X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

What could be the problem? Today, at home testing, mixer noise again. There were two times. Sound stopped after 10 seconds. I noticed that the signal coming out of the Fx return 1L and 1R channel. It comes from the signal Fx1 send a Plate Reverb effect. But from there the signal not was. Maybe the same effect generates a signal?

If you looked carefully and it's not a feedback inside the console, then it's time for warranty...
Re: Rack+S16 (CAT5) FOH X32

Hi guys. Could use some advice. Frankly I have never used a mixing console as advanced as the X32 before. My past experience was always with analog equipment. At any rate, I am having trouble setting up a general reverb for vocals that I like. There are just too many choices and too many parameters :) I am looking for advice to get a good starting point. I know everyone's tastes are different and different types of vocals will need different types of reverb. But I'm going around in circles and need some advice on a good starting point. I can play with it from there. Specifically which type of reverb and what type of general settings within that reverb type.

Thanks for any suggestions. I know I have to use my ears to determine what sounds good but while I'm doing that I would like to have something to configure that will at least make my band rehearsal sound a little better than I have now.

The band does rock, R&B type stuff. Nothing too hard, nothing too soft :)

I've been using the plate reverb for vocals, vintage hall for snare as well. To be honest, I don't think I've ever made adjustments to the reverb parameters!! I've always just used what came stock and it's always sounded great! The only variable I've changed a lot was with delays and then it was mostly just tap tempo.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi. I have a problem with X32. Two concerts there were big troubles. X32 low noise shot and at once was distributed are strong noise, as pink noise. The master switched off, on, all calmed down. And so on two times approximately for eight business hours. After the first such case at two concerts everything is normal, then again repeated. What could be the problem?
Today, at home testing, mixer noise again. There were two times. Sound stopped after 10 seconds. I noticed that the signal coming out of the Fx return 1L and 1R channel. It comes from the signal Fx1 send a Plate Reverb effect. But from there the signal not was. Maybe the same effect generates a signal?

Hi Gebela,

The problem your having has been addressed here at least a couple of times. From what I remember, it always comes down to a feedback loop inside the console. This is the one of the few cons to using a digital console, whatever make it is. It's very, very easy to accidentally create a loop. Can you save your scene file that causes the noise and post it here for us to download? I think that's the easiest way to investigate and help.
Re: Ready for some really strange "space-avant-garde-elektro-arty-jazz stuff"?

Did a not so common gig some months ago. Thought, I could share some videos here.
This was..well...a "not so common gig" but it was really fun to do. I just used the X32Console for the job and had a blast!
An impressive pristine sound.

Simply astounding. Marvelous job by all - sonic excellence.

Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Gebela,

The problem your having has been addressed here at least a couple of times. From what I remember, it always comes down to a feedback loop inside the console. This is the one of the few cons to using a digital console, whatever make it is. It's very, very easy to accidentally create a loop. Can you save your scene file that causes the noise and post it here for us to download? I think that's the easiest way to investigate and help.

Hi Cris, thanks for the answer. The loop I know, tried to create, but it is not the problem. The creation of a loop, the signal goes Bus send, but in my case it there does not exist. The signal only FX1L and FX1R to master. The first is shot, and then the noise. And the noise automatically stops within 10-15 seconds. Video or record fails, as it happens unexpectedly. Scene file I do not know how to add:blush:.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Cris, thanks for the answer. The loop I know, tried to create, but it is not the problem. The creation of a loop, the signal goes Bus send, but in my case it there does not exist. The signal only FX1L and FX1R to master. The first is shot, and then the noise. And the noise automatically stops within 10-15 seconds. Video or record fails, as it happens unexpectedly. Scene file I do not know how to add:blush:.

To post a scene file, save a scene on your computer, open it in wordpad and save as .txt
Then in the forum, select Advanced below the edit window, and you have file attachment if you scroll down a bit.

