X32 Discussion

X32 v2 rta

Hi Guys, After reading through all of the V2 RTA posts since page 436, I wanted to offer more insight into the features and functionality of the new RTA and Spectrograph addition of the firmware. I have placed this information in a Tech Talk which can be found here. I hope that this helps and we welcome any and all questions about the RTA and Spectrograph.

BEHRINGER Tech Talk: RTA in V2.0 firmware
Re: X32 v2 RTA

Dude, what's wrong with your logic? Did you ever read my reply? I'm not saying it's impossible to use HDMI and analog audio from MacBook at the same time, it's just not a preferred way. Also, not all Apple products have analog audio out like you said. As for HDMI, I thought it's obvious for everyone, guess I should go down to ABC level and write "HDMI is an A/V interface standard". I thought it's obvious, HDMI is just a way to get audio and video from device A to device B, no more than that.

As for "quiet" and "ban", if you want to be a moderator, start your own forum. We have a moderators here who obviously have more brains than you. if you think you know everything and is right 100% all the time, good luck with that!

Chill out, dude! You make me laugh! Use your energy for something more productive.

Arik, you too, chill. Can both of you drop this as it isn't going anywhere. I started this thread to discuss the X32, not Apple products!

Start your own Apple products thread.

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Anyone else read this? Is it for real?

MUSIC Group Reviews | Glassdoor.co.uk

Whoa. Talk about lambasting! Guess I won't be leaving my job to work at Behringer ;)

Profitability can overcome many other issues. I think Behringer is likely to be around for at least another few years. I do question the recent price drop on X32 products though. It is my opinion that unless sales slipped considerably, the product is capable of holding its value even against the new crop of digital mixers from Soundcraft and Allen & Heath.
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Anyone else read this? Is it for real?

MUSIC Group Reviews | Glassdoor.co.uk

I've seen this all too many times with company growth and micromanagement. I remember a company that had a 40% per year for 10 years straight growth go to 1-2% literally overnight. The CO. pres. had his own plane and so did his 2 top sales people. They unfortunately were making more than Pres. so he restructured the sales commission (a polite way to say he cut commission) instead of giving himself a raise. Within a month both Salesmen were working for the competition. The same thing applied to the development team I developed. After a quite successful product we were all ready to go for the next generation and were all called to a gathering expecting a go. Instead we were told that we would be in maintenance mode for the foreseeable future. I was the 1st out the door and most were gone in a months time. Transitions to step aside and not micromanage are hard to accomplish I hope Uli figures this out before it's to late.
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

I was the 1st out the door and most were gone in a months time. Transitions to step aside and not micromanage are hard to accomplish I hope Uli figures this out before it's to late.

I doubt it. Sounds like there might be a narcissistic personality disorder at play here or maybe worse. Based on past accusations in regards to this company along with some very harsh criticism by former employees, it sounds like trouble is brewing and word is spreading. I hope I'm wrong.
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

I would really like to hear from the "other side of the coin", on this issue. Could we please hear from Uli himself and perhaps someone from the upper management team also? The accusations on micromanagement, accountability, employee turnover rate and reasons for it if it is above normal from exit interview data, low CEO approval rating, and supply chain issues all need to be addressed. I would also like to see information on the reasoning for the recent price drops and also the reason to divert the first wave of products to full compass, to give them a "head start", when many dealers had thier pre-orders submitted 6 months+ in advance.

Thank you for creating excellent products at prices my clients can afford!
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

I would really like to hear from the "other side of the coin", on this issue. Could we please hear from Uli himself and perhaps someone from the upper management team also? The accusations on micromanagement, accountability, employee turnover rate and reasons for it if it is above normal from exit interview data, low CEO approval rating, and supply chain issues all need to be addressed. I would also like to see information on the reasoning for the recent price drops and also the reason to divert the first wave of products to full compass, to give them a "head start", when many dealers had thier pre-orders submitted 6 months+ in advance.

Thank you for creating excellent products at prices my clients can afford!

I don't really feel I am owed any explanations from anyone. The situation is what it is, and I (and maybe we) are so outside the food chain that it is irrelevant to me.

I will say that the very rich are different than you and I, and by and large deal with people differently, in my experience. Those at my level are tools to be used to accomplish the goal and are useful when they are useful and no longer useful when they are no longer useful.

There are a number of rich people around here, and without getting too far into the weeds, I did some work for one of them for a while. Peripheral to his main business, central to mine but not a substantial amount, and I was there because of a friend of mine who was integral to an aspect of big guy's hobbies. I was involved every six months or so for a couple of years, and there were a number of people who were involved weekly if not daily on an ongoing basis, for years.

