X32 Discussion

iPad App problems / X32Core

Just received my X32Core to supplement my x32...

Seems to work fine except for 3 things

1: MAJOR problem - iPad App (the latest version) is not able to adjust preamp GAIN.. On the pane all preamps just show up as boxes, but there is nothing in them.. Actually I see the same problem on the X32 - here I am able to adjust LOCAL preamps only but not S16 preamps

2: In my case I will be using the X32 sometimes (bigger gigs) and the Core sometimes (smaller gigs) but with the same band. For that reason it is necessary to move scene files between the devices. Doing so with a laptop is possible - but I really miss just being able to save a Scene from X32 to a USB Stick and then Recall it trough USB on the Core ..

3: I would like to be able to USE the assignable buttons though the iPad app - actually that goes for both X32 and Core... I find it odd that you can ASSIGN what the buttons do in the iPad app but not use the buttons ... Also there are bugs in the app when assigning to banks B and C
Re: X32 Compact Lamp XLR Mounted Upside Down

Axel, how hard is it to access the button to release the light?
Dick, no problem at all to release the lamp. Enough space to press the release button slightly from the side but well enough pressure to release the connector. Only to press directly at the center of the release button you need REALLY small/thin fingers to squeeze between the back of the X32 and the gooseneck. :)~:)~:smile:
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Just received my X32Core to supplement my x32...

Seems to work fine except for 3 things

1: MAJOR problem - iPad App (the latest version) is not able to adjust preamp GAIN.. On the pane all preamps just show up as boxes, but there is nothing in them.. Actually I see the same problem on the X32 - here I am able to adjust LOCAL preamps only but not S16 preamps

d C
Lars are you going to setup, then preamp tab to adjust your gains?
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Yes ... Attached pic shows what I see.. Granted the pic is in demo mode and when the Core is connected the "Locals" does not show up - only the AES, but they are empty

Have you actually got the AES50 Connected, and With an S16 at the other end? From the Picture I would assume that you don't.

Remember, on the X32Edit you need to Connect a Virtual Device to get at the Remote preamp settings if you haven't got a real Device Connected. On the X32Mix there are no Virtual Devices as far as I know, so there will be no joy without the actual Equipment Connected and running.
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Report after almost one year of road work:

1 dead fader
3 sticky mute buttons, expecially if there’s a good % of humidity (open air shows)
2 dead leds (meter section).
Where’s the closest service center? how long does it take for a simple repair like that?i’m located in Italy.

Even if i had this minor issues i still love this board, great usability and the sound !! (although i miss heavily a multiband compressor)

Side note, with osx 10.9 Mavericks i’m having problems with the firewire connection (click and pops),
no probl with usb…any othere experiencing this?
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Yes ... Attached pic shows what I see.. Granted the pic is in demo mode and when the Core is connected the "Locals" does not show up - only the AES, but they are empty

View attachment 8366

I can confirm this behavior. My new core and an iPad does the same thing. I have to adjust the pres in the detail tab of each channel. For me, an inconvenience, bit will look forward to a bug fix. However, before I sold my X32 (to fund the core) I was able to connect the S16s to the big X32 and I saw the pres for both the locals and the AES50 devices in the screen above. It almost seems like we only see the AES devices' pres if there are also local pres found. I'd be interested in how a Rack or Compact behaves, given their reduced number of local channels (<32).

Hope this helps!

Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Dear Luigi,

We are happy to hear that you appreciate the X32 as so many other users.

As for the issues you mention, it seems like you have a console from the very first generation. These have all been resolved and we are more than happy to help you with this. Please contact your local distributor or [email protected]
X32Edit 1.2 Linux BUG

X32 Edit V1.2 Linux - the program crashes when you select the "preamps" tab in the "setup" page. The Preamp settings displas for a fraction of a second and then the program closes.
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Dear Luigi,

We are happy to hear that you appreciate the X32 as so many other users.

