X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

Sorry, the rules state that you have to read all 535 pages.

Lol! To be fair, I did search the 536 pages...but it seems like others were having clicks and pops from shielding, and the infamous cable routing problem on early x32s. Generic hiss didn't seem to really come up... my hiss is more akin to a power amp being run super hot, but these speakers have no trim (at least without opening up the back panel?) and of course, the noise seems to be unaffected by muting the stereo output...

Re: X32 Discussion

Perhaps a ground loop going on? Would explain why the noise goes away when unplugging the XLR's.

Remove the snake, probably not the culpit but worth removing from the equation.

The only time I've experienced an unusual amount of hiss was when I first started using an X32. I was running the gains much too hot and was trying to overuse the channel compressors. Once I learned how to properly set gains and use more mild compressor settings, all was well. Shouldn't be your problem, as it would die if you mute the mains.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Everyone,

...a lot of hiss on the master L/R outs .... Mackie SR1530 speakers.
... but this hum is unusually loud...
....a single KRK Rokit 5 hooked up to Bus1/Xlr1 out,
....Adcom power amp .... to the monitor out, and these are both very quiet.



Hiss and hum are two entirely different problems and have different reasons and cures.

I suppose you mean MASTER L/R OUT = MONITOR OUT - please correct if I am wrong .

Try connect Mackies into BUS1/XLR-out since that works with KRK - USE THE SAME CABLE !!!!

With PA it is usual to have L/R-bus on XLR-outputs 7&8
With recording studio it is usual to have control room monitors connected on TRS-MONITOR

All I quickly found on Adcom seems to be HiFi-amps - does it have balanced or unbalanced inputs?

More information - precise - please.
Re: X32 Discussion

Arik: if your phone can look like a USB audio source, then you can already do this, since the X_UF card's included.

I does not. BTW X-USB is Type B USB port. What if you need that USB port for recording to a laptop?

Yeah, you can still use AUX IN 5 and 6 for iPhone playback, but what if you need to use all six AUX INs? Why waste two of them for break music playback?

Point is, all that's needed is firmware update so the iPhone (or Android) can be plugged into unused USB port (Type A) on the top of X32 and music can be played directly from phone. Why it's so complicated?
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Timo!
Thanks for your quick reply!

Hiss and hum are two entirely different problems and have different reasons and cures.

Yes, that was my bad! There is NO hum. it's ONLY hiss. That was a typo on my part to have used both terms.

...I suppose you mean MASTER L/R OUT = MONITOR OUT - please correct if I am wrong ....
...With PA it is usual to have L/R-bus on XLR-outputs 7&8...

Yes, I think we are talking about the same routing. I'm sending my master L/R out to XLR outputs 7&8. Xlr's 7&8 are connected to the Mackie's.

...All I quickly found on Adcom seems to be HiFi-amps - does it have balanced or unbalanced inputs?...
...With recording studio it is usual to have control room monitors connected on TRS-MONITOR...

Yes, I am connecting the bookshelf speakers that are powered by the Adcom to the TRS Monitor output of the mixer.
They are however, unbalanced RCA -> 1/4" cables. Despite the unbalanced connection, the monitor out is very quiet.

Try connect Mackies into BUS1/XLR-out since that works with KRK - USE THE SAME CABLE !!!!

Ok, I will try this as soon as I can...I will be on a flyaway gig over the weekend so if I can't test it tomorrow, I may not get a chance to test until Monday.

I will keep you updated.
Re: X32 Discussion


A much shorter read than this one, although I'm positive that this discussion is in this thread around January 2013.

Thanks Dan! That link was helpful. Sounds pretty similar to what I'm experiencing. I've got gain "up the ass" as the OP of that thread called it, but it's pretty noisy -- though no more noisy really than my A&H was with everything dimed.

The only disappointing part is that unlike the OP, the Mackie's power amp is built in, and as far as I'm aware, has no way to adjust gain.
I guess I could try the inline pad?

Maybe Timo will have some ideas as well after I test my cabling/routing....

Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Dan,
I was just thinking...
My hiss problem doesn't change at all with fader position or mutes. Only physically disconnecting seems to solve it. And this is after a console initialization, so I don't think there is anything screwy in the settings. So I guess my question is, could it still be a gain/speaker amp sensitivity issue even though muting doesn't change it?
Re: X32 Discussion

Point is, all that's needed is firmware update so the iPhone (or Android) can be plugged into unused USB port (Type A) on the top of X32 and music can be played directly from phone. Why it's so complicated?

Because maybe you have the advantage not knowing what's going on under the hood. :razz:8O~8-O~:shock:

It could be a controller not capable of processing what you want, it could be a license issue...
It could be that behringer expects that the effort won't sell any X32 extra thuss not creating the money to pay for the labor it needs to write the software.
Maybe all available resources are on new projects like the X-air or the like. Don't blame them, it's like it is. If you write code for a hobby then you can put all the time into it you don't need for anything else. That's why we have the great mixing station android app.
Digico took a lot more time to have a functional ipad app...

For myself I don't care that the X32 isn't capable, I like that I have the opportunity to play the wav files, it's nice to have not a requirement.
I carry a denon CD / USB player with network ability with me, solves all the problems...
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Dan,
I was just thinking...
My hiss problem doesn't change at all with fader position or mutes. Only physically disconnecting seems to solve it. And this is after a console initialization, so I don't think there is anything screwy in the settings. So I guess my question is, could it still be a gain/speaker amp sensitivity issue even though muting doesn't change it?
Hi Daniel,

As I wrote in that post and here back in January 2013, I, too, was worried about the hiss level I was hearing from the X32 through my shop's UPJ-1P's until we connected the APB Dynasonics House Rack that we'd previously been using with great results through all kinds of systems. The APB's hiss level with the master down was quite a bit less than the X32, but when it was at unity it was massively louder than the level from the X32 either at unity or off. That made me stop worrying about the X32's noise level. BTW, nine X32's all were the same, and too much hiss has never been a problem since.

