New Midas M32 Console

Re: They're Coming ...

How about QSC toucmix mixer, never ship for one year. Many manufacturer are late and why always complian behringer/midas?

This has been a problem. QSC has operated the MI supply like the contracting supply, and that does not work. You have to have the MI products in people's hands when they are announced. The contractors work on projects one to two years out. We need to know what is coming and what the tentative price structure will be. If companies show too soon on MI products, then the interest peaks before the product arrives, and then sales are not as hot as they could have been.

QSC has attracted some smart people from BIAMP. I bet things change.

If you ever have a chance to go out to QSC for a certification class or a something, take a tour. It is a great thing to see. It gave me a new appreciation for their products and organization.
Re: They're Coming ...

This has been a problem. QSC has operated the MI supply like the contracting supply, and that does not work. You have to have the MI products in people's hands when they are announced. The contractors work on projects one to two years out. We need to know what is coming and what the tentative price structure will be. If companies show too soon on MI products, then the interest peaks before the product arrives, and then sales are not as hot as they could have been.

QSC has attracted some smart people from BIAMP. I bet things change.

If you ever have a chance to go out to QSC for a certification class or a something, take a tour. It is a great thing to see. It gave me a new appreciation for their products and organization.

In my experience the contracting customers are much more sensitive to shipping release delays than MI customers. If a contractor specs a SKU into a job and then can not finish that job, they may not get paid for the entire job, while MI customers do not generally face such economic risk.

No manufacturer intentionally shows products prematurely but unexpected stuff happens.

Re: New Midas M32 Console

Can someone with a desk tell how the gain works? How are the steps 0.1db, 0.5db or 1 db. Also is there button for trim?

Gain for local mic inputs are 0,5 dB steps.

When you select an input that is not local mic or an AES50 stagebox with controllable mic pres, then the GAIN converts to a "TRIM" parameter.

If you download the X-EDIT program from the "B" website you will get quite a bit of answers to things like this from there.

I used it to offline configure my M32 before it arrived.

By the way, I timed a boot-up: about 15 seconds.

Sadly I am still waiting for the MADI card before I can use y M32 fully.... :-(
(I can get my hands on a DN9650 as a workaround, but too busy at the moment. Soon!!)

Re: New Midas M32 Console

Gain for local mic inputs are 0,5 dB steps.

When you select an input that is not local mic or an AES50 stagebox with controllable mic pres, then the GAIN converts to a "TRIM" parameter.

If you download the X-EDIT program from the "B" website you will get quite a bit of answers to things like this from there.

I used it to offline configure my M32 before it arrived.

By the way, I timed a boot-up: about 15 seconds.

Sadly I am still waiting for the MADI card before I can use y M32 fully.... :-(
(I can get my hands on a DN9650 as a workaround, but too busy at the moment. Soon!!)


Could you not just use the x32 version, Thomann have them in stock so it's defiantly now available
Re: They're Coming ...

In my experience the contracting customers are much more sensitive to shipping release delays than MI customers. If a contractor specs a SKU into a job and then can not finish that job, they may not get paid for the entire job, while MI customers do not generally face such economic risk.

No manufacturer intentionally shows products prematurely but unexpected stuff happens.


Exactly ...
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Gain for local mic inputs are 0,5 dB steps.

When you select an input that is not local mic or an AES50 stagebox with controllable mic pres, then the GAIN converts to a "TRIM" parameter.

Thanks Arne. That gives me many questions.
Here is Pro Series from Website
The DL441 analogue input module provides eight balanced line (or mic) inputs. Its rear
panel houses eight input XLRs, each having check and 48V LEDs.
The line inputs may be used as simple unity gain inputs to the XL8, such as insert
returns. However, there is also provision for gain adjustment in 5dB steps from -5dB to
+40dB. This allows very high signal levels to enter the system and means that the
same hardware can be used for mic inputs, if required by the system.
When used for microphones the input can also provide 48-volt phantom power.

And here is XL8
Gain control A -2.5dB to +45dB analogue gain in 2.5dB steps
with local and remote control; plus a further
±20dB of hi resolution interpolated DSP trim
Gain control B Independent second channel identical to above

Now M32 has no Trim. That was important feature in other series. You can run Input hot and trim gain for other sound. Many other technical data don't match too. maybe a Midas person can explain why data is different and everyone say the inputs all the same?
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Can I switch from Gain to digital trim of build in Inputs?

Yes, by engaging HA (headamp) gain split, you can have digital trim in the channel view and only be adjusting the analogue gain in the preamp view.

