean since English isn't my native tongue.

All the best

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hey everybody

im a live sound Engineer from Switzerland. I mix FOH and monitors for various bands here and after reading a lot of forum posts / reviews I really think that the time has come for me to buy a X32 and 2 stageboxes

I just found these forums via Google and read through some pages of this feature-request thread.

That would practically give me six more busses. I mix some bands with 6 stereo IEM on stage. Plus I'd like to use some effects. In that way i would still be able to use at least 4 subgroups..

Jonas, buy an x32, an x32 rack and one stage box, and that would allow you to mix monitors off the x32 rack (or your performers could do their own mixes), leaving 16 busses available for Foh on the full sized desk. It would also allow you to process Foh however you want without effecting monitors...
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests


i have to have access to monitor mixes during the show so that's no option..

however, it would still not be possible to send a bus in an effect.. ;-)
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests


i have to have access to monitor mixes during the show so that's no option..

however, it would still not be possible to send a bus in an effect.. ;-)


You WOULD have access to monitor mix during the show with Shane´s proposal. Since you plan to have stage boxes, it means you are going to have cable between stage and mixer. You could have second ethernet cable between your X32R on stage and a computer in FOH - or you could control X32R wireless from FOH with iPad or Android. This would leave ALL buses in FOH free to do whatever.

As of your wish to compress the reverb feed identically - sorry - nothing pops in my mind... Copy-paste of compressor settings should not take forever. Then - how are you planning to use the DCA-controls ?

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Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

The other reason is: I like the idea of sending subgroups to FX. I could for example send the whole horn section to one reverb. And even better: I often compress only my subgroups, especially when mixing monitors from FOH. But when I send a channel to a reverb now, the reverberated signal has a different dynamic behavior than what's feeding my mix bus. Of course, I could compress the send, but I cannot keep track of 373736 compressors at the same time..

Channels -> Matrix and Matrix -> FX! Now! Please! :)

Not a good idee I think, it will be much easier to make an internal feedback, for some it's allready to tricky at the moment...

But I second the proposal, of the x32rack as a stagebox and as a monitor mixer. It's so easy to adjust it with a tablet.
The price difference is very small comparing a S16 with a X32 rack.

If you're afraid of losing wifi (use a dual band!!), I would also suggest to have a second cat5, and place the wifi at FOH, that would make it a lot more robust. Also you can connect both X32's to the same wifi. :)

You can use a compressor as a insert on the bus I think?

Or rout the bus internal to a input channel, (Select the buss on the input selector of the channel) use the channel compressor, and insert the effect on the channel, send the output of that channel only to LR, or monitor busses, not to effectbusses.

Sometimes I use this for backing vocals to have a group compressor, without eating effect slots.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Not a good idee I think, it will be much easier to make an internal feedback, for some it's allready to tricky at the moment...

But I second the proposal, of the x32rack as a stagebox and as a monitor mixer. It's so easy to adjust it with a tablet.
The price difference is very small comparing a S16 with a X32 rack.

If you're afraid of losing wifi (use a dual band!!), I would also suggest to have a second cat5, and place the wifi at FOH, that would make it a lot more robust. Also you can connect both X32's to the same wifi. :)

You can use a compressor as a insert on the bus I think?

Or rout the bus internal to a input channel, (Select the buss on the input selector of the channel) use the channel compressor, and insert the effect on the channel, send the output of that channel only to LR, or monitor busses, not to effectbusses.

Sometimes I use this for backing vocals to have a group compressor, without eating effect slots.

Hey Jonas, e Eidgenoss 8)~:cool:~:cool:
I use the M/C bus for FX send, and it is also present in mixbusses - incl. all FX / inserts


Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Not a good idee I think, it will be much easier to make an internal feedback, for some it's allready to tricky at the moment...

Why is it easier to get internal feedbacks?

By the way that's a feature Soundcraft & Yamaha desks have, and I work like that for a long time already.

Really, I'm aware of the solution with the additional rack mixer. Might be a way for In-Ear only Shows. But if I have wedges, I need to be quick.
Of course my request would be luxury but still, this is a quite common feature in today's desks so I'm just asking.. :)
since you would not HAVE to use it, it would just give people who like it (like me) 6 additional busses.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Just something I found today.
When I look at the home screen of a channel, I see a orange dot when a sub group is not muted.
When I look at the sends screen of a channel, I see a orange background behind the text MUTE.
I'm not allways sure what is mentioned...
Would it not be better to use a green dot when a channel is not muted on the home screen, and a red background behind the text MUTE on the sends screen when the channel is muted.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Well of course. There are solutions and it would probably work but if I'd use the rack i also cannot cue the IEM mixes etc etc

I just asked for that feature..:)

i know that the desk probably is not capable of extra busses but the matrices are already there. This feature got added to m7cl in version 2.0 as well so I thought it might be possible. If not that's fine. Just askin..:)
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

After two years of using this platform regularly there is a few things I would like to see. There is no polarity option in the output section for the outs. If I want to do system checks or need to place an output in reverse polarity I have to go through a matrix. If that matrix is linked I then have to unlink it. The other bothersome bug is that when you go to delay an output or channel with the ipad, it jumps really quickly from .03ms to several ms. and it takes a very fine touch to get even .1ms adjustments. Can a fine tune feature be added to the ipad control? I don't think most will need to get to 500ms delays that quickly.