Big guy changed his mind at some point about the degree to which he wanted to pursue his avocations, and particularly the one that I was peripherally involved in. I never got called again as a result.

Since I wasn't privy to his thinking at all, or really aware in any way of what was going on, I kind of wondered if things were proceeding as they were but without me. A few years later I learned that he stopped his thing pretty much altogether, and that the people he was seeing weekly or daily simply stopped getting called one day, and were never called again.

With all the openings/closings of offices/service centers/etc. that Behringer has done, there have to be a large bunch of people and their families who were seriously inconvenienced, which has to be an understatement. With that large bunch available, it's almost surprising that there are so few negative comments on that website (which I could only read page 1 as I don't want to subscribe).

I admire Uli's brilliance in figuring out how to do what he's done, particularly with the consoles I love so much, as well as his drive to put it all together and balance all the pieces that make it work.

I'm sad for the people who were ground up in some way to grease the wheels, and hope they got something out of it while it lasted for them, and that they get something even better as a result of their experience.

We are all pawns in an uncaring corporate and political world, to one extent or another, and it is a bummer when that fact is presented to you directly.

As Rob pointed out in another subthread of this thread, none of this has anything to do with the mixer that this thread is about. The mixer exists now, and will continue to exist for some time into the foreseeable future, and we should talk about that. For whatever turns out to be the reason, I also expect it to stop existing at some time in the future and am mentally prepared for that change, which I hope is years away.

I would be quite happy if 2.01 beta turned into 2.1 non-beta, and the iPad app were made to work with 2.1 as reliably as it did with 1.15. I have a festival coming up at the end of the month with 9 X32s and 2 Racks present, and it would be great to have the v2 features available.

I will be equally happy when the Behringer CAT STP snake cable becomes available, and it is available in various lengths up to 100 meters. The "various lengths" part is important, because I don't want to lug 100 meters of snake to every gig, and the lugging is not only the CAT but also AC and some analog drive/utility lines (headsets, etc.).
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

I would really like to hear from the "other side of the coin", on this issue. Could we please hear from Uli himself and perhaps someone from the upper management team also? The accusations on micromanagement, accountability, employee turnover rate and reasons for it if it is above normal from exit interview data, low CEO approval rating......

Thank you for creating excellent products at prices my clients can afford!

Frankly, who has to give an approval to CEO? The Music Group market results speaks for themselves, 40 new products at NAMM, over 100,000 X32s are sold worldwide and with $100 million recent investment in his factory in China it doesn't look like Uli would close his "offices" in near future. May be these two ex-employees didn't part with company on good terms?

The only people qualified to approve CEO's performance in corporate world are the company's Board of Directors (read "investors"). Not Internet polls and not former employees' testimonials. They look at financial numbers first (with "likeability" and "morale" being the last ones). So far investors seems to be OK with Uli's performance as CEO.

Our Steve Jobs was also one of toughest CEOs to work for and had an overwhelming personality, but that's what got Apple where it is now, the top technology company in the world.

Sorry for unrelated comment, but that's what it is. Tough CEOs with vision do make a difference.
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Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Dear all,

Thank you for your comments related to Glassdoor. Please allow me to respond to your questions:

First, it is important to understand what Glassdoor really is. It is a site where:

- Anyone can post anonymously without any content verification or consequences
- One person can post as many posts as he/she wants
- Anyone can pretend to be an employee when in fact they have never worked for the company. The post from the alleged “SVP from Manchester” is a good example as it's clearly fake.
- It is a convenient tool often used to disparage competitors

Second, I absolutely believe that there are genuine people out there who posted and shared their criticism about me and the Company. Provided posts are legitimate, I have no problems with it as people are entitled to speak freely. As the founder and CEO I will always stand up and take responsibility.
I want to make it clear that I don’t post on Glassdoor myself as frankly, I have more important things to do. However, I feel saddened to learn that people who want to share a more balanced view get attacked through emails that circulate among employees. Not very cool.

Third, I am the first to admit that I am certainly not perfect nor is our organisation. However, I take some pride, that in only 25 years we have built one of the largest Pro Audio companies in the world. We are an extremely dynamic and fast moving company (and definitely not for the fainthearted), employing 3,500 fantastic people located in multiple offices around the world.
My management style is to have very high expectations for myself and my staff. At times this can put management and staff under a great deal of strain and I'm aware that some people criticize me for this mindset. However, others enjoy this fast pace environment, as it allows them to be part of a winning team that fundamentally changes the industry.

I always tell our employees that we are a “High Level Start Up” and “We’re flying the plane while we’re still building it”. I truly stand behind these metaphors. Over the past three years we have acquired and integrated two major companies. We are currently building a 3 million square foot, highly automated factory at a total investment of US $100 million. We’re also implementing over 30 SAP modules to completely automate all business processes, including deploying the cutting-edge SAP Hana in-memory computing technology. On top of this, we’re currently hiring over 100 people as we’re expanding strongly. Last but not least, we’re considering another acquisition.