As for the actual problem, there has been (unverified) cases of power disturbance causing the reverb to give out a noise, and confirmed cases where this has happened in conjunction with a loop. Disturbance make noise that goes into the reverb, the reverb-loop drags it out but the loop has not got enough gain to take off. There has been cases of consoles returned for repair, but we have yet to see any confirmation from Behringer that any defects that could cause this have ever been found (then again, Behringer obviously don't tell us everything they do even if they have been very open about most things).
Re:X32 discussion

Hi Cris, thanks for the answer. The loop I know, tried to create, but it is not the problem. The creation of a loop, the signal goes Bus send, but in my case it there does not exist. The signal only FX1L and FX1R to master. The first is shot, and then the noise. And the noise automatically stops within 10-15 seconds. Video or record fails, as it happens unexpectedly. Scene file I do not know how to add:blush:.

To post a scene file, save a scene on your computer, open it in wordpad and save as .txt
Then in the forum, select Advanced below the edit window, and you have file attachment if you scroll down a bit.

As for the actual problem, there has been (unverified) cases of power disturbance causing the reverb to give out a noise, and confirmed cases where this has happened in conjunction with a loop. Disturbance make noise that goes into the reverb, the reverb-loop drags it out but the loop has not got enough gain to take off. There has been cases of consoles returned for repair, but we have yet to see any confirmation from Behringer that any defects that could cause this have ever been found (then again, Behringer obviously don't tell us everything they do even if they have been very open about most things).
Re: X32 discussion

To post a scene file, save a scene on your computer, open it in wordpad and save as .txt
Then in the forum, select Advanced below the edit window, and you have file attachment if you scroll down a bit.

As for the actual problem, there has been (unverified) cases of power disturbance causing the reverb to give out a noise, and confirmed cases where this has happened in conjunction with a loop. Disturbance make noise that goes into the reverb, the reverb-loop drags it out but the loop has not got enough gain to take off. There has been cases of consoles returned for repair, but we have yet to see any confirmation from Behringer that any defects that could cause this have ever been found (then again, Behringer obviously don't tell us everything they do even if they have been very open about most things).



  • Difartas ir GGK.txt
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what is going on with the behringer us supplier?

...so I preordered the x32 rack with dealer1 3 MONTHS ago. This week I find that the x32 rack has been in stock and shipping to various customers in America since last week. I look online and indeed, various retailers are listing the x32rack as being in stock.

I call up dealer1. They call up Behringer/supplier, and the rep tells them that in no uncertain terms the x32 rack has NOT come to America yet and any website saying otherwise is a ploy to get credit card info. Since Behringer cannot give dealer1 a definite date as to when the x32rack will be available....dealer1 advises me that if I can find the x32 rack elsewhere, to order it and cancel my preorder with dealer1. So I cancel my preorder, call up another retailer, and now the x32 rack is on its way. I've been a long time customer of dealer1 and trust them.

I find the whole thing in very poor taste on Behringer's part... :x~:-x~:mad:
...so I preordered the x32 rack with dealer1 3 MONTHS ago. This week I find that the x32 rack has been in stock and shipping to various customers in America since last week. I look online and indeed, various retailers are listing the x32rack as being in stock.

I call up dealer1. They call up Behringer/supplier, and the rep tells them that in no uncertain terms the x32 rack has NOT come to America yet and any website saying otherwise is a ploy to get credit card info. Since Behringer cannot give dealer1 a definite date as to when the x32rack will be available....dealer1 advises me that if I can find the x32 rack elsewhere, to order it and cancel my preorder with dealer1. So I cancel my preorder, call up another retailer, and now the x32 rack is on its way. I've been a long time customer of dealer1 and trust them.

I find the whole thing in very poor taste on Behringer's part... :x~:-x~:mad:

Since you don't know who they actually called and there is one "importer" of these in the US, there could be any number of reasons why your dealer didn't get one for you.
I know I don't know exactly what the supply chain is to my dealer.