As for the issues you mention, it seems like you have a console from the very first generation. These have all been resolved and we are more than happy to help you with this. Please contact your local distributor or [email protected]
Hi joe, i just wanted to ask a question about when this sort of stuff arises (known potential issues). As a customer i would prefer to know that behringer is a more pro active manufacturer, than reactive. It sounds like you guys know theres an issue and wait for it to surface to hear who has issues. Id rather a bulletin be issued saying "dear core buyers, on serial number range, or date code xxxx you may experience the following issue... I am waiting on an x32 rack at the moment so id rather know ahead of time of any issues as opposed to finding them out at my gig... Just my 2 cents.
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Hi Joe,
I will have to agree with Shane on this. I just received my X32 from a Behringer Dealer with a date code of Nov 12. The unit seemed unopened yet there was no Warranty card and no Traction software. This leaves me wondering if it was a refurbished unit sold for new or just old inventory. In any case it would help to know problems with various build dates. I checked with [email protected] to see if it was previously registered and it wasn't according your records. Still this makes me apprehensive about this purchase. I don't have a core to check this out but I plan to add a rack sometime soon.
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Hi Joe,
I will have to agree with Shane on this. I just received my X32 from a Behringer Dealer with a date code of Nov 12. The unit seemed unopened yet there was no Warranty card and no Traction software. This leaves me wondering if it was a refurbished unit sold for new or just old inventory. In any case it would help to know problems with various build dates. I checked with [email protected] to see if it was previously registered and it wasn't according your records. Still this makes me apprehensive about this purchase. I don't have a core to check this out but I plan to add a rack sometime soon.


AFAIK, there are no warranty cards or software shipped with the X32's. The warranty is registered online using the units serial # and purchase date, and then you are given a code to download and register Traktion. I've purchased both the X32 and Compact factory sealed and neither had physical cards or software.
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Hi joe, i just wanted to ask a question about when this sort of stuff arises (known potential issues). As a customer i would prefer to know that behringer is a more pro active manufacturer, than reactive. It sounds like you guys know theres an issue and wait for it to surface to hear who has issues. Id rather a bulletin be issued saying "dear core buyers, on serial number range, or date code xxxx you may experience the following issue... I am waiting on an x32 rack at the moment so id rather know ahead of time of any issues as opposed to finding them out at my gig... Just my 2 cents.

Just playing devil's advocate, because I agree customer's should be aware to the possibility of having a fault in their product, but I can see why doing so could cause some substantial problems. Something such as a dead fader may not be a fault which presents in large sequential production numbers, but be sparse and spread out. I can see why Behringer would want to take care of these problems on a case by case basis, when the problem presents itself. Posting a bullentin which reads, "X32 serial #'s 45677XXX-47788XXX may or may not suffer fader failure" would result in a substantial increase of X32 units being requested for service work when in most cases there would be no problem. I can imagine thousands upon thousands of perfectly fine units being shipped in to be checked out. Imagine what a nightmare that would be.
Re: X32Edit 1.2 Linux BUG

X32 Edit V1.2 Linux - the program crashes when you select the "preamps" tab in the "setup" page. The Preamp settings displas for a fraction of a second and then the program closes.

I couldn't get the Linux one to run at all. It wouldn't run in either Ubuntu 12.04 or CentOS 6.4 (both 64-bit VMs), even after I installed the 32-bit compatibility libraries. I then tried 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 on an old Dell Latitude D610 (2005-ish Celeron) and it crashed immediately with "Illegal Instruction". GDB showed the crash as somewhere in the UI code for a fader widget.

I'm back to running it on my MacBook Air 11, and hoping I never need to drag the faders to the bottom.

Runs fine in Mavericks, though. As do Reaper and Audacity. A little worried by the guy who's getting clicks on FireWire recordings, though, since I upgraded my other MacBook as well, and will be needing to record a show with it in a couple of months... :|
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Side note, with osx 10.9 Mavericks i’m having problems with the firewire connection (click and pops), no probl with usb…any othere experiencing this?

Is this consistent? I switched from USB to FireWire after having problems with audio playback (from QLab) with 10.8. I've now upgraded that MacBook to 10.9 but I haven't tested it with the mixer yet. Hopefully somebody else can confirm or deny this...
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Just received my X32Core to supplement my x32...

Seems to work fine except for 3 things

1: MAJOR problem - iPad App (the latest version) is not able to adjust preamp GAIN.. On the pane all preamps just show up as boxes, but there is nothing in them.. Actually I see the same problem on the X32 - here I am able to adjust LOCAL preamps only but not S16 preamps


I can confirm this behavior. My new core and an iPad does the same thing. I have to adjust the pres in the detail tab of each channel. For me, an inconvenience, bit will look forward to a bug fix. However, before I sold my X32 (to fund the core) I was able to connect the S16s to the big X32 and I saw the pres for both the locals and the AES50 devices in the screen above. It almost seems like we only see the AES devices' pres if there are also local pres found. I'd be interested in how a Rack or Compact behaves, given their reduced number of local channels (<32).

Hope this helps!


Hi Lars and Don,

Pardon my ignorance, but I had to go to a console to understand what you guys are talking about.

