X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Rack Review

Hi Scott,

Thanks for sharing this interesting story.

Regarding scenes, can you save them as a show on the PC to a USB stick and transfer that way?

FWIW, I haven't had luck on the full console exporting and importing scenes; shows, yes, but not individual scenes. I presume I'm doing something wrong, but it hasn't been necessary to me to spend time figuring it out.

Good luck,

Got it Dan! Thanks.

The next step today was MIDI scene recall.

I got out my trusty Behringer FCB1010 that I purchased years and years ago to do some fancy MIDI control of the band that I later found I didn't need, and didn't have time in a gig to do anyway. I should note that this particular piece of gear has withstood my wife's dislike of gear I have, but don't use (which I point out is much less now than it was 10 years ago
). I had been doing strange things with the FCB and had to reset the beast to factory default so I could set it up for its new role.

I had to track down a MIDI cable, plug the FCB MIDI out into the X32 Rack MIDI in and I felt I should be in business!
I had previously setup scenes on X32 Edit having the following properties:

  1. Under Setup-Global, the "Confirm Popups" for scene load was unchecked
  2. Under Setup-Remote, the "MIDI IN/OUT" Enable MIDI Scene recall was checked
I built two scenes on the unit with pretty different fader positions and somewhat different efx setups. I assigned the first one to program change 1 and the second to program change 2 on the Scenes - MIDI menu.
Again, you can't use either the iPad app OR the X32 edit program to do this. It ONLY works on the console.
So I punch the FCB on channel 2 and 1 back and fourth and ...... nothing happens. Hmmm.
I go to the Setup-Remote menu and check MIDI in/out under "MIDI in/out". This change doesn't register in either my iPad or X32 Edit .... but ....
I punched the FCB again .... woot!!! It worked.
The iPad app correctly tracks the scene changes (if you are on the "Scenes" tab), but again the X32 Edit program doesn't show the right scene at the top of the page or on the Scene tab. It does reflect the correct mixer settings though, so it isn't the end of the world.
I would note here that the scene changes are INSTANTANEOUS and all settings for the mixer are reflected on the iPad and PC just as fast. This feature is so good that I think you could even use it to boost different singers in a song if you wanted to (or different instruments). Well done to Behringer.
Strange X32 Problem

Howdy, firstly we have several x32 consoles and are very happy. We have one exhibiting a strange fault today. We have no analogue I/O. No aux, inputs, phantom, outputs, monitor. Control still runs fine as does AES/EBU. Have firmwared/ clock changed/ rebooted. Still nothing in or out. Anyone got a great idea? I'm thinking either there's a config that I've overlooked or somethings come unseated. This particular one did a show last night fine and hasn't moved. Just on power up today I notice there's no analogue. I've yet to try the AES50 I/O.

Cheers for any assistance.
Re: Strange X32 Problem

Howdy, firstly we have several x32 consoles and are very happy. We have one exhibiting a strange fault today. We have no analogue I/O. No aux, inputs, phantom, outputs, monitor. Control still runs fine as does AES/EBU. Have firmwared/ clock changed/ rebooted. Still nothing in or out. Anyone got a great idea? I'm thinking either there's a config that I've overlooked or somethings come unseated. This particular one did a show last night fine and hasn't moved. Just on power up today I notice there's no analogue. I've yet to try the AES50 I/O.

Cheers for any assistance.

Assuming you've gone to "Routing" page and everything is set correctly to local? Are your inputs/outputs from an S16 or not? Not sure why you'd try the AES 50 I/O if you don't have an S16...

Is Sync set correctly in Config page?

What does "Control still runs fine as does AES/EBU" mean?

Good luck,
Re: Strange X32 Problem

Hi Dan, I mean the entire control surface is working, USB player works. Outputs any mix bus via the AESEBU, just all analogues on the rear panel are dead. Can't even get the phantom lights to come on. Have checked all routing/sync.
X32core USB to mac crashes mac

I have a x32core under test...

X32-Edit 1.2 ( x32core 1.15 )
Mac 10.6.8
S16 via AES50-A

USB only card

To Card routing is from AES50-A

As soon as I plug the USB cable from the card into the mac,

>>>>Kernel Panic.

When I plug the USB cable from the card into another mac, and boot this other mac,

>>>>Kernel Panic.

Could the USB card be fried ?
Or does it need a firmware update ? ( for mac )

Thanks for help

and best regards

Re: X32 Rack Review

I built two scenes on the unit with pretty different fader positions and somewhat different efx setups. I assigned the first one to program change 1 and the second to program change 2 on the Scenes - MIDI menu.

I assume your scenes was number one and two, so it appeared that the midi assignments had an effect, but these assignments only define what the X32 is sending out as part of a scene change, to remote control other equipment.

