Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Imagine I'm running a night with multiple bands, so I put 4 vocal mics across the front of the stage to cover all eventualities. I then put them all in a "vocals" mute group.

But the first band only uses 2 of these mics. So I mute the other two unused channels on the respective channel strips. However, when I unmute the group as the band walks on stage all 4 mics become live. Obviously this isn't what I want...

We had this discussion before, I believe I remember (erroneously perhaps) that the consensus was that mute groups should not unmute channels that were individually muted, and that this was actually the way it worked for a while, but again, I might be mistaken.
We obviously need the option to select whether individual mutes should be "hard" or "soft".
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

How many channels do you need automix on? You realize that it is a talking heads aid, right? It doesn't do concerts for you.

Sent from my iPad HD

I'm thinking about conference use. I just did a discussion oriented conference with 35 mics and we really could have used another dozen more. Sure we can discuss the merits of a stand alone conference mic system vs a big console manually operated vs a big console with inserted auto mixers vs a stack of rack mount auto mixers etc and how well the different systems work with various numbers of mics. But I'm thinking that if implementing the auto-mixing into linkable X32s isn't too difficult it would make a pretty potent option for these kinds of gigs. Especially when there is a need for zoning. JR's suggestion of cascading is probably not too bad of an option in practice but I'd like to suggest that linking be at least investigated. And then of course, this kind of use also begs for a 4 channel digi-snake box system (for spreading mics around a room) as well but, baby steps...
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I'm coming up from the PRESONUS 16.4.2 and I am missing the post fader level meter of the channels.
It is an good feature to control mixing a group of voices or instruments, especially if there are different settings of EQ and/or dynamics. And for me it is an important feature with the console placed on the stage, if it is impossible to hear the PA sound directly.
There is no need of a separate page on the screen but the possibility to switch to post fader metering of channels and busses.
The input level meters out of the screen may stay post gain.
These are not enough precise to be used for an output signal in this way.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Quick one from me...

I set up a show in X32 Edit the other night, and loaded it onto the desk ready for a musical theatre show yesterday (V2.02) - around 50 scenes. I always set the scribble strips for the RF input channels to black if they're not used during that scene, and green if they are. I also set the character names in the strip so that it's nice and quick to glance between the script and the board.

All seemed well until we got to the theatre, and I needed to change the routing to some of the channels (under the Config page). No problem I thought, I'll just load the first scene, make the routing changes, save it, and parameter safe it so that the routing didn't change back when I loaded the next scene. Unfortunately you can't though - all you can do is set the whole Config section to safe, and then none of the scribble strips change when you load the next scene! I ended up having to spend 30 minutes loading every scene, changing the routing for about 20 channels, saving it, and so on.

So... please can we have a separate parameter safe for the scribble strip and the routing part of the Config page?!

I couldn't even use snippets to do it, because again, you can only select the entire Config section of an input channel to save as a snippet.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I couldn't even use snippets to do it, because again, you can only select the entire Config section of an input channel to save as a snippet.

Export the snippet to usb, edit it in WordPad (or another editor that hasn't got the habit of changing anything) to remove what you don't want from the snippet, then import it to the X32 and use.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I'd really like to see

- an Android app :)
- support for FLAC (it's free!)
- support for MP3s (even as a paid option to the firmware, this would be a great addition)
- freely configurable layout of the routing matrix with the ability to have all faders available for channels
- the possibility to record single channel wavs directly to USB (probably not with a stick but HDD)
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Another one:
- the ability to use the USB Remote out to connect to PC/Mac and use the desk just as a control surface
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

I'm coming up from the PRESONUS 16.4.2 and I am missing the post fader level meter of the channels.
It is an good feature to control mixing a group of voices or instruments, especially if there are different settings of EQ and/or dynamics. And for me it is an important feature with the console placed on the stage, if it is impossible to hear the PA sound directly.
There is no need of a separate page on the screen but the possibility to switch to post fader metering of channels and busses.
The input level meters out of the screen may stay post gain.
These are not enough precise to be used for an output signal in this way.

I'd never thought of post fader input metering for live, but what I would like for the X32 is post fader OUTPUT metering. In my opinion this should be the default configuration. If I'm troubleshooting a record or zone feed I use the meters to make sure I'm routed correctly and am actually outputting. Pre fader output meters can tell you that something is outputting when in fact it's not.

-A de-esser that's actually usable would be my absolute #1 request. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. It needs frequency selectable reduction, not just male/female. And while we're on that topic, a full on multi-band comp would be awesome.

-After the 2.0 update, I noticed hitting sends on fader while on the DCA page with an input selected doesn't take you straight to SOF anymore, an addition step is require to see my bus outputs for that channel. Can you at least make that an option? When mixing, I live on the DCA layer and I'd like for it to go back to just the one button push to get back to SOF. Blinking light was a nice feature add though.

-Make the RTA display an option. I personally prefer when I could see the gain/cut of all 4 bands on what page and not just the selected band.


