X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

Dear Guys,

I wanted to share a press release about the recent X32 installation at the Whiskey A Go Go in Los Angeles.

Whisky A Go-Go goes with BEHRINGER X32 - Behringer News

Hi Joe,

This is really great! Now we have an intensive-use install with two of them to give us some real answers as to how well they hold up. Does California still allow smoking in certain places, meaning the Whisky a Go-Go? Smoke plus a normal club atmosphere is the worst, short of beach or rodeo work with all the sand.

I'm excited for this, and look forward to periodic updates.

Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Joe,

This is really great! Now we have an intensive-use install with two of them to give us some real answers as to how well they hold up. Does California still allow smoking in certain places, meaning the Whisky a Go-Go? Smoke plus a normal club atmosphere is the worst, short of beach or rodeo work with all the sand.

I'm excited for this, and look forward to periodic updates.


Hi Dan,

Thanks. No smoking inside or even near anyone on the sidewalk...

The Whiskey A Go Go does 6 bands a night 7 days a week though, so it will be a real workout.
The engineers are real happy as the mix position is upstairs and less than ideal so they get to come down and mix off the iPad and dial it in.

Will keep you posted.
XUF card firmware update problem

So, last night I decided to set up my X32 in my workshop and do some housekeeping.
I updated the desk firmware to 1.15, which worked first time, as it has done with all the other updates.
I then updated the XUF control panel app on my laptop. Again, no issues.

When it came to updating the XUF card itself, I hit a roadblock.

The XUF card was connected to the laptop with USB. The desk is set to use the USB on the card.
I'd open the upgrade exe and it would show the connection details for the desk.
When I clicked the UPGRADE button, nothing would happen.
No progress bar. Nothing.
Eventually I'd get a timeout message from the upgrade app and that would be that. No dice.

I then opened the XUF control panel and sure enough, there were no devices connected, despite the desk being plugged in, switched on and connected directly to the laptop. I could only restore the connection by power cycling the desk (I'm glad I was in my workshop and not at a gig).

I left the XUF control panel on the screen to confirm the connection status and ran the XUF card firmware update again.
The same thing happened.
I'd click Upgrade and there'd be a long pause followed by a timeout.
What was interesting was the XUF control panel app.
It showed a connection with the desk all the way up to the point where I clicked Upgrade.
The moment I clicked it, the connection was lost.
That would explain the timeout. The updater couldn't see a desk and was waiting patiently for one to be connected.
Short of power cycling the desk in the middle of the update (didn't do this, as the instructions said not to), I don't see a way to restore a connection so that the updater can see the desk.

Any thoughts about the update problem and also why I now have to power cycle my desk in order to connect it to my laptop?


XUF control panel shows serial number 0x156400e55
Re: X32 Discussion

I was really hoping the X32 Rack would be my solution for mixing and recording live and in the studio but the lack of word clock I/O and S/PDIF I/O limit its studio use. I hope they make an accessory card or include them in the next generation of product. Even my old DDX3216 had these features.
Re: X32 Discussion

I was really hoping the X32 Rack would be my solution for mixing and recording live and in the studio but the lack of word clock I/O and S/PDIF I/O limit its studio use. I hope they make an accessory card or include them in the next generation of product. Even my old DDX3216 had these features.

Hey Greg,

This has been brought up in the past. Word clock more so but also S/PDIF. What exactly would you plan on using if it did have those features? Please be as specific as possible. Thanks!
Re: XUF card firmware update problem

So, last night I decided to set up my X32 in my workshop and do some housekeeping.
I updated the desk firmware to 1.15, which worked first time, as it has done with all the other updates.
I then updated the XUF control panel app on my laptop. Again, no issues.

When it came to updating the XUF card itself, I hit a roadblock.

The XUF card was connected to the laptop with USB. The desk is set to use the USB on the card.
I'd open the upgrade exe and it would show the connection details for the desk.
When I clicked the UPGRADE button, nothing would happen.
No progress bar. Nothing.
Eventually I'd get a timeout message from the upgrade app and that would be that. No dice.

I then opened the XUF control panel and sure enough, there were no devices connected, despite the desk being plugged in, switched on and connected directly to the laptop. I could only restore the connection by power cycling the desk (I'm glad I was in my workshop and not at a gig).