To change scenes on the X32, you enable midi in-out and midi scene recall, and then it will always be program change (scene number) on ch1 no matter what is assigned in the scenes.
Re: Strange X32 Problem

Assuming you've gone to "Routing" page and everything is set correctly to local? Are your inputs/outputs from an S16 or not? Not sure why you'd try the AES 50 I/O if you don't have an S16...

Is Sync set correctly in Config page?

What does "Control still runs fine as does AES/EBU" mean?

Good luck,
I had a similarly strange occurrance a few weeks back. Was setting up for an outdoor show and had pre-programmed the x32 as there were a number of bands with unusual instruments - eg autoharp, harmonium

was using s16's. Well set up and tested main outs with some ref music - all ok.
Then was setting up monitors but could get nothing to come out of s16 - all showing ok on meters at x32 end - and remember could get output from auxes to mains (15 &16).
Checked & re checked tried different outs for monitors - monitored at s16 end - no joy.
Eventually switched Mon feed to different busses and got some output. But still could not see what was wrong with original routing.
Btw during this had tried a reboot.
Ok so mons working - but now could not get a channel to feed the main l/r outputs.
Getting a bit deperate - some "vip" had arrived to open the show so had to dash and turn monitors round.
Still could not fathom what was going on.so decided to go and load the last scene for an event had done the previous week.
Hey presto all fine. Quick sound out and first band on - traditional Indian music - and during this set managed to reprogramme for other bands.
A few days later in "studio" re loaded the scene had originally used
- absolutely no problems. Still cannot figure out what I could have done to cause the issues or whether some sort of temporary software glitch!

Btw the show after that went very well and organisers and bands very pleased
One funny thing - one chap had asked for a kick mic , a snare mic and hi-hat mic - so thought I'd give him a couple of overheads as well. When he got on stage his drum kit was about 12 inches high all operated by foot - so overheads were a bit superfluous!!!!
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Re: X32 Rack Review

I assume your scenes was number one and two, so it appeared that the midi assignments had an effect, but these assignments only define what the X32 is sending out as part of a scene change, to remote control other equipment.

To change scenes on the X32, you enable midi in-out and midi scene recall, and then it will always be program change (scene number) on ch1 no matter what is assigned in the scenes.
Thanks Per for clearing this up for me!

All in all, this has been pretty smooth.... Mostly due to great support from forum members and the free X32 edit program which allowed me to do a great deal of experimenting before my mixer arrived.
core and scene saves - how to?

Have done a quick search & possibly someone already answered this.
On the core how do you save a new scene set up on / using x-edit? I can load scenes from x-edit (console library scenes) but if try to save a scene x-edit loses connection to the x32 and the save fails
Plus if try to save to x-edit scenes library same thing!
I had noticed this sometime ago (when it was x-control) & thought it may have been fixed.

OK can see that in offline mode I can save a scene to x-edit (internal library) and then when connected can load this onto the console. However, tend to save scene versions as I go along - for example have some shows where one band may play several times during the event and want to save their last settings and then recall them when they come on again.

(btw do not have a core yet but considering getting one - would get the rack but cost and don't really need the i/o on the rear since have s16s - so just working out how it may work in practice just using X-edit and the android mixstation - don't plan to get an ipad ever! )
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Re: Strange X32 Problem

Another update, this fault is on the console itself and not on a remote S16. I've backed the firmware down to 1.13, then back to 1.15 with still no luck. Is there a factory reset at a higher level than simply initialising and rebooting? With a self powered plugged in one of the analogue outputs you can hear the normal things you get when the console boots so at that point the I/O boards are still starting up, just not communicating.
Re: Strange X32 Problem

Howdy, firstly we have several x32 consoles and are very happy. We have one exhibiting a strange fault today. We have no analogue I/O. No aux, inputs, phantom, outputs, monitor. Control still runs fine as does AES/EBU. Have firmwared/ clock changed/ rebooted. Still nothing in or out. Anyone got a great idea? I'm thinking either there's a config that I've overlooked or somethings come unseated. This particular one did a show last night fine and hasn't moved. Just on power up today I notice there's no analogue. I've yet to try the AES50 I/O.

Cheers for any assistance.

Dear Mark,

Sorry to hear you are having an issue with one of your consoles.
I am sending you a PM with contact info.

We will help you troubleshoot this and if need be, take care of this right away via our CARE department.
Re: Strange X32 Problem

Cheers Joe :) We've just become dealers for these in New Zealand, and are very happy with the consoles. Understandable that there are the odd ones with a couple of glitches. We've had them in constant operation over a year now and this issue is in our newest one. Obviously my decision to share the problem on the forum in the first instance is (1) it's the weekend, and (2) wanted to see if it's something that can be fixed with a software reboot before I progressed any further. Thanks to all for assistance.
Re: Strange X32 Problem

Another update, this fault is on the console itself and not on a remote S16. I've backed the firmware down to 1.13, then back to 1.15 with still no luck. Is there a factory reset at a higher level than simply initialising and rebooting? With a self powered plugged in one of the analogue outputs you can hear the normal things you get when the console boots so at that point the I/O boards are still starting up, just not communicating.

