X32 Discussion

Re: mute behaviour


When using the mute groups they do unmute my manually set mutes. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::eek:
Manually set mutes should allways be muted.

This way mute groups don't have any use for me...
Can't imagine why this hasn't been changed, is this so difficult, or do others find it usefull???

Pardon me if I misunderstand this issue but I don't get that if you put a channel mute into a group and then complain that the mute master did what you wanted it to do. Why have it in a group if you want it independent? The console can't think for you.
Re: mute behaviour

Pardon me if I misunderstand this issue but I don't get that if you put a channel mute into a group and then complain that the mute master did what you wanted it to do. Why have it in a group if you want it independent? The console can't think for you.

No first I manual mute a channel, without any mute group used.
If I then use a mute group with that channel in it, it stays muted. --> ok
But then if I release that mute group the channel that was manual mute before is also unmuted...

There's a lot written about, and allways I get myself caught with this behaviour.
Re: mute behaviour

No first I manual mute a channel, without any mute group used.
If I then use a mute group with that channel in it, it stays muted. --> ok
But then if I release that mute group the channel that was manual mute before is also unmuted...

There's a lot written about, and allways I get myself caught with this behaviour.

Hey Antoon, I think this falls in with a lot of other feature requests we've seen. I personally feel the way the mute groups work is correct. But I have heard others say it's not how other consoles have worked. Either way, let's chalk it up to, "would be nice if there was a preference setting to satisfy everybody". :D~:-D~:grin:
Re: mute behaviour

Hey Antoon, I think this falls in with a lot of other feature requests we've seen. I personally feel the way the mute groups work is correct. But I have heard others say it's not how other consoles have worked. Either way, let's chalk it up to, "would be nice if there was a preference setting to satisfy everybody". :D~:-D~:grin:

I never liked boards with Mute Safe buttons right next to the mute group assigns. How can it be a problem when a mute group is just that, a group that gets muted and unmuted with a group mute button? If you want a mute independent of group control don't assign it to a group! How simple is that?

imagine I mute a stage performer ahead of a cue for a costume reason, the act ends and I mute the rest by the group. Next act they all come out and I unmuted them but the lead I muted in advance stays muted. How stupid is that? Worse yet imagine automation doing it and I am distracted by something in a seat next to me.
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Re: Help with S16 issue

Ok so I got my S16 back, NFF Return, and Care support says that they cannot simulate the problem. They asked me to test again and see if the issue is still occurring.. So I set up a JBL PRX615, Plugged the S16 into AES50-A port. Set the routing so that OUTS 9-16 were configured for AES50A 1-8. I plug the XLR cable from the speaker to the X32 on output 16 and set the volume so the audio was at a good volume. Now I turn off the speaker, plug it into OUTPUT 8 on the S16, turn the speaker back on without touching the board, and the volume is about 50% lower than when plugged into the X32. I have tried a few different ethernet cables, same result. I have tried different XLR cables, same results. Can anything think of anything else I might be doing wrong?

Are the preamp gains on the S16 matched to the preamp gains on the console?
Re: Help with S16 issue

Are the preamp gains on the S16 matched to the preamp gains on the console?

No, I have to almost double the pre's on the S16 to match the audio input of the X32. The output is also the issue but I couldn't find a way to adjust the output levels on any of the 8 outs. Looking at the tracking information, should be delivering today to Behringer for them to check out.
Trouble: X32 with S16 recording to Reaper

I am using a x32 with an s16, and tries to record all 32 tracks to Reaper on a MacBook Pro. Everything works well in the x32 - signals from all channels. But as I set Reaper in record mode, only channel 1-16 has signal in Reaper. 17-32 (incidentally all the s16 channels) has no signals. i presume that it could have something to do with the routing of the s16-channels. I have followed the tutorial on the link below. Anyone knows what is wrong?


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Re: Help with S16 issue

I am using a x32 with an s16, and tries to record all 32 tracks to Reaper on a MacBook Pro. Everything works well in the x32 - signals from all channels. But as I set Reaper in record mode, only channel 1-16 has signal in Reaper. 17-32 (incidentally all the s16 channels) has no signals. i presume that it could have something to do with the routing of the s16-channels. I have followed the tutorial on the link below. Anyone knows what is wrong?


the most common overlook is that you need to setup the card-out routing to your aes50 port. It is separate from the home routing.


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Re: Help with S16 issue

Help needed:

I need the entire power supply assembly for S16 stagebox and rack ears. Behringer/Music group office in USA (Las Vegas) doesn't have them in stock and have no idea when they will be available (girl in their parts dept asked me to call them back in 10 weeks !!!!!).

Got a used S16, non-working, turned to be just a bad power supply (I tested it with a good power supply from my other S16, works fine).

So, anyone knows if these parts are available outside of United States? In Germany, UK, China, Philippines, wherever? I don't mind to pay extra for international shipping, but I need them now. Can wait 10 weeks to see if they will even be available in US.

Please help!
Re: Help with S16 issue

Got a used S16, non-working, turned to be just a bad power supply (I tested it with a good power supply from my other S16, works fine).

Isn't it possible to use another supply? I don't know what voltages there are. Is there +48 or does that get generated from a secondary circuit? Worst case, 5V, 12V, -12V and +48V, still quite common.
Re: Auto Gain

Friedrich Altheide has updated his X32 AutoGain program http://www.altheide.eu/en/

For those who doesn't know the program. it does automatic gain setting and also has an AutoMixer function

Are there any instructions for this program anywhere? There's a lot of buttons and options whose purpose is not described in any way.
Its a pity that so many gifted programmers seem to be unwilling to provide any kind of manual for their excellent creations.

Mick Berg.
Re: Auto Gain

Over in the Behringer forum, Verner Stormgaard, a guy from Denmark, discovered that holding additional buttons down when locking the console gives sort of a key. To unlock, you must hold down the exact combination of buttons as when locking.

The crazy thing is that ANY button on the console qualifies, so you can use Home and Effects, or Home and Effects and Utility, or Home and 3 mutes, or whatever. I've used Mutes, Selects, and EQ range buttons and all work just fine.

This will allow you to really lock it.

If you forget the combination, you just need to restart it.

Nice going, Verner!
Re: Help with S16 issue

Isn't it possible to use another supply? I don't know what voltages there are. Is there +48 or does that get generated from a secondary circuit? Worst case, 5V, 12V, -12V and +48V, still quite common.

I'd rather have the original replacement PSU. I wonder if you guys in Europe have easier access to Behringer parts, some local parts order phone or local distributor who can get them. I can swap them myself, there's no need to send the whole S16 for repair.

Sent email about all this to [email protected], haven't got a reply yet.
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Re: Help with S16 issue

Dear Arik,
While this spare part may not be in stock, our CARE facility can likely repair this unit for you in much less time. Please send me a PM with your contact information and I will have someone contact you first thing Monday morning to discuss your options.
Re: Auto Gain

Jeez, what is wrong with me? There is the manual plain as daylight.

Friedrich, please accept my apologies.

Mick Berg.

I need some assistance with setting up the X32-Router program. What is meant by "open a terminal and type 'java -jar x32-router.java' "?
I tried a DOS command window but it didn't work so I guess that's not what is meant.

Will the Automixer work at all without X32-Router?


Re: Auto Gain

It maybe just my part of the world but the Behringer Forum is down again. Why is it always on the weekends?

nevermind, it working again, must be local
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