X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

Okay, i haven't seen this issue so...

Just got a new X32 full size for a church i'm working with. Updated the firmware to latest version. Did most of the set up and routing yesterday and everything seems to work as it should. This is X32 number 6 or 7 for me, so i'm not exactly a newbie, but i haven't actually looked at an X32 screen in about 6 months.

Anyway, i noticed something odd immediately upon firing this thing up and it has stayed consistent. In changing from tab to tab on the LCD display, the screen flickers. It almost seems to roll in much the same way that old video switchers would look when you switched sources that were not synced properly. It's a really brief flicker and there is nothing else wrong with this desk that i can see. Has anyone else ever noticed anything like this?
Re: X32 Discussion

I've noticed the flicker, maybe it is a leaf out of the design book of the Sinclair ZX80, since a single processor was doing all the work, when the processor was busy computing, the screen would go black until the processor could get back to playing video processor :razz:
Re: X32 Discussion

Yeah it's something both me and a friend with an X32 noticed. It seemed to present with firmware 2.0. It kinda bugged us at first, but ultimately it doesn't interrupt work flow so I didn't find it worthy enough to complain about.
Re: X32 Discussion

Yeah it's something both me and a friend with an X32 noticed. It seemed to present with firmware 2.0. It kinda bugged us at first, but ultimately it doesn't interrupt work flow so I didn't find it worthy enough to complain about.

as long as it's normal i couldn't care less. i just didn't want to have to send it back to get it fixed... :)

Re: X32 Discussion

Has anyone run into this? Anyone have a fix?

After a gig I was breaking down the PA and removing the xlr snake from the back panel of my x32. One of them got stuck and it feels like the spring in the locking connector broke or something. I have been unable to get it loose. Anybody have any ideas what to try next?
Re: Help with S16 issue

I have been noticing a small issue (Possibly not small at all), and would like some ideas of what could be going on.. I have an X32 and an S16. The X32 is running Firmware 2.04, but this has been happening when i was running 1.15. If I use outputs 15 & 16 for Main LR outputs to a pair of JBL PRX615's, the sound is great.. But if I connect my S16 to AES port A, set it up as 1-8, and route output 9-16 to AES550-A 1-8 the volume is almost 1/2 of what the console outputs.

As a test, I plugged both speakers into outs 15 and 16 on the board, and the volume of both are equal. If i unplug one of the speakers and plug it into OUT 7 or 8, the volume is 1/2 of the speaker plugged into the X32. I have Green Sync lights on both the S16 and the X32. I have tried both AES550 A and B ports on the X32, both exhibit the same behavior. Before you ask, yes I have tried different XLR cables.

I also plugged a SM58 into port 1 on the S16, routed it to Channel 27 on the X32. To get around -9db on the meter, I need to crank the gain to +47.0. If I plug directly into port 27 on the X32 and change the route, and crank it to +47 on the gain, I clip the channel reading the same paragraph (A website I brought up and read from.)..

I think I need to send it in for repair, but wanted to get other advice before I did so. Thanks for any help.

Ok so I got my S16 back, NFF Return, and Care support says that they cannot simulate the problem. They asked me to test again and see if the issue is still occurring.. So I set up a JBL PRX615, Plugged the S16 into AES50-A port. Set the routing so that OUTS 9-16 were configured for AES50A 1-8. I plug the XLR cable from the speaker to the X32 on output 16 and set the volume so the audio was at a good volume. Now I turn off the speaker, plug it into OUTPUT 8 on the S16, turn the speaker back on without touching the board, and the volume is about 50% lower than when plugged into the X32. I have tried a few different ethernet cables, same result. I have tried different XLR cables, same results. Can anything think of anything else I might be doing wrong?
WiFi Activity at Events

Hi All,

Recently I've begun learning how to use the Oscium WiPry dongle thingie for iPad, iPod, and/or iPhone. http://www.amazon.com/Oscium-OSC100...8&qid=1402469779&sr=8-2&keywords=oscium+wipry

They claim that it is the only reasonably priced device which lets you directly monitor 2.4 Gig WiFi activity and see how active each and all WiFi channels are in real time. Interestingly and disappointingly, it doesn't tell you the names of the active users like a program like Wifi Explorer does, but whatever. It is what it is.

Last week I did a high school graduation in a 2500 or so seat theater, which was about half full, and in a high school gym with about the same number of people. I figured high school would have lots of internet devices present and it would be fun to be able to see what was going on, so at the graduation I took pictures whenever something looked interesting.

In all the pictures, each little spot indicates activity, and the color changes from cool to hot as the activity increases. I should point out that I didn't know how to calibrate the thing, so what looks like lots of activity is only lots in relation to less activity. I have no idea at what point channel saturation and interference is reached. My two wireless routers were on Ch. 1 and 11, FYI. One was on an X32 full-size, and the other on an X32 Rack. Neither were connected to the Internet.

This first picture is with the theater empty and my routers in use.


The rest should be in chronological order, with the last one taken at the end of the program, just before the end of the finale.




(There should be nine pics altogether, with some in the body of the post and the rest as attachments.)

What I think I've learned from this so far is that there is relatively less activity in the higher channels, and that the picture of signal strength that looks like a bell curve in WiFi Explorer is showing up in much narrower bands in WiPry. The couple of pics that I took in the gym also showed more activity at lower channels, but never this kind of sustained bright-red activity.

The questions:

1) What WiFi are these people connecting to, which gives them the ability to up/download? I would assume that a theater wouldn't have unsecured Internet access, but I didn't use the computer with WiFi Explorer (my only other RF analysis program) to be able to tell for sure.

