X32 Discussion

Re: 2.x official release

Has anyone heard from MUSIC Group about these timelines? I "rolled back" my X32s because i couldn't use any of the iPads with our consoles, and one of our guys is still on Android and was stuck as well.
Hi Joel,

The last I heard was that the official 2.x release was only a few weeks away. They are diligently working on it to ensure that it will be solid and stable. The current apps will be updated to function as expected with the new version and will be released around the same time as the firmware. But this app release will not include the new RTA functionality. That will come in a subsequent release in the near future. I doubt that it will be released in time for Dan's festival at the end of the month, unfortunately.

By the way, are you aware that the Mixing Station android app is working very well with both 1.15 and 2.01 beta?

Regarding the CAT STP cable, I've heard nothing.

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Re: X32 v2 RTA

Arik, as a moderators I am curious why you are using your energy for something so unproductive? I hope you are getting something out of it. We have one or two other users who are also very good at pissing other members off, but they are clever at it and I enjoy it on occasion. In this case I am not enjoying the turbulence that follows in your wake.

I'm done with this, Bennet, got plenty to do at my day job at Apple. You can't fix stupid and win Internet discussions, especially with those with limited logical thinking over obvious stuff like headphone out jack in MacBooks. X32 and Behringer-related technical stuff only. Thanks to everyone for technical advice and opinion!

BTW your article on subwoofer placement is great, very well written.
Re: Sticky Buttons

I wouldn’t want to suggest that you invalidate the warranty by trying to solve the problem yourself.
A colleague of mine had a problem with sticky buttons on his x32. The cost to send it insured to the repair centre was over £40 (the repair is free but not the carriage). He decided to use - WD-40 Specialist Anti Fiction Dry PTFE Lubricant - (It can be used on plastics and is under £10 delivered).
You can google this stuff and see for yourself. It does look like the right thing for the job.
He says the buttons are now as good as new. In fact better, as this was a new desk.
Time will tell whether or not there are any adverse effects.
As I say I’m not recommending this choice (although if it was me….. )
Good Luck
Re: X32 v2 RTA

I can't help it if you work for Apple and don't even know your own product line. Maybe I should not say that. I don't know what you do. You could be a facilities guy or work in some other area not affiliated with the product directly. I personally know Genius counter guys and on-line support guys who do not know everything. Whatever the case, the only person that made that discussion about headphone jacks a big deal was you Arik.

Last time I'm replying to you, Brent, all this is waste of time. I don't want to call names or judge you, just to answer some of your accusations. Would rather do it in private message, but since you've posted it here, I have no choice.

1. I never said that it's impossible to have HDMI and analog audio from MacBook or iMac at the same time. My point was that it's not necessary if your device has HDMI input. Certainly it's the only way to do if you don't have it, I've done it countless number of times.

2. Not all Apple products have analog audio out, like you've said in original post that started this chain. Most do, but not all. Apple TV box is an example, HDMI and optical audio outputs only.

3. HDMI is all-digital, there's no analog audio flowing through it, and yes, it's digital interface standard.

4. I wouldn't rely on Apple stores personnel for technical knowledge. Most are good, but some are naturally clueless. They aren't engineers, merely a sales clerks with some product knowledge. Their job is to identify customer's needs and suggest the best products that fits them.

I'm not putting them down in any way, it's a function in Apple system that has to be done and that's what they are trained to do. Those who can do more can move up into product development, design, QC and whatever else is available. It's a huge company.

Believe me, I can list specs of all MacBooks being awaken in the middle of the night!

5. I work in datacenter operations, it's on my profile on this forum. Pretty exciting stuff, iTunes and iCloud are a part of it. Yes, it's an engineering job that requires a solid degree and pays accordingly (way more than an average sound guy can make). One of a few jobs where your thinking has direct reflection on your paycheck. Sorry can't give you any more details, but it's very interesting.

6. What I call "logical thinking" is the ability to draw logical conclusions from facts. Seems like you've missed some of my points and was jumping to conclusions right away. It happens even at our meetings, but since we are not interacting face-to-face it's hard to come to a common ground.

Enough on that, I have a meeting in 10 min, have to get ready. If you want to continue this discussion, send me a private message and stop littering this thread.

Thank you!
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Re: X32 v2 RTA

I have been told that Uli is always coming up with new ideas. Someone at Starin told me he has post-it notes all over the place with ideas and his mind is always racing. Sometimes creative people like this are impatient and expect excellence out of others as much as they expect it out of themselves.

Dear Brent (PDC),

None of Starin’s people have ever visited Uli’s office in the Philippines. A total minimalist at heart, Uli would never use post-it notes and both his offices and desks are completely empty, with a whiteboard at max.

“I have been told that Uli is always coming up with new ideas.”


My advice; never a good idea to create stories or repeat second hand info and hearsay.
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Re: X32 v2 RTA

Last time I'm replying to you, Brent, all this is waste of time. I don't want to call names or judge you, just to answer some of your accusations. Would rather do it in private message, but since you've posted it here, I have no choice.

Thank you!

Can somebody please moderate. Or else, can we all unsubscribe and continue about X32 somewere else?
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Onward and upward what is this crazy entry on the Behringer site a discontinued product called the X32C. Did someone hack them or is this a joke?
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Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Dear William,

Thanks for pointing this out. We are in the process of updating the website and this was left over from the developers.
This will be removed ASAP.
Re: X32 v2 RTA

My my my. This pissing contest has been enlightening and informative. We should have this thread bronzed and put up in the attic with baby's first shoes.

I will say that it gave me an opportunity to add more folks to the Iggy Bin.
Re: MUSIC Group Reviews - Unhappy Staff

Dear all,

Thank you for your comments related to Glassdoor. Please allow me to respond to your questions:

First, it is important to understand what Glassdoor really is. It is a site where:

- Anyone can post anonymously without any content verification or consequences
- One person can post as many posts as he/she wants
- Anyone can pretend to be an employee when in fact they have never worked for the company. The post from the alleged “SVP from Manchester” is a good example as it's clearly fake.
- It is a convenient tool often used to disparage competitors

Only you Uli would know if those reviews bear any truth. As they say '' NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE" We can't verify your or the glass door claims. So I am not sure it belongs to tech forum anyway.