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: what is going on with the behringer us supplier?

A little bird that works on the inside at Starin (the only US distributor) - told me that the reason for the extra delays was due to Starin deciding to give the first shipments to full compass, then after the second shipment came in, they gave it to "certain select dealers"... to give them "an advantage". Now I have to wait another month after I was told (even just about a week ago), that my cores I had preordered 4 months ago, would ship this week... It's not your dealers fault here, this is due to a totally different problem out of thier hands entirely. As far as the rack goes, I've been told they would ship 4 weeks from now. I'm not sure if the same back door dealings will occur like they did with the cores or not, causing further delays for average dealers.

...so I preordered the x32 rack with dealer1 3 MONTHS ago. This week I find that the x32 rack has been in stock and shipping to various customers in America since last week. I look online and indeed, various retailers are listing the x32rack as being in stock.

I call up dealer1. They call up Behringer/supplier, and the rep tells them that in no uncertain terms the x32 rack has NOT come to America yet and any website saying otherwise is a ploy to get credit card info. Since Behringer cannot give dealer1 a definite date as to when the x32rack will be available....dealer1 advises me that if I can find the x32 rack elsewhere, to order it and cancel my preorder with dealer1. So I cancel my preorder, call up another retailer, and now the x32 rack is on its way. I've been a long time customer of dealer1 and trust them.

I find the whole thing in very poor taste on Behringer's part... :x~:-x~:mad:
Re: Mondo delay due to Imag Sync

Damn, ive had to use some but never that much!

I was just at the Waldorf this past sunday!
42pc band, 10 man choir + 4 lead vox. Ran a yamaha NEXO system with and ilive idr64 with mini/multi card for personal monitoring. We used 10 pcs avioms via the avioms out and 10 pcs P16 via the ADAT outs and into a p16-i for a total of 32 different channels. The 22pc string section was on wedges. The avioms users were jealous of the beri guys as the p16s sound the best!

The three other rooms had 1 x32 and 2 x32 compacts. All the consoles were tucked away (wish we had some x32racks) and everything was controlled via ipad. The beri app is by far the most intuitive and has the fastest and best response!

I love these consoles!!


Tonight I am running 90 ms on my main zone outputs to compensate for video processing delay for Imag screens. I have been doing corporate shows for decades and never had to run that much delay to compensate for video sync. Anybody ever been bitten by this dog?

John Pizzarelli @ The Waldorf Astoria NYC

View attachment 8261
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi. I have a problem with X32. Two concerts there were big troubles. X32 low noise shot and at once was distributed are strong noise, as pink noise. The master switched off, on, all calmed down. And so on two times approximately for eight business hours. After the first such case at two concerts everything is normal, then again repeated. What could be the problem?
Today, at home testing, mixer noise again. There were two times. Sound stopped after 10 seconds. I noticed that the signal coming out of the Fx return 1L and 1R channel. It comes from the signal Fx1 send a Plate Reverb effect. But from there the signal not was. Maybe the same effect generates a signal?

Hi. Today I found out that the noise comes from the effect Plate reverb. It does not signal. Only the effect generates a signal. Maybe even enough time to update?
X32 Rack Review

So after a long (very long) wait, I am finally the proud owner of an X32 Rack which will be retiring my venerable MixWiz and a total of over 100lbs of rack and rack gear ..... and a really nice 100 ft reel snake

So for those of you who are looking at getting the X32 Rack .... or really any of the sister products, here is a review of my experience getting up and running .... so far:

My background:

I am an electrical engineer and am very familiar with software, firmware, and hardware development from low level automotive controllers to large scale multitier server systems. I have been playing in a band and doing sound for my band (and some others as favors once in a great while) for around 30 years.

