X32 Discussion

Re: New Stage Boxes

Thanks for your input Kevin. How do you link channels without linking the faders? Linking first, doing all the editing and then unlinking for actual show?
Re: New Stage Boxes

Thanks for your input Kevin. How do you link channels without linking the faders? Linking first, doing all the editing and then unlinking for actual show?
Go to the “SETUP” page and on the “GLOBAL” tab you will see under “Link Preferences” “Mute/Fader Link” uncheck that so the box is no longer orange. Now your linked channels will be linked except for the fader movements and the mute switch.
Re: New Stage Boxes

Go to the “SETUP” page and on the “GLOBAL” tab you will see under “Link Preferences” “Mute/Fader Link” uncheck that so the box is no longer orange. Now your linked channels will be linked except for the fader movements and the mute switch.

Thanks! With firmware 2.10 it seems to be under setup -> config.
X32 Edit & P16M Query

Hi all,

I use the X32 series all the time, but I wondered if anyone has used multiple instances of X32 Edit on the same PC, controlling the same mixer..? I know multiple devices controlling the same mixer is no problem, and it certainly seems to run several instances on the same PC without throwing up an error message. I just haven't got a desk to hand at the moment, and wondered whether it would all fall apart once the software actually tried to talk to the device! I just want to run two instances (on separate monitors but from the same PC) for a show next week, with one set to the meters screen, and another on the scenes view.

Secondly, I've not used a P16M before - I'm assuming this set-up will work in the way I've always thought, but I'd be grateful if someone who's used them before could confirm...

X32 with AES50-A connected to one DL16, AES50-B on the X32 connected to a second DL16, the first DL16 connected to a single P16M.

I assume I can then assign channels from either of the DL16s/local inputs to the P16 bus..?
Re: USB Hard drive for recording?

My boss went out and bought a hard drive that can only be formatted to exFAT. It would not work. Am I doing something wrong or is exFAT not usable?

What size is the drive? Later versions of Windows don't always offer FAT32 as an option in the usual format dialog box on drives over a certain capacity. To override this, you need to open a Command Prompt window, and type in the command 'format x: /FS:FAT32 /Q' where 'x' is the drive letter for the external drive. Obviously this will wipe any data currently stored on the drive, and you need to take care to ensure you've definitely typed in the correct drive letter!

If it's a particularly large drive, and the above doesn't work, there's another step you'll need to take first.

The X32 won't see anything that's formatted as exFAT (nor will much else that isn't Windows based).
Re: X32 Discussion

Okay, I was scanning through the threads for a particular piece of info when I came across this from 2012. Quite entertaining and that's the only reason I dragged it up....

So this thing is primarily used for live show... why not go back to analog? I'm not seeing the benefit...it's too much like the presonus with "moving" faders. If you want to stick with Behringer, might just wait for their lower model, the iX3242USB should be able to do the live show. For recording, go elsewhere, since these mixers are not quite there yet. I don't know...you can even use cheaper boards for scratch and then use some quality stuff for recording each track. Is my logic wrong?

For some reason, I think the x32 will have a short life span as others bring out their stuff (like if presonus brings out their stuff with moving faders and current processors with the already robust softwares).

Fair enough....
multiple ipad and tablet connections

I was wondering if anyone has had success setting up a large amount of tablet/wireless connections. I have a band that uses 5 iPads to control their IEMs and when I try to also connect my iPad for FOH control the connection seems to be very sluggish and drops or stutters frequently. I am using a linksys e4200 router, and making 2 networks (one 2.4 ghz and one 5 ghz) and splitting up the devices seems to help the problem but not completely solve it. They are all using X32-Q and I am using X32 edit or mix.

Just wondering if anyone has any success stories or recommendations. Thanks guys
Re: multiple ipad and tablet connections

I was wondering if anyone has had success setting up a large amount of tablet/wireless connections.