I left the XUF control panel on the screen to confirm the connection status and ran the XUF card firmware update again.
The same thing happened.
I'd click Upgrade and there'd be a long pause followed by a timeout.
What was interesting was the XUF control panel app.
It showed a connection with the desk all the way up to the point where I clicked Upgrade.
The moment I clicked it, the connection was lost.
That would explain the timeout. The updater couldn't see a desk and was waiting patiently for one to be connected.
Short of power cycling the desk in the middle of the update (didn't do this, as the instructions said not to), I don't see a way to restore a connection so that the updater can see the desk.

Any thoughts about the update problem and also why I now have to power cycle my desk in order to connect it to my laptop?


XUF control panel shows serial number 0x156400e55

Hi Karl,

Thanks for contacting us. We have heard from a customer who has experienced the same issue. Try this procedure, this worked for him. (Windows 7 64)

>Safe shutdown the console
>Unplug the USB
>Switch the console back on
>Set the card to Firewire
>Safe shutdown the console
>Switch the console back on
>Set the card to USB
>Plug in the USB cable
>Run the card update software as an administrator
>click update
>download should now work.
>Finish off by doing another safe shutdown.

Kind Regards
Jim Knowles / Tech Support
Re: X32 Discussion

okay, i've spent a little time staring at the available photos on the website, and i can see NO difference between these two products except that the X32C lacks the pre-installed Firewire/USB card. I fail to see how something like this would even NEED to be 'coming soon!' I can go change my X32 to an X32C right now by pulling the card out. The only thing i can think is that this will be sold once they've introduced some other cards so you can buy the X32C version and then add whatever card you'd like.


Still waiting for that exciting X32compact. If i could have an X32 without a surface or analog i/o but otherwise the same, i would be very very happy. I'd be buying 3 right away with probably more to follow...

Seems like Behringer may go both up and down in X32 development. Besides going compact, It may make sense to eliminate on-board XLR inputs and preamps in favor of stageboxes, kind of Yamaha did with M7CL48-ES, and also add third 33-48 channel layer. Since AES50 link already can support third stagebox (but X32 can only use half of it), it would be nice to see a X48-ES model, with 48 channels support, ability to switch between two sets of stage boxes (for festivals) and keeping all current bells and whistles (FW interface, USB recording, etc.) I see no reason why it can't be incorprated into existing case. X32 is an excellent board for the price, but 32-channel limit leaves some looking for other alternatives (even Roland M-480). IF X48-ES will come out, I'd buy it at the heartbeat. I wonder if anyone heard something about Behringer plans on it.
Re: X32 Discussion

Seems like Behringer may go both up and down in X32 development. Besides going compact, It may make sense to eliminate on-board XLR inputs and preamps in favor of stageboxes, kind of Yamaha did with M7CL48-ES, and also add third 33-48 channel layer. Since AES50 link already can support third stagebox (but X32 can only use half of it), it would be nice to see a X48-ES model, with 48 channels support, ability to switch between two sets of stage boxes (for festivals) and keeping all current bells and whistles (FW interface, USB recording, etc.) I see no reason why it can't be incorprated into existing case. X32 is an excellent board for the price, but 32-channel limit leaves some looking for other alternatives (even Roland M-480). IF X48-ES will come out, I'd buy it at the heartbeat. I wonder if anyone heard something about Behringer plans on it.

I'm sure Behringer would consider an X32-48 of some kind were it not for that whole pesky Midas thing. Spending R&D money to move business from one brand you own to another brand you own isn't good fiscal strategy. Say whatever else you want to about TMG, they certainly seem to have figured out how to make money in the most efficient way possible. So no, much as i'd love it as well, i don't see this happening.
Re: X32 Discussion

I'm sure Behringer would consider an X32-48 of some kind were it not for that whole pesky Midas thing. Spending R&D money to move business from one brand you own to another brand you own isn't good fiscal strategy. Say whatever else you want to about TMG, they certainly seem to have figured out how to make money in the most efficient way possible. So no, much as i'd love it as well, i don't see this happening.

I believe the main concern should be the direct competition, not the more upmarket offerings from Midas. Midas and Behringer compete in different market segments with different perceptions of "value". It is a bit like Toyota vs. Lexus, or Bentley vs. VW.
I believe that Behringer has no real need to actually expand on the hardware/processing of the X32, they "only" need to make the firmware to allow integration and control of X32Core and X32Rack units to potentially build systems with 48 or 64 channels.
Crackling burst with X32/S16


Summer holiday has ended... I had today first gig in over a month. The truck has been used for other things meanwhile, so I had to go to warehouse and pack pa in.