In your case you say it's fine with some speakers and bad for these Mackies, so, yes, there is clearly something different with the Mackies. You say there is no volume adjustment on them? No mic (-10)/line (+4) switch that is currently set to mic? Other Mackie PA speakers that I've seen have that feature, funny/good if that model doesn't. Although it solves a minor problem (no mixer, one mic in use), it has the ongoing potential to create a massive one.

If the hiss is truly unbearable you either have a bad console (unlikely since it's fine with some speakers) or too much gain in the Mackies, and my money is on the latter.

Good luck, and keep looking.
Re: X32 Discussion

I does not. BTW X-USB is Type B USB port. What if you need that USB port for recording to a laptop?

Yeah, you can still use AUX IN 5 and 6 for iPhone playback, but what if you need to use all six AUX INs? Why waste two of them for break music playback?

Point is, all that's needed is firmware update so the iPhone (or Android) can be plugged into unused USB port (Type A) on the top of X32 and music can be played directly from phone. Why it's so complicated?
Now that you include Android in the discussion I'm less offended by the idea. But I use a dedicated playback program (Sportssoundspro) on my laptop, and the USB for an archival recording.
Getting adat inputs into x32

is it possible to get a few adat inputs into the x32? Like, a box with adat inputs and aes output that could be used or something like that? Hmmm reading that back, it sounds silly - ok - a method to get spdif inputs into the x32 digitally so they can be recorded along with the analog inputs.
Re: Getting adat inputs into x32

is it possible to get a few adat inputs into the x32? Like, a box with adat inputs and aes output that could be used or something like that? Hmmm reading that back, it sounds silly - ok - a method to get spdif inputs into the x32 digitally so they can be recorded along with the analog inputs.
There is an adat card for the x32, but no spdif inputs that I am aware of.
Mixing Station - two different versions ???


Out of curiosity I bought an almost new android tablet for 20,-€ - new costs 69,-€ - naturally my expectations were not too high. I wanted to test the mixing station app. I got the free version.

So my question is - what is the difference between two versions - one is free - the other costs few euros - I have no problem supporting he developer, since the free version seems very promising - but still would like to know if they are different.
One nice thing was that when I turn the tablet in portrait position, the app turns, too and gives me looong faders. Very close to each other, but with my fingers that´s o.k.

As for that cheapo Denver-tablet - much to my surprise I tested it by going two floors up and noticing I had solid connection - my access point downstairs is Apple Airport Extreme 5th gen - so perhaps I´ll leave my iPads as back-ups and get around with El Cheapo - so if accidents happen, it will not be that bad...
Re: Mixing Station - two different versions ???

I wanted to test the mixing station app. I got the free version.

So my question is - what is the difference between two versions - one is free - the other costs few euros - I have no problem supporting he developer, since the free version seems very promising - but still would like to know if they are different.

There are some small extras on the paid one.
I would go for the free to first check that out, and get the paid version afterwards. If you want more details about the differences, I would check the behringer forums, there is a hugh thread about the mixing station app.
Re: Getting adat inputs into x32

Sorry - I meant SPDIF!

is it possible to get a few adat inputs into the x32? Like, a box with adat inputs and aes output that could be used or something like that? Hmmm reading that back, it sounds silly - ok - a method to get spdif inputs into the x32 digitally so they can be recorded along with the analog inputs.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Daniel,

As I wrote in that post and here back in January 2013, I, too, was worried about the hiss level I was hearing from the X32 through my shop's UPJ-1P's until we connected the APB Dynasonics House Rack that we'd previously been using with great results through all kinds of systems. The APB's hiss level with the master down was quite a bit less than the X32, but when it was at unity it was massively louder than the level from the X32 either at unity or off. That made me stop worrying about the X32's noise level. BTW, nine X32's all were the same, and too much hiss has never been a problem since.

In your case you say it's fine with some speakers and bad for these Mackies, so, yes, there is clearly something different with the Mackies. You say there is no volume adjustment on them? No mic (-10)/line (+4) switch that is currently set to mic? Other Mackie PA speakers that I've seen have that feature, funny/good if that model doesn't. Although it solves a minor problem (no mixer, one mic in use), it has the ongoing potential to create a massive one.

If the hiss is truly unbearable you either have a bad console (unlikely since it's fine with some speakers) or too much gain in the Mackies, and my money is on the latter.

Good luck, and keep looking.

Thanks for your reply.
I agree, considering both the monitor out and one of my bus outs are very quiet, I have no reason to believe the 7/8 Master LR out going to the Mackie's is not performing correctly... I'm fairly certain the hiss is a problem that can be remedied with some inline pads, which I intend to build soon. I still need to check running the cables straight to the Mackies instead of through the snake (in case that's adding noise) but I've been very busy preparing to move, so it's on hold for a minute.

Just to rephrase my last post though, my confusion is more in how there is any hiss at all coming when the channel is muted and faders are down. So, purely for knowledge, are the faders and mutes all just digital 1's and 0's not being passed to the D/A converter, while the mixer itself is actually sending a full gain signal at all times?