Continuously streamlining our overall operation to become more efficient means that from time to time we have to close offices and lay off people. I fully understand that this means potential hardship and difficulties for people and their families. While I don’t ask for any sympathy, please understand that restructuring a company is necessary in order to remain competitive and secure the future for our remaining employees. As the CEO, I take full responsibility and if people are upset, their anger should be addressed in my direction rather than against colleagues.

I also get at times criticized for our email communication system, which uses DL’s or Distribution Lists rather than personal name email addresses. Addressing emails to a person's function rather than their individual name ensures we maintain continuity of communication regardless of whether you are promoted or transferred to other roles. It achieves a sustainable communication infrastructure among our 3,500 multinational employees who work all over the world.
While I accept that this system is not the norm, it is critical when building automated communication and workflow processes.

Our Company is different and frankly we want to be different. While we are far from being perfect, we have a very clear vision and a strong determination to become the global leader in the Pro Audio industry.
I am particularly proud of our long-serving employees and the high staff-retention in our established offices - many employees have stayed with us for 20 years. I admit that this isn't the case across the board and that other offices have experienced higher staff turnover, in particular those related to acquisition and integration.

Over the years we have transformed MUSIC Group to become a true technology leader with the X32 having become the world’s most successful digital console. Last year's revenue was our highest on record and we started this year by launching 140 new products and winning 6 major industry awards at NAMM. I am extremely proud of our employees and also like to thank all those people who no longer work with us for all their tremendous contributions.

I will be travelling to our China Partner Event next week to host 400 Dealers and Distributors who are flying in from all over the world to celebrate the Company's 25th anniversary, together with our 3,000 employees.
We've experienced tremendous change over those 25 years, but believe me when I say the coming years will be even more exciting as we will be rolling out absolutely incredible products!

Last but not least, rather than listening to my words, perhaps I can recommend you listen to our current employees. We continue to build our cutting-edge Professional Division and are currently hiring over 20 more Pro Audio experts in the disciplines pre and post sales as well as system solutions.
Why don’t you visit www.music-group.com to see the job opportunities. If any of these positions interests you, please feel free to contact [email protected] (Sales Professional Global) and speak with Shawn Watts or Greg McLagan. You may also want to ask them to share their opinions about working at MUSIC Group and the cultural differences they've encountered since joining from the reputable competitor QSC.

Thank you for reading this long post and apologies for disrupting the X32 thread.

Warm regards


P.S. I hear the demand that I fire the CEO. Frankly, I can't fire him because I'm pretty sure that he is unemployable.
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Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Thank you for sharing your side of the story! So glad you are still involved here and willing to be so open.
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Should be a new thread... But wonder which company Uli is now looking to add to the Music Group?
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Should be a new thread... But wonder which company Uli is now looking to add to the Music Group?

I reckon that the next company he should be looking at is Avid. Heavily on debt, could be brought for a song and could enable some pretty cool mixers with pro tools integration. Would also remove one of Midas's competitors

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625
Re: X32 v2 RTA

Dear Scott,

first of all I dont know the schematics of the DL251 preamp, but the usual Midas pream is definitely not a Micpre chip.
also the X32 mic pre is not a single chip solution. And I can agree with you that moost of the MicPre chips on the market sound very similar to each other. But as stated above this is not the case with the X32 and the DL251...
we were in a studio listening room of ca 25 m2 with very good acoustics. Two 3 way high end studiomonitors.
One High End CD player as sound source.
One High End DAC to the X-32's AES/EBU output. From this DAC unit to the studio monitors.
we did use -12dBfs peak input signal (seen on the X-32 input level LEDs) and -6dBfs peak outut level (seen on the X-32's output LED bar)
we did listen several times several high end recordings.
tested X-32 inpit vs DL251 input, tested X-32 clock vs DL251 clock (only with DL251 inputs used) and as the reference we did listen to the CD players output directly on the Studio Monitors.
all listening levels were within 0.5 dB to eachother in order to avoid the "louder is alwas better" trap.

let me know, if you need more information.



Thanks Tamas,

My usage is live sound, so my perspective is somewhat different than studio recording. It has been my experience that in the class of mixer we are talking about, the preamps are not much of a factor in the sound quality of the system these days. The microphones and speakers make a much bigger difference, and the most difference of all is how well the sound pro does at setting up and mixing the sound ;)

I am not debating your empirical findings. I am sure that it sounded better to you.

One more question if you don't mind.

