Re: Interesting bug in 2.04.
I was able to replicate the issue. It's a strange one for sure. It seems switching into "GEQ On Faders" does not disable the fader linking communication that happens when the same bus is on both sets of faders.
Set both left and right faders to buses (1-16 and 1-8). Now pull up Effect for graphic EQ inserted on monitor send and click the EQ on Faders function (I think that's what it's called). Push bus send on left faders up a little bit higher to get back to edge of feedback. At that point fader on right for that bus forgets it's being used to set graphic EQ and thinks it's back in bus mode, then it tries to mimic corresponding move on right-side fader. Just for fun, make sure the EQ on fader window has the fader for the bus you are adjusting sitting on a problem freq. Bingo, fader on right jumps to match left side, and GEQ thinks you just went from, perhaps 7db of cut for that freq to maybe 10db of boost. In my case, instantaneous boost for my problem-child freq of 17db. Great fun. (Fortunately, the room was empty while I was doing this.) I suspect that going into EQ on fader function would be just fine if right side had started with DCAs or Matrix selections -- it was duplicating bus select on left and right side before EQ on Fader that caused the problem.
I was able to replicate the issue. It's a strange one for sure. It seems switching into "GEQ On Faders" does not disable the fader linking communication that happens when the same bus is on both sets of faders.