X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion


The Equalizer "Q" (Damping) setting is "backwards" compared to everything else I've used (including other Behringer products), seen or designed. It should increase the "Q" with a clockwise turn, affecting fewer frequencies. If it was preference, I wouldn't bring it up - but it's not correct.

LS9 and M7 are CCW for higher Q. Seems normal to me.
Authorized Dealers

Does anyone happen to know if Amazon.com is an authorized X32 dealer? I don't see any dealer listing on Behringer's site.
Re: Firmware Upgrade

Looking at a few UPSs for use with the X32, is the 20ms time an estimate or a hard and fast "This or more will trip the mixer"?

Found a couple that suit my purpose physically, just need to know the specifics are correct before I go spending money.

fwiw... I've been using an APC SC450RM1U for a couple of months, with no problems. I simulated a power failure multiple times, and the X32 never had a problem.

I had tried a CyberPower OR700LCDRM1U. The manual claims a 4ms transfer time. But, when testing it, the X32 would reboot.

Eric H.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Mick,
When we first showed the X32 under glass back at NAMM 2011 the model looked like this.
It looks like this seller is using an outdated stock photo.

John DiNicola
Senior Specialist, Product Support

There you go.
windows 8

Has anyone tried the x-control with a full blown windows 8 touch screen laptop? will the x-control respond to touch control or does the software need to be specifically written for this?
Was thinking rather than getting an IPad ( which I will probably never do) I might consider getting one of the windows 8 laptop/tablet hybrids

Re: windows 8

Hi all.
first time poster; I've read through this topic over the last fee days when I've had some free time and remember seeing some discussion on this but can't recall any finite answer.
is it possible for a future firmware update to include the 16 input faders in the DAW remote mode?
I'm weighing up some options and the x32 seems like it could be a Control24 killer as well as my go to live board. . But to really replace the c24 it'd need the whole surface available for pro tools remote control.
If this is a hardware limitation then I fully agree with those who say we're asking for too much from a board at this price point . .but if it's addressable in a software change, are there any plans to implement it?


The protection provided by warranty changes from territory to territory. Anybody in the UK can expect 12 months warranty from a UK dealer even if they don't fill in the registration form at all - it's sensible to register, but is not linked to the warranty as we have a sale of goods act - however, this is aimed at consumers, so for a business purchase - registering the warranty is sensible. The 3 year warranty is an extra - so as it's available, registration is a no-brainer.

If you are a hire company, having one of any product is a risk - so needs to be balanced against cost. With a mixer - it's the focal point of a system - so only having one is critical element in the chain. Even an on site repair won't save the show if it happens suddenly, only a swap out will ensure reliability. Same thing with lighting - lose a few moving heads and the show isn't lost, lose the desk and it is!

Very rarely do we see spare mixers supplied, at any price point. Most businesses who cannot afford multiples just sub-hire to cover any shortages. Although I used to repair equipment, I find it's just not economic if the problem is anything other than discreet normal, NOT surface mount, components. SM devices, flow soldered killed off simple repairs for many of us - just too time-consuming and fiddly. Some may have the patience and eyesight - I don't!
Re: windows 8

Hi all.
first time poster; I've read through this topic over the last fee days when I've had some free time and remember seeing some discussion on this but can't recall any finite answer.
is it possible for a future firmware update to include the 16 input faders in the DAW remote mode?
I'm weighing up some options and the x32 seems like it could be a Control24 killer as well as my go to live board. . But to really replace the c24 it'd need the whole surface available for pro tools remote control.
If this is a hardware limitation then I fully agree with those who say we're asking for too much from a board at this price point . .but if it's addressable in a software change, are there any plans to implement it?


The problem is, that each Mackie Emulation device needs one entire Midi Port. If you daisy chain one Mackie Controller and let's say three Mackie 8channel extender, you would need four Midiports for that! The X32 recording card has only one Midi Port. That's the reason for the limitation. Otherwise..there is one unused USB Port at the back of the desk...so, you never know;-)
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Re: windows 8

The problem is, that each Mackie Emulation device needs one entire Midi Port. If you daisy chain one Mackie Controller and let's say three Mackie 8channel extender, you would need four Midiports for that! The X32 recording card has only one Midi Port. That's the reason for the limitation. Otherwise..the is one unused USB Port at the back of the desk...so, you never know;-)
Thanks for that Christian. I wasn't aware of the MIDI implications.
The X32 is still a great choice for me; the 8 fader DAW limitation is certainly not a deal killer as the board would be mainly used for live use. DAW control would be secondary. Even with the 8 fader control limitation, it's still quite usable as the analog front end for my pro tools rig.

