X32 Discussion

Re: X32 is Shipping

Folks. My x32 wont boot up again. 30 min to show time. Sent for another one from my dealer. In the mean time a stiff shake and mine powered up. But it quit 4-5 more times during the first act. Spare is here now and all seems fine for now. Chase get that replacement console ready to ship :(. I dont think they will be used on a travelling show cause its like cracker jacks, you dont know the surprise when you open the box. Its on a triplte 1500 ups. Motion labs distro. Etc.... Reading 122volt on the ups

Re: X32 is Shipping

Folks. My x32 wont boot up again. 30 min to show time. Sent for another one from my dealer. In the mean time a stiff shake and mine powered up. But it quit 4-5 more times during the first act. Spare is here now and all seems fine for now. Chase get that replacement console ready to ship :(. I dont think they will be used on a travelling show cause its like cracker jacks, you dont know the surprise when you open the box. Its on a triplte 1500 ups. Motion labs distro. Etc.... Reading 122volt on the ups

Ouch, sounds like the repair guys did a bad job securing something when they fixed your x32 the last time :-(
Re: X32 is Shipping

Folks. My x32 wont boot up again. 30 min to show time. Sent for another one from my dealer. In the mean time a stiff shake and mine powered up. But it quit 4-5 more times during the first act. Spare is here now and all seems fine for now. Chase get that replacement console ready to ship :(. I dont think they will be used on a travelling show cause its like cracker jacks, you dont know the surprise when you open the box. Its on a triplte 1500 ups. Motion labs distro. Etc.... Reading 122volt on the ups


Dear Shane

I have sent you a PM to get the full details - We are here to resolve as a priority


Ian Riley
VP Care
Re: X32 MONO

Hey guys
In my studio I'm taking the AES/EBU out of the X32 to my DEQ2496. I just wanted to stay in the digital domain for as long as possible without going in and out of too many DA's.
The MONO on the board seems to work with the Monitor outs only ?? The manual also states this " Monitor Mono- Press this button to monitor the audio in mono " and the block diagram is very confusing as the mono section is located in the Mix 1-16 block and not in the Monitor block, but is there another way to MONO the main outs through the AES/EBU ?

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Re: X32 MONO

Hey guys
In my studio I'm taking the AES/EBU out of the X32 to my DEQ2496. I just wanted to stay in the digital domain for as long as possible without going in and out of too many DA's.
The MONO on the board seems to work with the Monitor outs only ?? The manual also states this " Monitor Mono- Press this button to monitor the audio in mono " and the block diagram is very confusing as the mono section is located in the Mix 1-16 block and not in the Monitor block, but is there another way to MONO the main outs through the AES/EBU ?

should be a case of setting the aes/ebu out to main c/m

Re: X32 MONO

should be a case of setting the aes/ebu out to main c/m

View attachment 7041
Hi Daniel, Thanx for your quick response
If I do that there is no signal at all ?? I can see the meters going but no signal, very strange !?!?!?!

Ahhh If I set the output of the AES/EBU to Monitor it MONO's but then I loose my main Fader control as it plays at full volume even if my Monitor pot is turned down all the way, it looks like you cannot change the tap from Pre EQ to Post Fader......

O.K Got it......
Set the Monitor source to LR AFL and the AES/EBU to Monitor L & R.
Now I can MONO my AES/EBU
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Re: X32 Discussion

OK, now I understood, you just simplified the explanation to dumb animals (also a song of handsome furs) and I flowed you till the end.

Regarding the weak gain signal - I discovered it depends on input configuration you use. When I use Card 1-8 as input, the channel strip gain knob its acting independently of setup-preams section A/D gain. Practically I can raise it to have a hot signal by rotating the push rotary knob on the preamp section even I already have the channel strip gain all the way up. Its not the same gain as the knob located on channel strip.

When I use Local 1-8 as input, the channel strip gain knob its indeed, acting together with setup-preams section A/D gain. But only with this configuration.

So its possible to have a weak signal and make it hotter when you use card 1-8 input using A/D gain even you have dialled the channel gain up . Just described what I fund by trial. Don't now if its good or bad to raise A/D gain. For me just makes sense to rise it and have a proper input gain if my input is weak.