When I was auditioning powered speakers, I used the following technique:

Have a mono source of recorded music lined up to 2 channels on a mixer. Have one channel panned full left, and the other full right. Have the music shop put one speaker (or speaker setup top over sub) on the left output and the other on the right output. Using the channel eq on the mixer, mix on a single speaker until you get the best sound you can, then repeat on the other side. Once this is done, simply pan from one to the other and see which one sounds better. Try to make the one that sounds worse sound as good as the other one.

What I found was that the default voicing of a speaker wasn't representative of how good of a sound I could get out of a speaker. What I am suggesting is that preamps may be the same and that I think it likely that any difference could easily be equalized out to sound the same.

Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Anyone else read this? Is it for real?

MUSIC Group Reviews | Glassdoor.co.uk

After having this site tossed around in various threads on different forums I participate in over the last couple of years, and having looked up companies for whom I have personal 1st hand knowledge I've come to one inescapable conclusion: It's a vile, hateful and worthless cesspool of negative people who have no other path to legitimacy.

Let's see - a place for disgruntled people to take anonymous pot shots at a former employer they are ticked at. What could go wrong?

Bah! Some of the comments and "conclusions" in those - whatever they are, posts? - are just laughable. Guess what - not everyone is a winner or productive. There are losers. At least these people labeled themselves appropriately with their "insights".

What's disgusting is this "glassdoor" company is exploiting worse than tabloid journalism to make a buck. Frankly I consider them on the same level as the revenge porn @^!#ers.

Mike Gibson said:
No smoke without fire.

That is giving that site way more credit than it deserves for presenting anything that remotely resembles a balanced perspective. A statistically valid sampling, sure. A self selecting sample? No thanks. Accuracy has nothing to do with that site - exploiting titilating and salacious gossip for profit is that sites economic engine. Anyone pretending that any viewpoints or overall conclusions presented on that site are relevant should be embarrassed.
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

I would also like to see information on the reasoning for the recent price drops

Um, they can afford to because of obvious internal efficiencies? That sounds more like a successful company than one that is doomed.

And supply chain issues - selling more than you can make? That's really an issue? Funny, Apple has had that since the iPhone release and they are still managing to hang on, if just barely :roll:

If all the people in those "posts" on glassdoor are so smart, and if all the pundits who have been spelling the doom of companies like Apple for literally decades now are so smart why aren't they out there running their own successful companies instead of pontificating? It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that it's far easier to tear crap down than build it up (i.e. run a successful company). Go figure. I can't stand this kind of poisonous, self serving and flat out destructive gossip. It's completely baseless yet for some reason the more the same BS get's repeated people incorrectly attribute that amplification to confirmation and also some perverse legitimacy. Just look how the comments in this thread have quickly jumped to all kinds of wild assumptions and conjecture in the span of a few posts. Based on anonymous comments on a site that actively trolls for negative feedback to get page views.

In what way is this whole chain of events even remotely logical or rational? Please, please please people - don't fall into the trap! Ugh. That's it, I'm done with this topic - it's not the purpose with this thread.

EDIT: Kudos to Uli for his class act response. It's easy to see why Behringer is the rising star it is. Supply chain problems indeed. Good grief...
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Re: X32 v2 RTA

As for "quiet" and "ban", if you want to be a moderator, start your own forum. We have a moderators here who obviously have more brains than you. if you think you know everything and is right 100% all the time, good luck with that!

Chill out, dude! You make me laugh! Use your energy for something more productive.

Arik, as a moderators I am curious why you are using your energy for something so unproductive? I hope you are getting something out of it. We have one or two other users who are also very good at pissing other members off, but they are clever at it and I enjoy it on occasion. In this case I am not enjoying the turbulence that follows in your wake.
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

I would be quite happy if 2.01 beta turned into 2.1 non-beta, and the iPad app were made to work with 2.1 as reliably as it did with 1.15. I have a festival coming up at the end of the month with 9 X32s and 2 Racks present, and it would be great to have the v2 features available.

I will be equally happy when the Behringer CAT STP snake cable becomes available, and it is available in various lengths up to 100 meters. The "various lengths" part is important, because I don't want to lug 100 meters of snake to every gig, and the lugging is not only the CAT but also AC and some analog drive/utility lines (headsets, etc.).

Has anyone heard from MUSIC Group about these timelines? I "rolled back" my X32s because i couldn't use any of the iPads with our consoles, and one of our guys is still on Android and was stuck as well.
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

I have worked for some hard to deal with people. They were borderline insane in everyday life, but super talented and brilliant in music/creative ways. Being super gifted in one area means they are almost "retarded" in others. Some people are not brilliant and are A-holes. Whatever the case, you have to understand where they are coming from and adjust accordingly.

Which one are you?