Re: warranty

Anybody in the UK can expect 12 months warranty from a UK dealer even if they don't fill in the registration form at all - it's sensible to register, but is not linked to the warranty as we have a sale of goods act - however, this is aimed at consumers, so for a business purchase - registering the warranty is sensible.

Here in California, state law bans manufacturers from making a warranty conditional on registration.

Manufacturers must also state on the warranty card that the warranty will remain intact, even if the card isn't sent in.

Also, mandatory warranty periods are placed on some products.

Eric H.
Re: X32 Discussion

LS9 and M7 are CCW for higher Q. Seems normal to me.

Strange. My research shows similar controls on many mastering boards. But outboard hardware processors, software plug-ins are just the opposite. For example, the X32 is "backwards" from the DCX2496, DEQ2496 or anything else from Behringer. Similarly, it's "backwards" from the way modular instruments operate.

From a design standpoint, you are increasing the Q with a CW turn, ie: 0.5 (fully CCW) UP to 1.0 (centered) and UP to 4 or 5 (fully CW).

I guess I'll just have to get used to it.
Re: Warranty question


So what is the deal with the warranty if one fails to register X32 within 90 days within purchase ?

I ordered mine on 13 June 2012 - the payment was recognized on 18 june 2012 - I received it on 15 August 2012 - naturally I never registered the product within 90 days ( of what ) - later when doing so I got frustrated , because one obviously has to fill all the boxes like "first name" etc. every time for each unit - so when I was trying to register 5 units at a time I just gave up - then I sent a message ( never got an answer ) if one could provide an account or something else to make registration easier for multiple units.

Obviously nobody can officially have a desk that has gone out of shop door before Aug 15 2012 - so can I rest assured, that my X32 warranty will be good at least until 15 Aug 2015 ? Or will it be shorter just because I failed to fill the form within 90 days - of what...???

And what about making multiple unit registration easier?

Thanks for attention!
Dear Timo,

Generally the product registration is from the date of receipt. I have sent you a PM with a little more detail.

Pat Ferdig
XiControl / XiQ

Dear all,

we have just uploaded the latest XiControl iPad App as well as the XiQ iPhone App on the Apple store. While it usually takes 1-2 weeks for Apple to approve the apps, I promise you that this will be worth the wait.

The new XiControl is now the full version, with fantastic new graphics and over 40 pages, which will likely make it the most sophisticated App ever created in our industry.

Allow me to give credit to our truly amazing and dedicated BEHRINGER and MIDAS engineers in Germany and the UK, who worked around the clock to provide you with this incredible experience. I am extremely proud of the team.

But again, there is much more to come...

Warm regards

Re: XiControl / XiQ

Dear all,

we have just uploaded the latest XiControl iPad App as well as the XiQ iPhone App on the Apple store. While it usually takes 1-2 weeks for Apple to approve the apps, I promise you that this will be worth the wait.

The new XiControl is now the full version, with fantastic new graphics and over 40 pages, which will likely make it the most sophisticated App ever created in our industry.

Allow me to give credit to our truly amazing and dedicated BEHRINGER and MIDAS engineers in Germany and the UK, who worked around the clock to provide you with this incredible experience. I am extremely proud of the team.

But again, there is much more to come...

Warm regards


Thanks Uli, been waiting for this for a long time. Nice work.
Re: Internal crossover function in new update

A while back I asked about doing basic crossover functions in the mixer rather than the external crossover, and the general opinion was my idea was fatally flawed, but in the latest software upgrade it's now a feature - if I'm reading it correctly.

  • Matrix buses have some new features that enable them to be used in simple speaker processingapplications:
    - phase inverter switchable in config/preamp section
    - signal tap (pre/post EQ, pre/post fader) from bus sends to matrix can be selected now
    - EQ bands LOW and HIGH now can be switched to crossover filter types (butterworth, bessel,linkwitz-riley up to 24dB/oct).
    Note: The crossover filter types use up the intermediate bands LOW2 and HIGH2 respectively whenactivated.

Thanks Behringer - just what I wanted to do!
Re: XiControl / XiQ

Dear all, <snip>

Uli, I believe that should be a "Ho, ho, ho ...<insert sound of jinglebells here>"

Thank you Uli and all the good folks at Behringer and Music Group.

We're getting to the point now where we get a new one in our lap before we have properly unwrapped the previous one, it's allmost too much to take in. Running only a handfull shows a year I'm getting a bit envious of the ones that get to use their toys on a more regular basis, a good thing I guess :)~:)~:smile:

I just hope you let your elves off for xmas and new year.