My setup:

4 piece band with 2 guitars, bass and drums. The drums are Roland TD10 vDrums. Monitoring is performed with a Furman HDS6/HDR system which has 4 mono inputs and one stereo input. The entire band uses IEM's. The FOH is powered speakers DSR112's over PRX618S-XLF's.

Functionality needed:

  • 11 channel input (5 drums, 2 guitars, 1 bass, 3 vocals)
  • DCA control for Vocals, Guitars, Bass and Drums
  • 4 mono bus mixes for lead guitar and vocal, rhythm guitar and vocal, bass guitar and vocal, drums
  • Stereo output of main mix into monitor (which is where I get my vocal reverb in the IEM mix as well)
  • Multi-track recording of shows to a laptop
  • Multi-track playback to create scenes for FOH mix
  • MIDI scene changes from FCB1010
  • iPad remote mixing for virtual sound check
  • iPad remote monitoring for input levels through gig
  • Stereo recordings direct to USB for backup if no computer is available for recording
  • Hard wired laptop control as the primary backup for the iPad in case of wireless issues
  • Mute of EFX between songs for speaking
  • Playback of iPod music for break music

On the door step
The packing was very good (shipped in 2 days for free from Full Compas).

Out of the box
It looked great. I plugged it it and it started up. So far so good.

Connecting to PC and iPad
Ok, things got a little hairy here.

First, the instructions that come with the X32 Rack are purely worthless. They could have saved the paper. I configured my new router from my computer to have an SSID I could remember, and a password that hopefully I will remember. I disconnected the router and hooked the router to the X32 Rack.

I did a quick windows ipconfig command to figure out what my PC network setup looked like. I adjusted the X32 to the appropriate settings ..... and nothing.

Things to note here. It is silly that the default subnet mask of the X32 is set to It should be by default. This works in nearly all situations that your normal non-network IT person is going to see (most surely any musician using this gear!).

So .... nothing happened. ..... hmmmm.

A quick search on the internet and I found that the X32 must be connected to any port BUT the internet modem port of the wireless router. OK. Connected! Woot! This is the kind of information that a little picture and a couple of examples would have greatly helped.

Ok, so I transferred my X32 Edit settings to the Rack without any issues.

Connection to the iPad .... also .... no issues.

Operation of either the physical unit, the iPad, or the PC program resulted in instant results on the other two. Very good sync and low latency.

First signal test

I plugged in a microphone and put on some headphones. Adjusted the plate reverb and delay to a pleasing level (I didn't touch either effect for any settings). Nice. Great sounding clear vocal with really transparent efx. I was genuinely very very pleased.

Playback of recorded multi-track through Reaper
So now I was eager to put some real multi-track recording inputs into my new mixer and see what my band would sound like through it. This is really the big test for me.

I plugged in a USB cable to my computer. Windows XP (yea I know) promptly loaded a driver ..... then stated that the hardware had a problem!

Hmmm. So I go onto the web and locate the Behringer youtube video of using an X32 with Reaper. In the video, I learn that I have to download some X-USB drivers and an ASIO driver.

I download the drivers and try to install them ..... but they wont install because now the computer can't see the X32 and the driver wont install without it ..... errrr.

I un-install whatever windows so graciously installed incorrectly for me and re-booted.

I ran the ASIO driver install and the X32 X-USB driver ..... except a couple of things go wrong. First ...... the ASIO driver wasn't happy with my motherboard on-board sound driver (which runs as a service). I got a popup every 2 seconds until my screen was nearly covered (took me a few seconds to find the service and shut it down).

The next thing that went wrong was that my anti-virus software tagged the X32 X-USB driver install as a threat. I accidentally hit the wrong button and whatever file it was trying to install got left out.

When I went into Reaper, the ASIO driver showed up, but no channels were available to use (pulldowns for inputs and outputs were blank).

One more full uninstall, reboot and re-install and WOOT sound is going into my X32 Rack from multiple channels from Reaper! Cool.