My initial guess is always that someone screwed up the routing, and when it is absolutely 100% that that is not the case, second guess is a loosely seated ribbon cable somewhere inside.
Re: core and scene saves - how to?

Have done a quick search & possibly someone already answered this.
On the core how do you save a new scene set up on / using x-edit? I can load scenes from x-edit (console library scenes) but if try to save a scene x-edit loses connection to the x32 and the save fails
Plus if try to save to x-edit scenes library same thing!
I had noticed this sometime ago (when it was x-control) & thought it may have been fixed.

OK can see that in offline mode I can save a scene to x-edit (internal library) and then when connected can load this onto the console. However, tend to save scene versions as I go along - for example have some shows where one band may play several times during the event and want to save their last settings and then recall them when they come on again.

(btw do not have a core yet but considering getting one - would get the rack but cost and don't really need the i/o on the rear since have s16s - so just working out how it may work in practice just using X-edit and the android mixstation - don't plan to get an ipad ever! )

Sort of worked out a way round this - on behringer forum site!
But do others have same issue in using scene save via x-edit or is it my setup?
Re: Strange X32 Problem

Cheers Per.

That's my thoughts too, I've been through and checked and changed all routing settings. The part that's making me lean toward a ribbon cable is the Preamp page in the setup, when you activate phantom on the LOCAL inputs, no red phantom light comes on in the rear. Also the Aux in/out jacks don't operate either. I do recall that before we really noticed the problem, I was getting full scale digital noise on a pair of AUX inputs flashing on and off. I dismissed it at the time but it seems relevant now. I'll await Joe's PM of reseating details.
Compact with Reaper

Finally I was able to multitrack straight into my Macbook with firewire using Reaper last night. It worked great and so far sounds awesome! It seems like a really solid DAW.

I'll end up just importing the audio into ProTools since it's what I'm used to. Its nice not having to lug my 003R and ADA8000 and using direct outputs to record straight into ProTools. (LE8, wont work with X32) That was just ridiculous.

Does anyone know to cascade inputs across the channels? So if I assign track 1 to input 1, every other track is assigned sequentially?


  • image.jpg
    167.3 KB · Views: 0
This is a really nice little mixer

I can tell you great it is but rather then that i will post this youtube link. Recorded with the USB recorder. You can tell how actually good the FX on the X32 is.



Edit: This is mastered by her boyfriend kinda. I asked him to not make it reall loud. The setup is rather basic. Three MCA SP1 (modified) for drums. Those are really nice mid diagram condenser mic's. One for kick and the two others as overheads with the normal plate as reverb (just a tad). Bass is just a DI out. Keys are two DI's same plate as drums. And the sax is her own mic wich is great for sax but i don't remember the type (wireless) with the vintage plate. An a plain old sm 58 for speech. I do edit the FX to my liking though. I never use presets.
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Re: Compact with Reaper

Finally I was able to multitrack straight into my Macbook with firewire using Reaper last night. It worked great and so far sounds awesome! It seems like a really solid DAW.

I'll end up just importing the audio into ProTools since it's what I'm used to. Its nice not having to lug my 003R and ADA8000 and using direct outputs to record straight into ProTools. (LE8, wont work with X32) That was just ridiculous.

Does anyone know to cascade inputs across the channels? So if I assign track 1 to input 1, every other track is assigned sequentially?

There is the matrix view in Reaper. That is a quick way to assign.
Re: X32core USB to mac crashes mac

I have a x32core under test...

X32-Edit 1.2 ( x32core 1.15 )
Mac 10.6.8
S16 via AES50-A

USB only card

To Card routing is from AES50-A

As soon as I plug the USB cable from the card into the mac,

>>>>Kernel Panic.

When I plug the USB cable from the card into another mac, and boot this other mac,

>>>>Kernel Panic.

Could the USB card be fried ?
Or does it need a firmware update ? ( for mac )

Thanks for help

and best regards


Hi Klaus, and the Behringer Support Team out there..

i'm having EXACTLY the same problem!
kernel panics on every MAC i could possibly try with. Strange things also happened when i tried to install the unit on a Windows machine. I could not install the drivers (the installation stalled @ roughly 90%)... i could not update the card's firmware, Windows did not recognize the unit at all.
BTW, i was trying this on new machines - with Windows 7 installed on them. I had my uncle by my side who's a computer specialist and he told me to contact Behringer.
I've sent the unit back for replacement and haven't received a new unit by now.

Klaus, where did you get your X32core from? I purchased mine in Austria from a dealer named "Musik Lenz".

Maybe i also should have mentioned that i operate an original X32 via USB or Firewire without any problems so far.
On the Behringer website, in the forum, there exists a small thread about this problem with the new X32core (including my person):

Computer won't recognize XUF card on new X32 Compact

It seems, that the problem has not been solved right now.

Maybe someone has an idea about how to solve this problem really?