X32 Discussion

Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Only you Uli would know if those reviews bear any truth. As they say '' NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE" We can't verify your or the glass door claims. So I am not sure it belongs to tech forum anyway.

This, lady and gentlemen.

I wont repeat my personal thoughts about Behringer, the company. I have no personal acquaintance with Uli, so I have no opinion of him beyond what I have seen from the firm over the last 20 years.

In spite of my disdain for prior practices, I own an X32. How long I'll keep it remains to be seen, and the decision to sell or keep will not be based solely on a single criteria.

"Master, I grow weary of this motif." - Magenta in "Rocky Horror Picture Show".
Quick help

I'm running two x32s one has 1.13 and the other 1.15 firmware . I am using 2 s16 for on band . Then wanting to mix then other two bands running local through the monitor console . I cannot get control foh through the foh console when using the local mic hookups on the back of the monitor console . All control is coming through the monitor console . Am I doing something wrong ? I followed all the steps on the link . Everything works when usin the digital snakes .

PKB - Connect two X32's
Using mono-bus > matrix with FX2 ( inserted )

I send from a channel > to mono ( mains ),
then from the m/c master fader >to matrix 1
Insert FX2 into matrix 1 and choose source > matrix 1
L/R is on on FX2 return, and fader is up, meters show ok
I can solo on the FX2 returns ( I hear sound ), but can't get FX2 sound into mains L/R...

Maybe this was discussed already ?


and best regards

Show with V2.01 Beta

Just completed a fairly busy show with V2.01 - lots of use of scenes, snippets, some of the new FX and some fancy routing through different groups and so forth - all perfectly stable and only came across one bug. I did also have an instance of the short, random (and extremely loud in this instance!) noise from the X32 losing sync with an S16. My fault for not using a short patch lead with ethercons to connect the reel (which was STP) at one end. Luckily it only happened once and was just for a split second. It did make me wonder though, is there nothing the developers can change in the firmware to make the audio channels mute if sync is lost, rather than output spurious noise?

The bug I noticed relates to creating cues. I created around 12 or 13 cues without issues before I noticed this (numbered 1.0.0, 2.0.0, 3.0.0 etc). After that, when I selected to add a new cue, it came up with an error saying that index wasn't available (which it was). Then if you select cancel and try it again, it works fine.

Snippets are great for theatrical-type shows once you get used to using them in anger!
Ducking pre or post?

I was trying out the ducking feature in 2.01 and came up with something interesting. The key sources are pre-fader, which means that, for example, if I am controlling background music with a God mic, the mic affects the music even when the mic's fader is down, and even when it is muted!
The only way I could avoid this was to use a bus for ducking control, even though there is only one mic. It appears that there needs to be a choice of pre-or post-fader for the key sources. This is a general issue and has nothing to do with the upgrade itself.

Maybe its such a little-used thing that it isn't worth the re-design, and I will just have to sacrifice a bus. I could live with it.

Mick Berg.
V2.01 beta upgrade for X32

Hi Chaps,

Please, cold somebody advice me? How to make upgrade from firmware 1.15 to 2.01beta for test? I have try to put new 2.01 beta on USB and switch on X32. No upgrade. I tried another USB stick, the same. With both stick I tried to change sample rate (44.1k/48k), no success again? Are there any special steps for upgrade?
Re: Using mono-bus > matrix with FX2 ( inserted )

I send from a channel > to mono ( mains ),
then from the m/c master fader >to matrix 1
Insert FX2 into matrix 1 and choose source > matrix 1
L/R is on on FX2 return, and fader is up, meters show ok
I can solo on the FX2 returns ( I hear sound ), but can't get FX2 sound into mains L/R...

Because FX2's Input is fed by Matrix 1, which contains (by your description above) on the signal from the M bus.

What are you using M and Matrix 1 for?
Re: V2.01 beta upgrade for X32

Hi Chaps,

Please, cold somebody advice me? How to make upgrade from firmware 1.15 to 2.01beta for test? I have try to put new 2.01 beta on USB and switch on X32. No upgrade. I tried another USB stick, the same. With both stick I tried to change sample rate (44.1k/48k), no success again? Are there any special steps for upgrade?

Format the USB stick before copying the file to it.

On some, you don't just turn it on: http://www.behringer.com/assets/X32_Firmware_1.15_Release_Notes.pdf
Re: Quick help

I'm running two x32s one has 1.13 and the other 1.15 firmware . I am using 2 s16 for on band . Then wanting to mix then other two bands running local through the monitor console . I cannot get control foh through the foh console when using the local mic hookups on the back of the monitor console . All control is coming through the monitor console . Am I doing something wrong ? I followed all the steps on the link . Everything works when usin the digital snakes .
You are not giving a lot of information, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt you to have both consoles on the same firmware version. However, it shouldn't really affect you in this case.
What you need is to get the channels on to the AES50. How you do this might vary depending on how you want to control it, but since the monitors and the mains will be run of the same inputs, I would let the monitor console handle the routing changes.
On the monitor console, make sure that for each band, the same inputs that are routed to Inputs 1-32 in the Home tab, is also routed to AES50-A Output 1-32 in the AES50-A tab.
Then your mains console will always have the relevant inputs on channel 1-32 (providing your source is AES50-a 1-32). Put your Aux inputs on AES50-A 33-40 if you use them.
[Note: 1-32 means 1-8 + 9-16 + 17-24 + 25-32]
Re: Ducking pre or post?