This process was horribly filled with ways to mess up. A little documentation would have been a HUGE help. If the process was going to be so easy to mess up, it would have been good if there were at least warnings on how to avoid the "gotcha's".

Scene Control
Ok, either I am doing something wrong ..... or something is simply broken.

I could not find any way for me to transfer the scenes I had stored on the PC with X32 Edit. I can sync the console with any scene at connect, and then save that setup as a scene on the X32 Rack, but I can't just send a bunch of scenes down to the rack. This is a pain.

The X32 Edit program can not be used to setup MIDI program changes to use for each scene. It simply doesn't work. You can ONLY do this directly ON the console.

Once I saved a couple of scenes on the console, I had no problems using the iPad app to change from scene to scene. Scene changes happened very quickly, and I could do it within a song and not hear any side effects or drop-outs when the scene changed. Nice.

Tomorrow I will hook up my MIDI controller and see if I can get it to switch scenes that way (this is going to be my normal method of work flow while on-stage at shows since I mix from stage).

Sound quality and usability
Once I had sound going into the console, it took me under 5 minutes to get a great sounding mix. With a few more minutes, I was able to solo each track and tweak the channel eq to my liking.

The resulting sound was superior to what I could do with Reaper with the same tracks. This is mostly due to the superior efx in the X32. Great job on these Behringer.

Stereo recording
This really could NOT have been any easier to do. Stuck a USB stick into the front of the unit and turned on the recorder. Wow. How great a feature.

Sadly, I am out of town next week for business and wont be able to play with the entire band for REAL until 2 weeks...... figures.

Anyway. Hopefully this is useful to someone. I am going to put together a video on my setup complete from unboxing to the first gig.
Re: X32 Rack Review

So after a long (very long) wait, I am finally the proud owner of an X32 Rack which will be retiring my venerable MixWiz and a total of over 100lbs of rack and rack gear ..... and a really nice 100 ft reel snake


Scene Control
Ok, either I am doing something wrong ..... or something is simply broken.

I could not find any way for me to transfer the scenes I had stored on the PC with X32 Edit. I can sync the console with any scene at connect, and then save that setup as a scene on the X32 Rack, but I can't just send a bunch of scenes down to the rack. This is a pain.

Hi Scott,

Thanks for sharing this interesting story.

Regarding scenes, can you save them as a show on the PC to a USB stick and transfer that way?

FWIW, I haven't had luck on the full console exporting and importing scenes; shows, yes, but not individual scenes. I presume I'm doing something wrong, but it hasn't been necessary to me to spend time figuring it out.

Good luck,
Re: X32 Rack Review

A really cool unexpected feature of the X32-Rack is the ability to record both the multitrack outputs via usb to the computer and a stereo mix to a usb memory stick out the front. We'll be using the X32 to record our next live disc and having a reference copy on a usb stick means we don't have to have the laptop in the van to listen to. Bonus, I can report that it records to this Amazon.com: Coby MP315-4G USB-Stick Micro MP3 Player with LCD Display and FM Radio - 4GB Black: MP3 Players & Accessories just fine. For $20 you get 4 gigs of memory and it'll play it back with no other support, just plug in your headphones.
Re: X32 Rack Review

Hi Scott,

Thanks for sharing this interesting story.

Regarding scenes, can you save them as a show on the PC to a USB stick and transfer that way?

FWIW, I haven't had luck on the full console exporting and importing scenes; shows, yes, but not individual scenes. I presume I'm doing something wrong, but it hasn't been necessary to me to spend time figuring it out.

Good luck,

I managed to import a scene from my desk into a house desk at a gig I did this weekend.
It's an easy enough process, but finding the page where the import is done was not overly easy.
Despite the scene export controls being in the Scene pages, the import controls are somewhere else.
IIRC, scenes are imported from the Utility pages.
It was time consuming only whilst searching for the right page.
A bit like naming channels was on earlier firmware versions (e.g v1.08).

