X32 Discussion


Am I the only one that doesn't actually WANT a touch screen? I don't really like the idea of fat-fingering a bunch of options on a mixer. The iPad option is nice just for pre-show setup and such, but I wouldn't dare trust myself to use it during the show.

Any word/idea when Behringer might release an updated version of the (pc/mac/linux) remote software? Seems like with the new feature set and issues some are having with saved scenes no longer working, the old control software wouldn't be compatible with the new firmware.

Anyone else surprised the M32 didn't get a touchscreen?
I wouldn't suggest updating an X32 that has a certain task just yet. It is Beta after all. And it's rather logical to assume that updated versions off all programs are coming. Probably when the 2.0 firmware is out of beta en into RTM.

Since the M32 is really a X32 i don't find it surprising..
V2 and permissions

Looking through the V2 release notes, I don't see any updates on the consoles permissions handling. If anyone's installed the V2 public Beta, can you comment on whether scenes can be locked to Admin so that no one can save over them?

I'd like the ability to lock down routing too (like the Yamaha LS9)...
Re: No automixer in V2.0

So there doesn't seem to be an automixer in the upgrade. Oh well, you can't have everything.
Might it happen in a future mini-upgrade, or is it a dead end?
Mick Berg.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi All,

I have recently jumped into the X32 world and love the desk. we today purchased our second S16 box and when trying to configure ran into a few issues, when we set the output to be the AES50 1-8 and9_16 respectively we had no joy with outputting from the S16 boxes. we then changed the setting to Output 1-8 and Output 9-16 which seemed to work, could somebody please advise where we are going wrong?

thanks in advance

Re: X32 Discussion

did you set the s16 's up themselves, or just the desk? - make sure you set the s-16's to be #1 ( 1-8) and #2 ( 9-16)...

S16 2013 - YouTube

Hi Shane,

Yeah we did set the S16's up as per the video, they are talking fine to the network as all of the inputs work, but on another tutorial on Youtube ( How to Set Up Two Behringer S16s with an X32 - YouTube ) the guy says to set the output to AES50 A 1-8 and 9-16, when we did that we didn't manage to get any of the 16 outputs to work. we had to set the outputs to the "Out 1-8 and 9-16" to make the outputs live.

Re: No automixer in V2.0

So there doesn't seem to be an automixer in the upgrade. Oh well, you can't have everything.
Might it happen in a future mini-upgrade, or is it a dead end?
Mick Berg.

In the interview posted on here yesterday the Behringer Rep made a passing reference to a 2.5 update with things they didn't have ready for this one.

Am I the only one that doesn't actually WANT a touch screen? I don't really like the idea of fat-fingering a bunch of options on a mixer. The iPad option is nice just for pre-show setup and such, but I wouldn't dare trust myself to use it during the show.

Screen on M32/X32 is too small for fingering, it's not the iPhone that you can hold close and type on its keyboard. Plus, getting touchscreen of that size will require entire new display and reworking the menu graphics, will drive cost up.

What I would rather see is a USB keyboard and mouse, like on MIDAS Pro 1/2/2c. External DVI/VGA monitor port would be nice too, even without special mount like on Profile or SC48. Flat panel displays are cheaper than dirt these days.
Re: X32 Discussion

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is what looks like a far superior screen angle.

If the faders and encoders are legitimately Midas stock, and 96K becomes a reality I'm sure they will sell lots.

SInce there's a lot of talks about whether M32/DL16 mic press are MIDAS or not MIDAS, and if they are the same as in X32/S16, here's my question to all you X-heads:

Did anybody who has both MIDAS Pro and X32 in their shop ever tried to test X32 with MIDAS Pro stage boxes (namely DL251). It should work at 48K. The preamps in DL251 are definitely MIDAS, supposed to be on par with XL4 preamps. Question is: Is there any significant difference in sound with DL251 vs. X32 onboard preamps/S16 preamps.

It would be nice to do the same test of X32/S16 versus M32/DL16, once it becomes available. Will there be any difference? I hope Behringer folks who have access to M32 will drop their two cents here.
Re: 2.0

Thanks for the great answers guys.

Another question iid like to ask is if there is a way to create a failsafe within the system. I.E if the main desk were to crash or fall over terminally, if we had an X32 rack with the stage boxes is there a way to track (shadow) the main desk then leaving us with the option to run the iPad for the remainder of the show?

Re: 2.0

Thanks for the great answers guys.

Another question iid like to ask is if there is a way to create a failsafe within the system. I.E if the main desk were to crash or fall over terminally, if we had an X32 rack with the stage boxes is there a way to track (shadow) the main desk then leaving us with the option to run the iPad for the remainder of the show?

Well if you save your live settings to a scene regularly you would be pretty darn close to continuing the show after a minimal switch-over time!
Re: 2.0

Are you able to network the X32 with a Core / Rack so the scenes save on their internal memory or would you just dump to USB and transfer if there was a problem?

Re: 2.0

Are you able to network the X32 with a Core / Rack so the scenes save on their internal memory or would you just dump to USB and transfer if there was a problem?

Save to usb.
btw There are currently issues with saving scenes to the core not sure if they will be resolved in v2 firmware or maybe they will address them in xedit v2

To quote from the Midas website :
"The microphone preamplifiers are the very same ones used in the industry standard MIDAS XL4 and HERITAGE 3000 consoles"


According to this NAMM demo, M32 is compatible with S16 stage boxes, but he repeats several times about "MIDAS Preamps" in coming DL16 box (as well as internal preamps on M32). Seems like MIDAS insists on M32/DL16 having different preamps (even though S16 and DL16 are interchangeable).


Good thing is that M32 and X32 families will have a great deal of compatibility between components (S16 and P16) as well as in firmware (RTA analyzer and Turbosound speakers management via Ultranet port), which is a good sign for all us X32 owners who already accumulated X-series gear. We won't have to buy DL16s right away if we have S16s already (not questioning yet the difference in preamps design and sound quality).

First thing I would do once I'll get M32 will be to test it with S16, meaning to compare sound from onboard preamps with S16 preamps. In other words to see how much actually will be the difference between M32/DL16 and X32/S16 preamps (or if you want, the difference between "MIDAS" and "Powered by MIDAS")

And one question Steve Young didn't answered in this video (because nobody asked) is if the network compatibility was tested. In other words, will that be possible to use M32 as FOH connected to X32 at monitors position via AES50 (whether with S16s or using X32 as a stage box). I suspect firmware differences may impose some limits (better not!). May be John Di Nicola or other Behringer or MIDAS people can answer: did anybody actually tested this setup, M32 with X32, especially with different firmware versions.

And if yes, will there be a new stage box similar to DL431 (where each physical input feeds three independently-controllable preamps, so the FOH and Monitor engineers can set up their gain independently). Something less fancy than 431, two preamps per input @48K.

If MIDAS is serious about bumping M32 to 96K in the future, it would be nice to have full compatibility with MIDAS Pro stageboxes (251, 351, 431, 451)
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