X32 Discussion

Re: Firmware 2.05

If I was wanting to run

- 2 x s16's for all inputs.
- x32 on monitors
- x32 on FOH.

Can I output to both desks from the s16? or do I have to go to one desk and then the other one?

You have to go through the first desk and route to the second one, S16 are only outputting the preamps to AES50 A
Re: Firmware 2.05

The instuction tells you to start up holding the button, and only insert the stick when it asks for it, so not weird at all

Really? When did that happen?

When the console was young, it was widely touted that you just needed to insert the USB stick before restarting, and the console would do the rest.

Then at some point you were supposed to hold down the button when restarting.

Now the stick is out of the slot when holding the button down and restarting?

For sure, based on repeated experience, if your stick has the old version of the firmware and is in the slot when restarting, you don't have to do anything with buttons, you will then have the old firmware on the desk.

If I was wanting to run

- 2 x s16's for all inputs.
- x32 on monitors
- x32 on FOH.

Can I output to both desks from the s16? or do I have to go to one desk and then the other one?

I had thought that you have to have the desks in sequence, but Per was talking the other day about having the whole thing in a loop for some reason, so two connections to each desk and S16 is possible. It sounded like the closing of the loop was important for that purpose.

Edit: hmmm, I reloaded the page but didn't see your responses to each other until posting.
Re: X32 Discussion

I have been noticing a small issue (Possibly not small at all), and would like some ideas of what could be going on.. I have an X32 and an S16. The X32 is running Firmware 2.04, but this has been happening when i was running 1.15. If I use outputs 15 & 16 for Main LR outputs to a pair of JBL PRX615's, the sound is great.. But if I connect my S16 to AES port A, set it up as 1-8, and route output 9-16 to AES550-A 1-8 the volume is almost 1/2 of what the console outputs.

As a test, I plugged both speakers into outs 15 and 16 on the board, and the volume of both are equal. If i unplug one of the speakers and plug it into OUT 7 or 8, the volume is 1/2 of the speaker plugged into the X32. I have Green Sync lights on both the S16 and the X32. I have tried both AES550 A and B ports on the X32, both exhibit the same behavior. Before you ask, yes I have tried different XLR cables.

I also plugged a SM58 into port 1 on the S16, routed it to Channel 27 on the X32. To get around -9db on the meter, I need to crank the gain to +47.0. If I plug directly into port 27 on the X32 and change the route, and crank it to +47 on the gain, I clip the channel reading the same paragraph (A website I brought up and read from.)..

I think I need to send it in for repair, but wanted to get other advice before I did so. Thanks for any help.
Re: Firmware 2.05

The instuction tells you to start up holding the button, and only insert the stick when it asks for it, so not weird at all

V2.02, but it might have been mentioned earlier somewhere.
Older units are supposed to work like they've always done, but from March 2013 the units need the new procedure.

Wait, so X32's built after March 2013 are supposed to do the new procedure, and those built before that use the same old procedure, which started out as just putting the stick in and restarting?

Neither of those work for me when updating. I did two more full consoles today, and had to put the stick in, press the button while restarting and that did the trick. Didn't have to remove the stick in the middle of it. Still, it took at least two tries on each console to get it to update.

I can leave a stick with old firmware in and restart, and damn if it doesn't go back to the old firmware every single time. At least in 2.04.
Re: MIDI help wanted!

Gunnar, can you explain the functioning of delay tap and midi clock?
In my custumers world they are using MIDI commands from their sequenser to remote their mixer. Programchange to change scenes. Controlchange to control faders and mutes and MIDI clock information to control delay times. When the mixer get lets say 120BPM and the mixers is programmed to note =1/4 the delay time gets 500ms.
Re: X32 Discussion

Per - Once again I thank you.

I dont know how you figured out the syntax but it works!

You sir are a gentleman and (in the x32 context) a scholar!


You would add three lines that looks like this to the snippets you already have:
/fx/8 TEQ
/fx/8/par -7.0 -2.5 0.0 2.5 0.0 -1.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.5 -1.5 -3.0 -2.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 -4.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 -3.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -2.0 -3.5
/main/st/insert ON PRE FX8L

However, there is no way to insert the effect slot into the monitor path, so you would have to insert it on the mains (the last line), not getting the benefit of the eq for anything that is solo'd. Note that the /fx/8/par line has been shortened compared to what you save, there are a lot of trailing zeros there that have no function with this effect, so I omitted them
EQ a room using the RTA


Ok - Thanks to help from this thread, I have an EQ across the outputs and now want to stick a flat mic up in the room, and EQ so my speakers are relatively flat using the RTA.

What is the recommended workflow for this?

Re: EQ a room using the RTA


Ok - Thanks to help from this thread, I have an EQ across the outputs and now want to stick a flat mic up in the room, and EQ so my speakers are relatively flat using the RTA.

What is the recommended workflow for this?


Are you talking about studio monitors? I would never EQ studio monitors.
Re: EQ a room using the RTA

Hah!! Well, I know many new DSP model monitors have room correction abilities, but until recently most studios do not EQ monitors. Hopefully the monitors chosen already sound pleasant and translate well in the room. Kind of the reason there are so many hundreds of different monitors made. Since familiarity is the most important part of mix translation, the room/monitor/placement combo can be crucial. I know my mastering setup soundstage is awesome in my space. My partner questioned the exact placement of the main 3-ways and wanted to experiment. I spiked the stand locations and we moved them a few inches. The soundstage collapsed and the sweet spot was gone. I then explained that I had spent 3 days micro adjusting the placement. Actually, I did a lot of adjustments with the active crossovers in the monitors so I guess I WAS eq'ing them in reality. I just don't know of anyone with a graphic on the studio monitors.
Re: Firmware 2.05

I had it on the rack/iPad last night and was able to come up with some pretty nonsensical tempos....plus there is no indication of when the averaging cycle is complete. Plus the fact that all my buss, Aux, FX and main faders were disabled.

Anyone experiencing these output failures on the iPad app? Can I go back to 2.04? I can't use it like this!
FX slot question.

Since FX 1-4 default to send/return with the returns on FX returns 1-4, and the Combinator only comes up in FX slots 1-4, how do I use it on say...a stereo buss...and not give up one of the send/return FX? I need all 4...and more... Of the spacial FX I use on send/return.
Re: Firmware 2.05

Anyone experiencing these output failures on the iPad app? Can I go back to 2.04? I can't use it like this!
I had the same problems with the first version of the new firmware. The next day Behringer published a new set of files, unfortunately with the same Version number which can cause some confusions.
After installing the newer 2.05 firmware, which is now accessible via the web site, everything works fine. I am working with an iPad 2 and x32-mix version 2.2.0.
Re: Firmware 2.05

I had the same problems with the first version of the new firmware. The next day Behringer published a new set of files, unfortunately with the same Version number which can cause some confusions.
After installing the newer 2.05 firmware, which is now accessible via the web site, everything works fine. I am working with an iPad 2 and x32-mix version 2.2.0.

Got 2.05 back...all working.
Re: FX slot question.

Since FX 1-4 default to send/return with the returns on FX returns 1-4, and the Combinator only comes up in FX slots 1-4, how do I use it on say...a stereo buss...and not give up one of the send/return FX? I need all 4...and more... Of the spacial FX I use on send/return.

you can't - currently you have to sacrifice a send return.