I don't understand a workflow in which you adjust the input trim ("preamps") without having some visual reference of the way your adjustments affect the electrical happiness of the channel, i.e., a meter. Nor do I understand a workflow in which the preamps are adjusted without immediately going into EQ and monitor level changes. And even when using iPads remotely with the X32, I adjust trim where there is a meter visible, and not on this Preamps tab.

Before today, I hadn't seen a use for the Preamps Tab at all. (Redundantly --in terms of this thread-- pointing out that my Cores have been backordered for over two-approaching-three months, with no sign of future delivery, so maybe this is a Core workflow only that I've yet to experience??)

After looking at the Preamp tab for a while, I do see now that having the encoders set to the same visual level does not necessarily result in the exact same input trim adjustment, and that there is a 2.5 db variation in level before the encoder indicator lights change. I also see that there is over 10db of level change on each end of the input preamps beyond the point where the channel A/D gain changes. Is that all digital gain or is it something else?

Am I completely missing the point of something that is apparently worth having its own tab?

Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Hi Joe,
I will have to agree with Shane on this. I just received my X32 from a Behringer Dealer with a date code of Nov 12. The unit seemed unopened....

We received and sold an X32 a week and a half ago, and the date code on the box was 1211, which was the same date code for the batch we got in Jan/Feb. My guess is they got a ton all at once and are still selling them off. It had 1.08 on it.

Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Stupid question here as I don't use my MacBook or iPad for anything but websurfing and X32 control and recording.
Is it necessary to constantly upgrade the OS? I learned long ago in my studio business that is was never good to be an early adopter of any updates when consistancy and clients projects were in the loop.
Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

Hi Lars and Don,

Pardon my ignorance, but I had to go to a console to understand what you guys are talking about.

I don't understand a workflow in which you adjust the input trim ("preamps") without having some visual reference of the way your adjustments affect the electrical happiness of the channel, i.e., a meter. Nor do I understand a workflow in which the preamps are adjusted without immediately going into EQ and monitor level changes. And even when using iPads remotely with the X32, I adjust trim where there is a meter visible, and not on this Preamps tab.

I'll refrain from speaking for Lars, but for myself, I use the Core for remote live recordings (yes, I'm one of those "weekend recordists" referred to in earlier posts...). When the band is doing soundcheck for FOH (to which I have a split), I have my Reaper "Recording Meters" on the computer screen, full screen. It provides a really nice view of the signal and allows me to dial in my -18 peaks as the FOH engineer is setting is own levels. I'm just not a fan of having to go from channel-to-channel in the detail view to adjust the gains, and would rather have them in block of (labeled) 8. It's just a personal preference. Clearly, the behavior demonstrated in the iPad app with respect to the preamp page in the setup section is a bug. I'm not complaining, but would love to see it fixed.

I hope this helps provide a bit of clarity into my own workflow. Again, to ME, this isn't a show stopper at all - I can make do with "channel by channel" adjustments without an aggregated view of the pres, but would be more in tune with how I like to do things for my personal use-case.

Hope this finds you well! I appreciate the feedback and dialog.

Re: iPad App problems / X32Core

I'll refrain from speaking for Lars, but for myself, I use the Core for remote live recordings (yes, I'm one of those "weekend recordists" referred to in earlier posts...). When the band is doing soundcheck for FOH (to which I have a split), I have my Reaper "Recording Meters" on the computer screen, full screen. It provides a really nice view of the signal and allows me to dial in my -18 peaks as the FOH engineer is setting is own levels. I'm just not a fan of having to go from channel-to-channel in the detail view to adjust the gains, and would rather have them in block of (labeled) 8. It's just a personal preference. Clearly, the behavior demonstrated in the iPad app with respect to the preamp page in the setup section is a bug. I'm not complaining, but would love to see it fixed.

I hope this helps provide a bit of clarity into my own workflow. Again, to ME, this isn't a show stopper at all - I can make do with "channel by channel" adjustments without an aggregated view of the pres, but would be more in tune with how I like to do things for my personal use-case.

Hope this finds you well! I appreciate the feedback and dialog.


Thanks, Don, this makes perfect sense.

I know almost nothing of recording procedures, and even less about the current digital recording world. You are indeed getting visual feedback about levels, it's just from a wholly separate source from the console/virtual console. You are also not under the gun trying to meet performer needs in real time. The presence of that Preamp tab makes your life much easier, and it is indeed a bug that it doesn't work.

Rhetorical question: Could it be that the Preamps tab was added for people like you and not people like me (live sound reinforcement), as an effort to broaden the appeal of the product line?

Thanks for the explanation.