1.The usb record function works about 50% of the time. Half the time it leaves me with a file that's 0kb. This has been verified on more than one console.

2. Saving and reloading a whole show file doesn't save all configuration parameters. More than once it hasn't saved master peq settings, bus configuraions, all my custom buttons and encoders etc...a full show file should save and load absolutely everything and leave the console in an identical state.

Thanks for the continued support on this console.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

2. Saving and reloading a whole show file doesn't save all configuration parameters. More than once it hasn't saved master peq settings, bus configuraions, all my custom buttons and encoders etc...a full show file should save and load absolutely everything and leave the console in an identical state.

did you save the current scene first? As far as I know saving the whole show will export all scenes in their last saved state. Any changes made after the last 'save scene' will not be exported to the usb drive. And the showfile itself do not hold configurations like peq setting, bus configurations and so on. It is all stored in the scene.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

did you save the current scene first? As far as I know saving the whole show will export all scenes in their last saved state. Any changes made after the last 'save scene' will not be exported to the usb drive. And the showfile itself do not hold configurations like peq setting, bus configurations and so on. It is all stored in the scene.

Well even if I didn't save the scene right before exporting the show, we're talking about a club install situation where every tech has their own scene saved nightly over the course of over a year now. So all that stuff I lost was definitely saved into all the scenes. This situation has also happened on 2 different consoles, in two different clubs. Both times when we were sending one in for repair and swapping with one we use for rental or a loaner from John.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Well even if I didn't save the scene right before exporting the show, we're talking about a club install situation where every tech has their own scene saved nightly over the course of over a year now. So all that stuff I lost was definitely saved into all the scenes. This situation has also happened on 2 different consoles, in two different clubs. Both times when we were sending one in for repair and swapping with one we use for rental or a loaner from John.

So, did you get any confirmation from Behringer that it was indeed a fault on the consoles?
Could there be a version incompatibility, some scenes stored under an earlier version might not reload correctly, depending on firmware version when stored and when reloaded.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

So, did you get any confirmation from Behringer that it was indeed a fault on the consoles?
Could there be a version incompatibility, some scenes stored under an earlier version might not reload correctly, depending on firmware version when stored and when reloaded.

This is the first time I've brought it up, I haven't contacted them directly about it. That's a good point regarding firmware versions, but I do know that at the time with the console swaps all of them were on the 1.15 firmware. The most recent time I ran into this was updating to 2.0, which obviously is a different firmware. But the results were the same every time, and it's happened 3 times to me now.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

This is the first time I've brought it up, I haven't contacted them directly about it. That's a good point regarding firmware versions, but I do know that at the time with the console swaps all of them were on the 1.15 firmware. The most recent time I ran into this was updating to 2.0, which obviously is a different firmware. But the results were the same every time, and it's happened 3 times to me now.

If it has happened three times on different consoles, it is probably a systematic user error. It is obviously very difficult to analyze what you are doing when the problem occurs, I can only suggest that you go through your routines, maybe look for parameter safes that you weren't aware of. Have you looked at the scenes and confirmed that the settings are not saved? Have you tried to replicate the problem?
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

- an official Android app
- support for FLAC
- support for MP3 (as a paid option to cover licensing?)
- custom layers
- vertical channel pairing
- multi-track record directly to USB connected drive
- gate key listen button missing in X32 Edit – kind of an issue for Core owners (and to Rack owners to some degree)
- option to split graphic EQ’s to be used/stored/recalled as true mono
- crossover algorithms on L/R/M outputs
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

-A de-esser that's actually usable would be my absolute #1 request. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. It needs frequency selectable reduction, not just male/female.


Years ago I built a 72dB/oct analog low-cut filter for local university speech laboratory - while there I asked about de-essing - they said it is language-dependent - meaning mothertongue of a person, not which language she/he speaks/sings - a set of narrow filters that should be tuned to each individual to work best.

If someone has newer info on this - please correct.

Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Would like to have a Yamaha style input patching matrix. Or one similar to the android app. Put a dot in the input and the channel and they map. No blocks of eight, just one to one. PM5D | Mixers | Products | Yamaha

The assignment of i/o in blocks of 8 channels is dictated by the hardware, not the firmware. Behringer representatives have discussed this several times on these forums. Until the hardware is changed this cannot be done.

That said, once you assign the physical i/o the internal routing can be assigned as desired, i.e. channel 1 can get it's input from *any* connected source - local input 1, AES50A input 2, or local input 31. Like you, I would prefer a cribbage board matrix rather than spinners.
Re: Behringer X32 Firmware v3.0 Feature Requests

Here's an easy one: I'd like to see the ability added to map any button on the console to the user buttons, in case one fails. I've got a console here, just out of warranty that has it's DCA group select button that is dead, with no way to map it to a working button somewhere else. (Other than PC or iPod control anyway.)

Thanks for listening guys ! (If you actually are...)