EDIT: Remember, anything you want to learn about the M32 you can learn from the X32 resources like the wiki, the manuals, the forum threads, the software. Download X32-Edit and pretend it is M32-Edit, you can learn a lot from playing with it, and most menus are laid out exactly like they are on the console.
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Re: New Midas M32 Console

Gain splitting can be used on all AES50 connected X/M 32 mixers in a specific rig, including the mixer setup for local ('master') control. A realistic and workable amount of analog preamp gain would get set during sound check and prior to enabling gain split. Gain splitting simply removes the analog gain control from each individual channel strip, replacing it instead, with a digital trim control that can provide up to 18db of additional signal. This trim control is totally independent of any other connected mixer's trim control and most importantly, it does not alter the original analog gain set. So the monitor guy can alter his trim without bothering the FOH guy and vice versa while both working with the exact same channel's analog headamp gain. Once gain split is active you can only change the analog gain from your SETUP page under the preamp menu.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Gain splitting can be used on all AES50 connected X/M 32 mixers in a specific rig, including the mixer setup for local ('master') control. A realistic and workable amount of analog preamp gain would get set during sound check and prior to enabling gain split. Gain splitting simply removes the analog gain control from each individual channel strip, replacing it instead, with a digital trim control that can provide up to 18db of additional signal. This trim control is totally independent of any other connected mixer's trim control and most importantly, it does not alter the original analog gain set. So the monitor guy can alter his trim without bothering the FOH guy and vice versa while both working with the exact same channel's analog headamp gain. Once gain split is active you can only change the analog gain from your SETUP page under the preamp menu.

Sorry I not mean split. I want to know if possible to use preamp as in pro series mixer. There you have 20db trim to use if you run preamp really high. This is good for coloration of signal and always was part of Midas sound.
this seems to work different on M32 then all other mixers of midas. Also gain steps are different then pro series.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

Sorry I not mean split. I want to know if possible to use preamp as in pro series mixer. There you have 20db trim to use if you run preamp really high. This is good for coloration of signal and always was part of Midas sound.
this seems to work different on M32 then all other mixers of midas. Also gain steps are different then pro series.

I believe the pro-series preams work in 2.5 dB steps, at least in the DL stage boxes. The two different forms of gain is available in different views on the Pro as well, I don't think there is a view where you have both at the same time. Working them is slightly different, but the principle is the same.
Don't know if you can push the M32 preamps in the same manner as the Pro preamps though. One would certainly expect it to be the same, but whether the headroom at the AD is the same, one can only guess, but hopefully it's the same.
Re: New Midas M32 Console

I agree, the outcome would be equal. Setting the optimal gain then switching to gain split gives you the ability to boost by allowing up to an 18db increase using digital trim. The preamps are advertised to be Midas Pro series. The process of adjusting gain and trim may be different with other pro family desks but the end result should be pretty much the same. It might take another step or so to do with the M32 but then again, you wouldn't need to be kicking it in every instance of gain adjustment. The gain steps on the M32 desk itself are in .5 DB just like the X32, at least it shows that in the M32-mix program. With a stage box and AES50 connection I think you only get a trim control within each mixer channel, the gain itself is on the stage box. With the S16 stage box, the gain displays and front panel adjusts in 2.5 steps but remotely it can be adjusted in .5 increments. Since the stage box display can only show 2.5 steps the readings don't always match but are in fact equal according to CARE. Will be interesting to see if the Midas DL16 stage box changes that and if the Pro Series preamp really can adjust by .5 as the Mix program would indicate.
It's Here !

Yippee ... the M32 arrived this week !

But, dang, UPS dinged the box and gouged the nice poster. Oh well ... it's what's inside that counts.

The dust cover is similar to what's supplied with the X32 ... functional, but not industrial strength. No user manual ... but we've gotten past that.

The faders are silky smooth and glide effortlessly. When changing layers, the repositioning of the faders is almost instantaneous.

Can you hear me now ? Oops ... there's no internal Talk Back mic.

I'm hoping the back light on the various buttons (SEL, Custom Assign Buttons, etc.) will be visible outdoors in bright sunlight. They seem pretty dim.

As for the audio, I'll be using the X32 Rack this weekend, so I'll have to wait another week to hear it with the full PA.

I could not find the product warranty registration page on the Midas website.

Lastly, the case arrived from SafeCase. I selected the 3/8" construction for this nice USA made case. Sturdy, but manageable with no dog house.

- Bob
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Re: New Midas M32 Console

The adjustment is the same, Robert. The brightness of the display screen and scribble strips is ok, it's just the back light on the Select (SEL), Assignable buttons, and Mute Groups that's wanting.

Those buttons are different on the M32 compared to the large, translucent ones on the the X32. They are smaller with only the name or number being illuminated rather than the entire translucent button.
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Re: New Midas M32 Console

The adjustment is the same, Robert. The brightness of the display screen and scribble strips is ok, it's just the back light on the Select (SEL) Assignable buttons, and Mute Groups that's wanting.

Those buttons are different on the M32 compared to the large, translucent ones on the the X32. They are smaller with only the name or number being illuminated rather than the entire translucent button.
Ah, ok.

I hope to try a m32 one day but I belive it will take some time...