I have 3 airport express routers, one at FOH, one at monitors, and one as a master. They all share the same network (the router at each console extends the master network).

I've had as many as 11 musicians simultaneously on iPad/iPhone, plus me with my iPad. I noticed a couple hiccups on my iPad, running x32 mix, over the course of a 3 day show, but the musicians didn't notice anything. I think I only noticed those small hiccups when I was connecting to the monitor console, not FOH. I know Behringer doesn't recommend connecting more than 10 devices, but you should definitely be good with 5 or 6, especially if I can do 12.

Maybe the fact that I have multiple routers helps, maybe it splits up the load or something, I don't know. I've also never run x32 edit in a live situation, so maybe that has something to do with it too.
Re: multiple ipad and tablet connections

I have 3 airport express routers, one at FOH, one at monitors, and one as a master. They all share the same network (the router at each console extends the master network).

I've had as many as 11 musicians simultaneously on iPad/iPhone, plus me with my iPad. I noticed a couple hiccups on my iPad, running x32 mix, over the course of a 3 day show, but the musicians didn't notice anything. I think I only noticed those small hiccups when I was connecting to the monitor console, not FOH. I know Behringer doesn't recommend connecting more than 10 devices, but you should definitely be good with 5 or 6, especially if I can do 12.

Maybe the fact that I have multiple routers helps, maybe it splits up the load or something, I don't know. I've also never run x32 edit in a live situation, so maybe that has something to do with it too.

I should also mention we are using a single console. Is it possible to put 2 routers on a switch that is connected to the X32 and have the band on one and myself on the other?
Re: multiple ipad and tablet connections

Do you know and understand the difference between ROUTER and Wireless Access Point?

Yes I do, and from my understanding, if it's a bandwidth issue within the router wouldn't an access point not solve the problem? Which is why I asked if 2 separate networks were possible.
Re: USB Hard drive for recording?

What size is the drive? Later versions of Windows don't always offer FAT32 as an option in the usual format dialog box on drives over a certain capacity. To override this, you need to open a Command Prompt window, and type in the command 'format x: /FS:FAT32 /Q' where 'x' is the drive letter for the external drive. Obviously this will wipe any data currently stored on the drive, and you need to take care to ensure you've definitely typed in the correct drive letter!

If it's a particularly large drive, and the above doesn't work, there's another step you'll need to take first.

The X32 won't see anything that's formatted as exFAT (nor will much else that isn't Windows based).

Unfortunately that didn't work, whats this "other step"? Its a 1 terabyte drive.
Re: USB Hard drive for recording?

Unfortunately that didn't work, whats this "other step"? Its a 1 terabyte drive.

Hi Mick,

I'm confused and have lost the sub-thread of this discussion.

Are you talking about using a 1 TB drive to record from the top USB connector instead of a USB stick? If so, you can't do that, I'm pretty sure.

Or are you talking about recording directly from the USB out on the Card? If so, I thought you had to have a computer in between. Or has there been a new pronouncement about that which I missed?

Re: USB Hard drive for recording?

Hi Mick,

I'm confused and have lost the sub-thread of this discussion.

Are you talking about using a 1 TB drive to record from the top USB connector instead of a USB stick? If so, you can't do that, I'm pretty sure.

Or are you talking about recording directly from the USB out on the Card? If so, I thought you had to have a computer in between. Or has there been a new pronouncement about that which I missed?


Hi Dan.
I was talking about recording from the USB connector on the top panel.
BTW whats the "other step" you mention?
Re: USB Hard drive for recording?

Hi Dan.
I was talking about recording from the USB connector on the top panel.
BTW whats the "other step" you mention?

Hi Mick,

I don't think you can use a hard drive on the top panel, only USB sticks.

That was another Dan M who mentioned an "other step", not me, and I think he was talking about formatting a large hard drive to be FAT32 but not about formatting it to somehow record off that top USB. He'd have to say for sure, though, and he's not responding to you in the last week.

Sorry to be no help.