X32 Discussion

Re: Mute groups problem

Does anyone have experience with Behringer's service in the US, or know what their typical turn time is for repairs, and if there is an approval process for an RA? I do have it registered with them. Even if I overnighted the board to them, I'm skeptical that they could return it in time for the weekend,

Where are you located? I expect that you could rent a replacement mixer for less than the cost of expedited shipping.
Re: Mute groups problem

I've called Joe Sanborn and one other guy before and never received a call back from either of them - when we first got the desk I had a question that I couldn't figure out even after watching their webinars. I'm very familiar with their service center and how to get ahold of them, what I'm interested in anyones experience with their service, and how quickly the board could possibly be turned around. I'm not looking for the 'company' answer.

I must have missed the fact that the 3 year warranty isn't actually a 3 year warranty, which is disappointing. It was stressed to us how important this desk was to the Behringer rep, how they were working to change their image, and thusly why they were backing it with the 3 year warranty. I suppose sometimes things are too good to be true.

I'm obviously not sending this in for a blown LED. If the rest of these issues won't be covered, the cost to repair won't make sense. We may end up needing to buy a PreSonus, which was our original intent.
Re: Mute groups problem

Thanks Mike. We are east of Columbus, OH. I am not yet familiar with any rental companies local to us, but as I said in my other reply, if these issues aren't covered, repairing them may not make financial sense.
Re: X32 Discussion

It seems like repairs would make more sense than switching boards.

I mean even if rental and repairs cost you a thousand bucks (which would be way more than my expectation, but using it as a high number), that's still going to be less than picking up a new board (Presonus or otherwise).

And, even if you did intend to swap to another board, you now have an old one to dispose of. If you want to sell it, you either lose value because it's broken, or you spend the same money as above to fix it... after which, why not just keep it? :)

Sent from my SPH-L900
Re: X32 Discussion

It seems like repairs would make more sense than switching boards.
I understand where you are coming from Mitch. I also know that we bought a really inexpensive board as our first foray into digital, and I'm wondering if this is the first in a possible string of more repair bills. In which case, purchasing something built of a higher quality is a near term expense, and possibly a long term savings. There's obviously no way to completely know if that makes sense, but I do know that I'm miffed to discover that the warranty is not what I personally was told and assumed it to be. So I guess its time to call and get the company answer. They should be open by now.
Re: X32 Discussion

(I'm definitely with you re. finding out the warranty isn't what you expected, and even worse when someone you expect to have an understanding specifically gets it wrong.)

Sent from my SPH-L900
Re: Mute groups problem

Thanks Mike. We are east of Columbus, OH. I am not yet familiar with any rental companies local to us, but as I said in my other reply, if these issues aren't covered, repairing them may not make financial sense.

I think faders are $30/channel. It sounds like you need 3 or 4. You'd change desks for <$200 in repairs? And get a board with lousy faders to boot? This is not good stewardship.
Re: Mute groups problem

the motor that moves the output side between layers is making noise when the level buttons are pushed (and it isn't always the same button that causes the noise) and 4) one of the output channel faders is not working (when switching btwn levels the fader doesn't move) and it feels rough, not smooth. My biggest concern is that that motor will fully give out and we won't be able to change layers.
The only fader problems I've heard of is that the belt has slipped. So far I've never heard of a bad motor... I think that the belt issue is covered by the warranty since it is a known issue. At least on the first consoles that left the factory. They were missing some glue/locktite on the cog wheel.

The bad led sucks. Probably a bad solder point. Led's doesn't burn out. Should be covered by the warranty.

The sticky button is usually some residue that has come inside (sticky fingers) if it has developed over time. Otherwise it'a rough edge that should be easy to fix.
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Re: Mute groups problem

Hey Mitch, here is the correct information regarding the warranty of the X32. I have now been in contact with Behringer - the warranty people were great. They match shipping method, so if I overnight it, they will do the same. As long as the damage is not user caused (drop, spill etc.), which it isn't, the repairs I need will be covered under warranty. They are even checking on expediting the turn around (down from 5-6 days) so that we may effect the repairs between weekends. According to the warranty dept., any kind of failure is covered, which is what I was originally told.

Robert, I'd bet money its the motor. Its plain as day to hear it as soon as a layer button is pushed. As far as the mute button goes, we have a strict no food/beverage policy around the board, and only two of us use it. You could be right, but I kind of hope you aren't! The button started acting up within a month or two of when we got the desk, so we just stopped using it. Once I get the repairs done I'll post here again to let everyone know how it went and what all was wrong.
Re: X32 Discussion

X32Core client rigs pics
At the right the FOH client incl. X32Core, at the left the band tech client
( signature link )
There is anther one as monitor tech client



Can't we just link these 2 sites?

Very cool.
What computer are you using on the monitor rack, is it a Mac Mini too?
Re: X32 Discussion

Surely this would be a good use for a surface pro/win8 tablet. You could run X32 Mix on the tablet and have a connection to use a USB controller such as the BCF2000. And no requirement for a separate screen and PC. and on a higher powered windows tablet you could possibly even be recording the gig at the same time!
Plus windows computers are no less reliable than Mac systems, if they were Kraftwerk would not have used (the same) XP laptops for 8+ years.
Re: X32 Discussion


Can you share more about your setup? Are you using touch panel monitors? How are the monitors mounted in the racks?


The top of the rack is 19" too
They are ELO 1547L ( old ones I got cheap ... ) and are mounted via a custom back panel that fits 19"

The whole Mac rigs actually have been used with Motu 896mk3 interfaces since several years, but the X32 route was tempting...
and yes, the Mac Minis 1,1 record at the same time 32 tracks via firewire
I was lucky and bought XUF cards...

Re: Mute groups problem

The bad led sucks. Probably a bad solder point. Led's doesn't burn out. Should be covered by the warranty.

The sticky button is usually some residue that has come inside (sticky fingers) if it has developed over time. Otherwise it'a rough edge that should be easy to fix.

LEDs can and do dim over time. LEDs and can and do go out.

Buttons stick for other reasons. We have had a console new out of the box with a defective/sticking switch.
Re: Mute groups problem

LEDs can and do dim over time. LEDs and can and do go out.
Yes, they do dim over time but only go black in very rare cases during this short timeframe that the x32 has been around. Most likley a bad solder point.

Some guy posted a howto-repair video for this very issue on his x32 where he had a black led due to a cold solder point.

Buttons stick for other reasons. We have had a console new out of the box with a defective/sticking switch.
If it is out out of the box then there is no question about it. But as I said if it has developed over time, like in the OP, then it is more likely dirt from the fingers that has developed at the button assembly.

You don't need to have 'food' near the console. Just a quick walkaway to get a nice sugar coated donut, licking your fingers after you've eating it, then get back to the console. A couple of those moments will eventually give you sticky buttons.
Re: X32 Discussion

Surely this would be a good use for a surface pro/win8 tablet. You could run X32 Mix on the tablet and have a connection to use a USB controller such as the BCF2000. And no requirement for a separate screen and PC. and on a higher powered windows tablet you could possibly even be recording the gig at the same time!
Plus windows computers are no less reliable than Mac systems, if they were Kraftwerk would not have used (the same) XP laptops for 8+ years.

A tablet also comes with a greater ability to walk away. Sometimes its worth the cost to have something that is more difficult to walk away with.
Re: X32 Discussion

Behringers forum isn't taking any comments for the last 12 hours.

i figured I'd mention it here since they use this site more than their own for the release of new information.

In fact I almost never see a comment from Mr. B over there. Strange.