SO !!

Of course I forgot something - I forgot UPS !!!

So there was twice horrible crackling for about half a second - one in the middle of a set of a band and second between two bands...

I got to think, if there is a way of controlled power-interruption with time adjustment. We know the rule is , that if UPS is faster than 20ms, we oughta be safe. But we do not know, if 21ms brake absolutely reboots the desk. So there might be "gray area" between safe and dead... "The Triangle Of Crackling"

I have no means of arranging this kind of test, but I urge Behringer or some of you splendid persons to do so, if you have the time...

The gig goes on tomorrow and on saturday, but thankfully I am at home overnight and will take UPS with me tomorrow.

There was no light flickering etc to be noticed, when it happened - I thought it was something on stage - instrument cable or so, but then it came again after the band had disconnected their stuff, and none of my stuff was being touched.
Re: Crackling burst with X32/S16

I got to think, if there is a way of controlled power-interruption with time adjustment. We know the rule is , that if UPS is faster than 20ms, we oughta be safe. But we do not know, if 21ms brake absolutely reboots the desk. So there might be "gray area" between safe and dead... "The Triangle Of Crackling"

I have no means of arranging this kind of test, but I urge Behringer or some of you splendid persons to do so, if you have the time...

You can be sure that at behringer R&D they did test this.
There is always a gray area, because you have to deal with components who have tolerance in them. Also aging of bulk capacitors is an issue, not after a year but after 5 years the capacitance is reduced a lot.

I think with a new desk you can handle more then 21ms, but in 5 years...

So why test it?
Re: Crackling burst with X32/S16

Nowadays musicians come to me, looking at the x32, it's the only thing they are interested in. :x~:-x~:mad:
I think there's a level of bands who are considering of buying a X32 for them selves, sometimes solely for monitors, but some also for FOH.
I had one band, who brought also a X32 in for monitors only.
Re: Crackling burst with X32/S16


Yes - I fully understand, that there is always tolerances both in production and in aging. I was writing at three o´clock in the morning - tired after gig - so I perhaps expressed myself vaguely.

What I meant is still the question of "gray area" - not to be specified by milliseconds - but merely - can it be reproduced. We know, that if power is down long enough, the desk will reboot. If abrupt is only few ms, then it may pass unnoticed by the desk. But the question was about possibility having power down long enough to cause audible indication f.e. in loss of sync between X32 & S16 , but still not long enough to force rebooting.

As of me - I have the UPS in the back of my car now, and I am heading for tonight´s show.

Surely Behringer DID run all kinds of tests with X32 regarding power-feed. But when we had the earlier discussion here about this same problem with - the church ??? - nobody came up SAYING that there IS this gray area. Naturally we are supposed to use UPS - they cost next to nothing compared with other stuff - but it surely would be nice to know, that this kind problem can be produced with short enough power failure - if for nothing else, at least for ruling out other possible quirks in system.

Thanks for reading
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Re: XUF card firmware update problem

Hi Karl,

Thanks for contacting us. We have heard from a customer who has experienced the same issue. Try this procedure, this worked for him. (Windows 7 64)

>Safe shutdown the console
>Unplug the USB
>Switch the console back on
>Set the card to Firewire
>Safe shutdown the console
>Switch the console back on
>Set the card to USB
>Plug in the USB cable
>Run the card update software as an administrator
>click update
>download should now work.
>Finish off by doing another safe shutdown.

Kind Regards
Jim Knowles / Tech Support


This worked like a charm.
The XUF card firmware has been updated and the connection issue seems to have gone away.
Thanks for the assistance.


Re: X32 Discussion

Hey Greg,

This has been brought up in the past. Word clock more so but also S/PDIF. What exactly would you plan on using if it did have those features? Please be as specific as possible. Thanks!

Hi Chris,

Word clock I/O for interface with other external mic pres like ADA8000/8200 or Presonus Digimax FS and external DA/AD. S/PDIF I/O to send signal to external DA for monitoring. Even my old DDX3216 had these features. The StudioLive has a S/PDIF output. Put the AES3 (AES-EBU) that is available on the full-sized X32 in the Rack.

I have more than the cost of the X32 Rack invested in a DA and work clock. I have to believe that these quality, single purpose devices will enhance the quality of the audio processed by the X32.

Someone posted about lackluster audio from his X32 in the studio. This could possibly be remedied with a quality external clock and a better DA for monitoring.


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