2) There has been a lot of talk in various places about whether to hide your network or not; mine are all NOT hidden, so I can see them on the WiFi Explorer screen. Otherwise I can't see them. There does not appear to be huge activity on Ch. 11, so does that mean that the audience devices pinging my networks was not the cause of a lot of this activity? That is my assumption.

So there is a data point for you as you set up your X32 wifi networks.



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Re: RTA screen freezing on X-edit

Does anybody have this problem, when I set the master eq page visible, I see the RTA. However after some time it becomes very slow, and freezes.
After switching to another tab and back, it does work again. (Maybe also every other one)

I saw this also with the master L-R meters in the right upper corner, the only way to make this work again is a restart of the x-edit program.
Also one time on the meters page.
It looks like the data from the X32 to the laptop is ok, because whenever I switch pages it's solved.

All software, firmware is last version.
It's a X32 rack and a dell D630 laptop, windows XP, and connected by wire through a Asus AC66 router.
Re: Help with S16 issue

Can anything think of anything else I might be doing wrong?
Strange, I'm tempted to say that the analog section must be missing one of the supply voltages, that could even come from a faulty power cord, depending on psu design. With one side of the supply missing, there should be distortion. However, these are wild and uninformed guesses.
You could post a scene file, just in case you have done something very strange with your set-up.
Re: Help with S16 issue

Ok so I got my S16 back, NFF Return, and Care support says that they cannot simulate the problem. They asked me to test again and see if the issue is still occurring.. So I set up a JBL PRX615, Plugged the S16 into AES50-A port. Set the routing so that OUTS 9-16 were configured for AES50A 1-8. I plug the XLR cable from the speaker to the X32 on output 16 and set the volume so the audio was at a good volume. Now I turn off the speaker, plug it into OUTPUT 8 on the S16, turn the speaker back on without touching the board, and the volume is about 50% lower than when plugged into the X32. I have tried a few different ethernet cables, same result. I have tried different XLR cables, same results. Can anything think of anything else I might be doing wrong?

50% of the signal? I am not saying this is it but I would start here.
You are somehow getting only pin 2 and pin 1. Or 3 and 1.
Active outputs and inputs can work with only one half of a balanced connection, but only half the signal.
In the transformer days there would be no signal, or if there was some crosstalk it would be 5% and only high freq coming out.

If that is not it, watch the movie Roadie (1980) and buy yourself a potato.
Re: X32 Discussion

I've seen the same problem with my X32 Edit in my Acer laptop as well, not on the master page, but on any channel as well, it freeze, or sometimes as Antoon said it would go slow the rta and then freeze, but if you touch other tab it would work, that happened to me on any channel not the master one, very weird.... I wonder what could that be?

Sent from my GT-P3113
Check the cpu meter to see if it hits 100% or so. If you hqve a multicore machine check each cpu if anyone is hitting 100%. Does this happen on single core machines or multicore machines as well?
Re: Help with S16 issue

John k

Is this activity mirrored when you use the outputs directly from your x32?( to rule out that's it's something that's set on the console).

When I use the outputs directly on the X32, the volume is normal.

Strange, I'm tempted to say that the analog section must be missing one of the supply voltages, that could even come from a faulty power cord, depending on psu design. With one side of the supply missing, there should be distortion. However, these are wild and uninformed guesses.
You could post a scene file, just in case you have done something very strange with your set-up.

I Re-Initialized the console this AM. No scene or show file. I even left the routing alone, and changed the S16 to be out 1-8 + 8 for testing. Same results.

50% of the signal? I am not saying this is it but I would start here.
You are somehow getting only pin 2 and pin 1. Or 3 and 1.
Active outputs and inputs can work with only one half of a balanced connection, but only half the signal.
In the transformer days there would be no signal, or if there was some crosstalk it would be 5% and only high freq coming out.

If that is not it, watch the movie Roadie (1980) and buy yourself a potato.

Its extremely Odd.. I had a speaker setup on Channel 16 and a speaker setup on output 8 of the S16, I had to turn off the speaker connected to the X32 so I could just hear the faint music from the output 8 of the S16. I have swapped Ethernet, Power, and XLR cables.. Same issue across the board. Its Odd that it is happening on all channels, inputs and outputs on the S16. Maybe a malfunction with whatever feeds the Pins 2 and 3?

Thank you all for your advice. This AM I called into Behringer Support in NV, and talked to a Sam Daniels. We re-initialized the Console, verified the routing configuration. We change the S16 to be 1-8 + 8, so that channel 8 would mirror channel 16 on the X32. With Sam on the Phone, I plug my JBL PRX 615M into out 16 on the X32 and set the volume to a decently high level. I then stopped playing the song, powered down the speaker, moved the XLR cable to port 8 on the S16, powered the speaker back up, and hit play on the same song on the ipod. Volume was considerably lower. Sam said they have never seen this before. He has setup another RA for me, this time they paid for shipping both ways. Sam has requested the RA go straight to him so he can hear this for himself. I have packed the unit up and it should be on its way to NV in a few hours when the package is accepted by the carrier..

I honestly hope that it is just an odd issue with the S16, and that I don't have a bigger issue with the X32. Does anyone live within Napa, CA or close to it that would be willing to loan me an S16 to help validate?
Re: mute behaviour


When using the mute groups they do unmute my manually set mutes. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::eek:
Manually set mutes should allways be muted.

This way mute groups don't have any use for me...
Can't imagine why this hasn't been changed, is this so difficult, or do others find it usefull???