Sorry to everyone if I took over this tread. I'm in a learning process from zero. Till now I was just a guitarist reading only about valves, pedals and strings. I cannot find anywhere all the infos that you gave me or to others on this tread. its the most valued place for a beginner on x32 features. I promise not to be so insistent in the future.Tank you very much!

When you use the card input the channel strip knobs act as a digital trim - 12 o'oclock is no trim and you will get the signal as recorded.

I think you are thinking about this a little too much.

When recording using the X32 just make sure you record with a lot of headroom - record at -18db to -20db. On play back if mixing on the x32 the trim probably should not need adjusting. If recording using the direct outs you will get a clean unprocessed signal recorded. It is really very simple.

(There are some who wanted (why I don't know !) to record a processed signal you can do this but and I seem to remember this is via patching in the P16 outs but then you will be limited to 16 channels in one take. ).

Aux Out Whine

Hi All,

A recording friend receiving signals from a customer of mine's X32 AUX outs (6 mics total, one per AUX out sent to recording setup) reported an unacceptable HF whine on all outputs. Since I've never used the Aux outputs, when he came over today we checked an X32, and, sure enough, there's an audible whine similar to but not as bad as that on the Monitor outputs.

Since we were already adapted to TRS, we tried one side of the headphone output, too, and the intensity spectrum (loudest to softest) is Headphones @max; Monitor outs at unity; Aux outs.

To me, this is an "Oh, that's interesting", rather than "OMG!!!!".

Anybody else heard this?


PS Also, FYI, they were getting ready to record a classical concert, where noise floor is critical. Don't ask me why they didn't do the firewire out/Reaper thing. I suggested it to him.
Re: Aux Out Whine

Hi All,

A recording friend receiving signals from a customer of mine's X32 AUX outs (6 mics total, one per AUX out sent to recording setup) reported an unacceptable HF whine on all outputs. Since I've never used the Aux outputs, when he came over today we checked an X32, and, sure enough, there's an audible whine similar to but not as bad as that on the Monitor outputs.

Since we were already adapted to TRS, we tried one side of the headphone output, too, and the intensity spectrum (loudest to softest) is Headphones @max; Monitor outs at unity; Aux outs.

To me, this is an "Oh, that's interesting", rather than "OMG!!!!".

Anybody else heard this?


PS Also, FYI, they were getting ready to record a classical concert, where noise floor is critical. Don't ask me why they didn't do the firewire out/Reaper thing. I suggested it to him.

I read in a earler post that if you turn the scribble strip's light to full the whine noise goes away now you can try that and see if it works.

Thats what i read but my X32 dosnt have that issue unless my deaf ears cant hear that whine..

Re: Aux Out Whine

I read in a earler post that if you turn the scribble strip's light to full the whine noise goes away now you can try that and see if it works.

Yeah, that didn't work for me on any other whine, not sure why it would work on this one. I will try it again though, and I'll stand on one foot and rub my head and blink my eyes in 4/4 in case that works.

Good to know that you are reading closely, though... :)~:)~:smile:

Re: Aux Out Whine

Hi All,

A recording friend receiving signals from a customer of mine's X32 AUX outs (6 mics total, one per AUX out sent to recording setup) reported an unacceptable HF whine on all outputs. Since I've never used the Aux outputs, when he came over today we checked an X32, and, sure enough, there's an audible whine similar to but not as bad as that on the Monitor outputs.

Since we were already adapted to TRS, we tried one side of the headphone output, too, and the intensity spectrum (loudest to softest) is Headphones @max; Monitor outs at unity; Aux outs.

To me, this is an "Oh, that's interesting", rather than "OMG!!!!".

Anybody else heard this?
I've checked mine using headphones connected to the aux and monitor out and could not hear any whine. Could be that the low impedance acts as a lowpass maybe?

I also tried to patch aux1 into aux2 and couldn't hear anything whining. I could hear hf-whining if I raised all six of the aux input faders while the inputs where not connected. However connecting the inputs removed the whining so that's quite normal.

