Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I usually have up to 15 Vocals each with a SM58. On their monitormix they often ask for more Sopran or more of the male voices. This is where my Problem lies.(I talked about a drumset just to simplify).
So I was thinking about being able to control those Groups of vocs in my monitormix as a whole, and not having to adjust them all seperatly.

Thanks for your help sofar, much appreciated.

What you are asking can be done.
On Midas consoles these are called MCA groups. On the X32 you cannot do it on the console directly, but it can be done using the free iphone app from Behringer.

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests


This is like a dentist pulling teeth out one by one - finally patient says "Now you got right out"...

So - it is a choir of 15 persons - how many monitor groups - how many microphones - can not be that hard to figure out - but PLEASE give full information of what you have and what you wish to do.

Hi Timo!

Sorry I didn't give a full overview of my Setup and Problem, you are right of course and I apologize for that. But my english isn't very good, and so it's difficult for me to describe all of that.
I also didn't want to start a big debatte over this, because I think thats the wrong thread for that.
My Setup is a x32 console with 2 s16. 15 vocalists plus band(drumset, Keyboards, Bass, Guitars).. The vocalists each have a microfon and they have one Monitor together. The Band has IEM (2 monitorways). All works perfektly so far. Often the choirleader asks for more Sopran on their Monitor, or all the male voices to be quieter. Now I have to adjust the bussend for each needed channel. It's not a big Problem, and it's even easier now on the x32 thanks to "sends on fader". But working with DCAs for the first time, I waas thinking it would be awsome and very easy if I could Setup DCAs for each voicegroups which don't affect the Mainmix but the bussends.
I hope this is making some sense, I really struggle with the words to describe this.

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Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Hi Timo!

Sorry I didn't give a full overview of my Setup and Problem, you are right of course and I apologize for that. But my english isn't very good, and so it's difficult for me to describe all of that.
I also didn't want to start a big debatte over this, because I think thats the wrong thread for that.
My Setup is a x32 console with 2 s16. 15 vocalists plus band(drumset, Keyboards, Bass, Guitars).. The vocalists each have a microfon and they have one Monitor together. The Band has IEM (2 monitorways). All works perfektly so far. Often the choirleader asks for more Sopran on their Monitor, or all the male voices to be quieter. Now I have to adjust the bussend for each needed channel. It's not a big Problem, and it's even easier now on the x32 thanks to "sends on fader". But working with DCAs for the first time, I waas thinking it would be awsome and very easy if I could Setup DCAs for each voicegroups which don't affect the Mainmix but the bussends.
I hope this is making some sense, I really struggle with the words to describe this.


As the director, it would be easier for him/her to have the sopranos sing louder or the men to sing softer. Balancing the ensemble is the director's job, and it is done with a baton or instructions, not a mixing console or other device.

Choruses have been singing without electronics for several centuries. Sometimes the old ways are the best.

Have fun, good luck.

Tim Mc
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests


In this case - you only need that function for choir microphones - suggestion

First use i.e. BUS 1 for altos - BUS 2 for tenors - and so forth - one BUS for each voice-group - use these BUSes as monitor sends - pre-fade - and route them all to MATRIX 1

You will have to assign the MATRIX 1 output to get sound out - other monitor groups can be assigned directly via respective BUSes

Assign each voice-group BUS into a DCA - 1-2 - 2-2 3-3 etc - now you have a DCA for each voice-group MONITOR - NOT affecting your house mix.

Naturally this will eat buses and DCA´s - but I imagine you should have enough - after all you can have 12 monitor buses + 4 effects at once.

This is without using subgroups - but there you should have 4 DCA´s left over for rest of the band

p.s. nothing wrong with your english :)~:)~:smile:
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

It sounds to me like what he is trying to do is instead of attaching a channel fader to a DCA he wants to attach a bus send on a channel to a DCA. Which seems like a pretty neat idea. I could use it for some stuff I want to do too.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests


That's a good idea, haven't thought of that.Thanks. I will have to see if I do it that way, as it is really eating away busses. As I said it's not that important, just would be nice.
But wouldn't the DCAs just control the bus itself? I think I would need to route the busses directly to matrix1, and not via the normal matrixsend in the bus? I haven't foundthe Option to directly route to a Matrix yet.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

What about duplicating the inputs on layer two (I. e. channels 17-32 source from inputs 1-16), put DCAs on the 2nd layer in appropriate groups and send only the 2nd layer channels, post fader, to the bus.

Now the DCAs control the levels to your group without affecting the levels on the top layer of faders feeding the house.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

It sounds to me like what he is trying to do is instead of attaching a channel fader to a DCA he wants to attach a bus send on a channel to a DCA. Which seems like a pretty neat idea. I could use it for some stuff I want to do too.

That would come in handy, although you can imagine that you'd create some pretty interesting headaches if you had an input channel, bus and bus send all on one DCA!

In the situation given, I'd colour code the input channels by voice, and have sopranos, altos, etc on separate DCAs for ease of mixing FOH. For the monitors, I'd probably send all the sopranos to Bus 1, Altos to Bus 2, etc, and then a post-fade send from each bus to Matrix 1 and use that as the monitor output. Then you can mix the monitors from the Bus 1-8 fader layer. It's unlikely you'll need to adjust the monitor mix much during the show, so having to swap from the DCA layer to the first bus layer to make an adjustment wouldn't be a problem, and then you still have the rest of the DCAs free for the bits that matter for the FOH mix.

Lots of different ways to approach it.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Indeed, quite a number of the additions that people request are going to require that Behringer provide much better situational awareness facilities in the console... The ability to see on various pages with the signal flow is configured as without having to take it apart step by step.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

There are a number of things that you can do if you're willing to chew up buses or inputs to get them accomplished. But there's really no need for it to be required that you do it that way. It is after all just numbers.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Johannes - I think the P16 would do what you are looking for. You can group the channels however you like, and either you or the choirleader could do the mixing. I think it's worth investigating...


-Tim T
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I'm looking at getting an x32 Compact in the next couple of months, so when I stumbled on this thread I had to register to throw in my .02 cents!

1. Autotune is a FANTASTIC idea. There are some people on this board who felt like it was "cheating", but the reality is it's in use everywhere. If the development team can give us autotune on every channel, they have essentially multiplied the value of the console. Antares rack units aren't cheap!I really hope this feature makes it.

2. Not sure if there was a technical reason preventing this, but if there is any way to be able to use all 17 motorized faders in DAW control, that would be extremely helpful.