As others have mentioned getting through the EQ options without having to pass through an option you don't want would be nice. Something that I realize has been addressed but not perfected is channel splitting. When you take a channel and split it into two channels, the HA gain is still shared. I don't really want to deal with the HA split mode when I only need to split 4-8 channels. The mixer has 32 channels and will control each one independently, lets make it just that. The crossover function in the matrix is really cool, but it eats matrix'. How about adding an effect that is a crossover and takes it's input feeds directly from the main mix busses? Or better yet, make the crossover feature part of the main busses EQ section? That way I don't have to route redundantly to the mains. I may as well route to a group and then go to a matrix in the current form.

One other thing that bothers me is when mixing on the ipad, when switching between different banks, if I switch the channel I am on in a bank, when I go over to another bank it will reflect where I was at in the last bank and not return to the last channel I was on in that particular bank. This is a pain when going back between channel banks. If I was on channel 1 and then go to channel 13 when I switch back to the first bank, channel 5 is recalled. It's the same when going to the master and aux channels. I have not seen an option to resolve that? Also when in the edit tabs ( eq, dynamics, sends, naming etc. ) if you select channels or banks far enough that you go into the DCA bank, the edit tab changes over to naming automatically. This is the only feature selectable for the DCA's, but when you cross through the DCA banks, or select another channel bank, the edit tab stays on the naming tab. It would be nice if it would switch back to the view tab you were on before you went into the DCA bank, or at least default to the view that you get when you hit the detail button.

Other than that, everything is awesome.......
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I would like to see a Mutli Band Compressor, like the tc finalizer, as an effects processor.
Add me to the auto-mix function list too.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

The other bothersome bug is that when you go to delay an output or channel with the ipad, it jumps really quickly from .03ms to several ms. and it takes a very fine touch to get even .1ms adjustments. Can a fine tune feature be added to the ipad control? I don't think most will need to get to 500ms delays that quickly.



I was testing this with my iPad mini - I have latest versions in both my X32R and iPad - when using rotaries as sliders there is the problem you describe - but if you select rotary gesture to be circular, it takes about 14 times round the "encoder" on iPad to make full turn - this is on delays on inputs and outputs, stereo delay on effect rack - and if you rotate your finger in large circle around the knob it is quite easy to adjust accurately
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I don't really want to deal with the HA split mode when I only need to split 4-8 channels. The mixer has 32 channels and will control each one independently, lets make it just that.

As this is a hardware gain, the only way to make this work, is to use old fashion Y cable, and split outside the console. Then you have exactly what you want.

For the rest I agree, I also just found that timo suggestion for the delay works a lot better, thanks for that!
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Just something I found today.
When I look at the home screen of a channel, I see a orange dot when a sub group is not muted.
When I look at the sends screen of a channel, I see a orange background behind the text MUTE.
I'm not allways sure what is mentioned...
Would it not be better to use a green dot when a channel is not muted on the home screen, and a red background behind the text MUTE on the sends screen when the channel is muted.

That depends on how you think about it but it does get somewhat confusing until you get accustomed to it--particularly where the orange bus assignment is used on the channel "home" screen (as opposed to grey when un-assigned to a subgroup) and the color scheme "seems" to be reversed on the channel "sends" screen. When looking at the actual function of the mute buttons on the color scheme is correct however it really isn't as intuitive at it could be. On the channel "sends" page, the channel is assigned to a bus when it is NOT muted. I had a little bit of confusion initially but I did become accustomed to it as a bit of an "oddity" with the X32 channel sends page for understanding subgroup assignment.

It can get confusing for new operators and I feel that a better and more intuitive job of labeling could have been adopted by the software developers--I don't believe that adequate design input was received from persons with extensive experience with "subgroup mixing". I think the developers got lazy and opted to use the existing graphic(s) for the sends page because they didn't realize the name for the function for the subgroups would better be defined as "Assign" instead of "Mute"--then the color schemes for the channel "Home" and "Sends" pages could then coincide--"Assign" in orange on the sends page instead of grey for un-muted.

The focus from Behringer seems to be in the use of the X32 primarily as a single FOH or on-stage mixing console where that one console is responsible for both the FOH & on-stage mixing responsibilities. Using the X32 as a dedicated FOH console where a second console is used for on-stage responsibilities seems, at times, as an after-thought! This becomes evident when initially pre-configuring the console. For "Subgroup mixing" the Setup >> Config >> Bus Pre-Configuration options are missing one important option (0 + 8 + 8) and/or alternatively, to permit changing the bus configuration order to Subgroup, pre (post EQ), post Fader. Currently, there is no Pre-Configuration option where I can place 8 subgroups on the same layer. Those of us who mix using subgroups, tend to like having the subgroups on as few layers as possible. The fastest workaround only takes a couple of minutes (Pre-Configure 8+0+8 and then configure the 1st four Mixbus pairs as subgroups) but it did take a minute to figure that out, particularly because of the way the sends mute buttons are used as assigns. I'm used to it not but I still think that a better job could have been done for labeling the channel subgroup assignments.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Don't know if this is noted already, but the delays have strange dividers. I often use 3/4 for my techno stuff but there is only 2/3 and 4/3 (I chain one as insert doing 1/4 and one on bus doing 1/2 as workaround, but thats so crappy, specially when the delays cant be synced to midi clock plus the feedback is 1/2 jumps)

3/4 divider on delays please! And midi sync to time parameter!

Other that that i love the desk.