I was trying out the ducking feature in 2.01 and came up with something interesting. The key sources are pre-fader, which means that, for example, if I am controlling background music with a God mic, the mic affects the music even when the mic's fader is down, and even when it is muted!

I'm a bit surprised by this, if I recall correctly, there was some discussion about mute behaviour early on, and I believe that the mute originally affected everything after the first tap point, the point that is used for recording, or at least that was what we reached consensus on should be the case. This would be consistent with the behaviour most of us are used to from analog consoles. After a lot of updates, things might have gotten a bit out of hand, and some changes might have caused some rather quirky behaviour in some of the features, so I wouldn't be surprised if individual re-evaluation of all features after V2.0 will show up behaviour that might surprise some of us and maybe warrant a new round of discussions around some of the solutions that have been implemented.
Re: Using mono-bus > matrix with FX2 ( inserted )

Because FX2's Input is fed by Matrix 1, which contains (by your description above) on the signal from the M bus.

What are you using M and Matrix 1 for?

Because FX2's Input is fed by Matrix 1, which contains (by your description above) on the signal from the M bus.

What are you using M and Matrix 1 for?

I'm trying to set up another FX bus, all 16 bus are used already...

as I said, the FX2 soloed I can hear the FX2, and it's L/R button is on, but nothing on the L/R main to hear...
but this L/R button is probably not active if FX2 is used as an insert...
The same L/R button on FX3 assigns to L/R, but FX3 is used via bus...


Re: Using mono-bus > matrix with FX2 ( inserted )

I'm trying to set up another FX bus, all 16 bus are used already...

as I said, the FX2 soloed I can hear the FX2, and it's L/R button is on, but nothing on the L/R main to hear...
but this L/R button is probably not active if FX2 is used as an insert...
The same L/R button on FX3 assigns to L/R, but FX3 is used via bus...


If I understand correctly you "inserted" FX2 on Matrix 1. Therefore, your return should be on Matrix 1. If this logic is incorrect, check your mute groups, bussing and DCA assignments.
Re: Using mono-bus > matrix with FX2 ( inserted )

If I understand correctly you "inserted" FX2 on Matrix 1. Therefore, your return should be on Matrix 1. If this logic is incorrect, check your mute groups, bussing and DCA assignments.

Yes, FX2 is inserted on matrix...
but in the home screen of FX returns, there are also L/R switches, and I *can* engage it on FX2 home screen, but nothing is on L/R coming out.
The other FX that are used via bus, there the L/R switch actually routes to L/R when engaged...

L/R switch shouldn' t be possible on 'inserted' FX then, I realise now that if inserted, no L/R routing is possible
at the same time


iPad solo listening


This might be a "stupid question" - since I have no idea if it is doable - but IF it is, it would be nice...

Would it be possible, that X32 streams soloed channel via Wifi to iPad - so one could have headphones connected into iPad and listen a solo channel while remotely controlling the mix ?

Then I remember what they said at Studer @ 1973 or -4 "nicht möglich? - nicht bei uns..." - of course it can be done, but will it be reasonable ???

And while at it - return-mic-line could be useful , too .....

Re: iPad solo listening

Would it be possible, that X32 streams soloed channel via Wifi to iPad - so one could have headphones connected into iPad and listen a solo channel while remotely controlling the mix ?
There are some streaming servers that you can install on something like the raspberry-pi and conncet to the x32.

Then install the proper streaming client on your ipad/iphone and off you go...
Re: iPad solo listening


This might be a "stupid question" - since I have no idea if it is doable - but IF it is, it would be nice...

Would it be possible, that X32 streams soloed channel via Wifi to iPad - so one could have headphones connected into iPad and listen a solo channel while remotely controlling the mix ?

Then I remember what they said at Studer @ 1973 or -4 "nicht möglich? - nicht bei uns..." - of course it can be done, but will it be reasonable ???

And while at it - return-mic-line could be useful , too .....


Hi Timo,

This discussion isn't quite what you are asking for, but maybe another approach to accomplish the same thing:

Wireless PFL for 'pad mixing

Re: Using mono-bus > matrix with FX2 ( inserted )

I'm trying to set up another FX bus, all 16 bus are used already...

as I said, the FX2 soloed I can hear the FX2, and it's L/R button is on, but nothing on the L/R main to hear...
but this L/R button is probably not active if FX2 is used as an insert...
The same L/R button on FX3 assigns to L/R, but FX3 is used via bus...


This reminds me somehow of a post, maybe it wasn't here but on the Behringer forums...
Will v2 be able to route matrix back to mains, or FX returns independently back to mains or bus ?,
or have even more routing / assigning ?
I thought to have read something like this , or similar

The v2 changes pdf doesn't point at this, except separating outputs from XLRs