On the headphone outputs I can clearly hear the whine even though I have to crank the volume to max. I can however still detect the whine by ear when the headphone volume control is at 10 o'clock. The whine is very low in volume and isn't disturbing with normal listening.

I've also verified that by setting the led level to max (80-100%) the whine is gone from the headphone output.
Re: Aux Out Whine

I've checked mine using headphones connected to the aux and monitor out and could not hear any whine. Could be that the low impedance acts as a lowpass maybe?

Hi Robert,

Don't know about this; are you simply plugging headphones into the output? I'd guess that there isn't enough gain going on to make it audible. The whine on the aux out exists regardless of any gain setting, whereas the monitor and headphones have it pre-gain setting, i.e., the pots need to be maxed to hear it. On the aux out, it's there when directly plugging into the connectors, but at a low yet irritating level. I'm connecting directly to a Meyer UPJ-1P in all cases, not using headphones.

And don't forget that not hearing it has been shown to not be relevant to whether or not it's there.

BTW, you did a post on the Behringer forum somewhere where you described the signal and clock flow over the Ethernet cable, and that has been immensely helpful to me as I plan my workshop this next weekend. You directed the viewer to the SuperMac website, which is full of interesting information.

One of the many fascinating bits is that the protocol is actually SuperMac, which is AES50 compliant. It seems a misnomer to say that the snake protocol is AES50. FWIW. [/Topic Veer]

Re: Sticky Buttons

Surely knowing what to do when switching to your backup is a clever idea in all sences. :razz:

Of course. And maybe this is more an issue in permanent installs where stuff tends to get installed and then not touched as much, but good documentation always wins over memory 8)~:cool:~:cool:
Crackly Playback

Just been playing with my X32 prior to a get in tomorrow.
I have my PC connected via USB to the desk for playback, unfortunatly I have some "latency crackle" im trying to sort it out, ive played with the settings on the puter, but not been able to make it better or worse, any suggestions? if all else fails for this one, Ill just use my old USB module till I can sort this.

It happens with any playback program, Windows Media Player, VLC or my cue software, Multiplay.
Re: Crackly Playback

Just been playing with my X32 prior to a get in tomorrow.
I have my PC connected via USB to the desk for playback, unfortunatly I have some "latency crackle" im trying to sort it out, ive played with the settings on the puter, but not been able to make it better or worse, any suggestions? if all else fails for this one, Ill just use my old USB module till I can sort this.

It happens with any playback program, Windows Media Player, VLC or my cue software, Multiplay.

Hi Tim,

Could you describe the precise connection sequence, including which USB port you're connected to?

Coincidentally, I just got this from someone using one of my X32's on a long-term basis; maybe it will help you??

" I had the devil of a time getting the recording to play back. Spent hours reading forums to see if anyone else was having similar difficulties. Not only would the audio playback with weird resonant distortion, any disconnection of the Firewire cable while "live" would crash my computer! Make it spontaneously restart! So there there seems to be some level of bug there. Hopefully to be fixed by a firmware update. I did finally get audio to playback by changing settings at the console. The process of changing the card from Firewire to USB and then back to Firewire seems to have cleared up the issue I was having with the distortion."

This is from someone with infinitely more knowledge of recording and computers than me.

Does that help any?

sticky buttons, too

I haven't been on the desk in a few weeks, but my turn came back up last weekend.. I found out that we have a couple sticky buttons. Particularly the user defined section button #1 we use for tap delay and a couple of the selector buttons in the EQ section... I'll probably just route the tap delay to the next button for the time being. FYI
Re: X32 is Shipping

Folks. My x32 wont boot up again. 30 min to show time. Sent for another one from my dealer. In the mean time a stiff shake and mine powered up. But it quit 4-5 more times during the first act. Spare is here now and all seems fine for now. Chase get that replacement console ready to ship :(. I dont think they will be used on a travelling show cause its like cracker jacks, you dont know the surprise when you open the box. Its on a triplte 1500 ups. Motion labs distro. Etc.... Reading 122volt on the ups


Dear Shane,

The replacement desk was shipped out yesterday. Please let me know when you get it! Thank you for your support.

Kind regards,

Chase McKnight
Jr. Admin, Care