X32 Discussion

Re: MADI Card installation

You have your answers in the Behringer forum.
Generally, for all cards, there are two places in the menus: SETUP-card and ROUTING-card out, the routing bit is the same no matter what card is being used.
Actually I found I didn't need any help, it all worked perfectly and was easy to set up.
Re: Inserts

I had a problem getting the inserts set up last night , when I looked at the insert assignment there were square brackets on inserts 1&2 like this - [Aux 1] - The insert would not work. Finally I found that the auxes were assigned to Omni Outs. But what is the official meaning of the square brackets?
Mick Berg.

Does this have something to do with your MADI card? Where are you seeing the square brackets - what screen/page?
Re: Inserts

I had a problem getting the inserts set up last night , when I looked at the insert assignment there were square brackets on inserts 1&2 like this - [Aux 1] - The insert would not work. Finally I found that the auxes were assigned to Omni Outs. But what is the official meaning of the square brackets?
Mick Berg.
Square brackets means that the insert in question is already occupied, i.e. being used somewhere else.
The first inserts, remember, are by default assigned to the effects loop (Bus 13-16 ------ Effects returns on aux/effects layer)
Re: Inserts

Square brackets means that the insert in question is already occupied, i.e. being used somewhere else.
The first inserts, remember, are by default assigned to the effects loop (Bus 13-16 ------ Effects returns on aux/effects layer)
There you go. Thanks Per. Tim, nothing to do with the MADI. I did title the post 'Inserts'. The square brackets show in the Channel/Home/Config page where you assign the insert.
Re: Inserts

There you go. Thanks Per. Tim, nothing to do with the MADI. I did title the post 'Inserts'. The square brackets show in the Channel/Home/Config page where you assign the insert.

This topic has grown too big to use threaded discussion, so I scrolled back to read a couple of your previous posts. That's where I picked up the MADI card idea. There have been a couple of questions here about using Soundgrid Server or similar external processing for inserts... Anyway, good that Per knew right away.
Re: Inserts

I have an application where it would be great to control the levels etc from another room. We can do it now via the ipad because its on the same network as the board but it would be great to hear through the ipad.

No. I use a Sennheiser iem on the monitor output.

I'm sure it would technically be possible through the iPad, but I'm guessing the delay would be too much to deal with.
Re: Inserts

Is it possible to monitor audio from an ipad? Plug in headphones to your ipad and solo channels or monitor main mix etc?

I don't think that it's possible (that they provided the facility), because -- I concur with a couple other commenters -- you don't want to do it: the latency is both too high, and unbounded/nondeterministic.
Re: Inserts

Is it possible to monitor audio from an ipad? Plug in headphones to your ipad and solo channels or monitor main mix etc?

No, there is no audio passed over the wifi network that the iPad is connected to, only control signals.

It was mentioned that you can use a IEM system connected to the cue bus and use the cue control on the iPad to send the cued audio to your belt pack.

I've done with this M7s and CL5s when the FOH desk was doing monitor duty and I was parked on the deck with an iPad. It should work the same with the X32.
Re: New Stage Boxes

Cool, Geri. Did you get the full size or one of the others? Do you do your mixes or does each person use a phone or something?

Hi, Dan, sorry, I'm just now seeing this. I got the full size model, that's what I've been seeing around here and gotten used to.

There's nothing like the look on my fellow musicians' faces when I set up their iOS or Android devices to handle their own mixes and they use it for the first time. They think I'm Superman! It's hilarious!

I've done that with two of my groups now. Working out very well. too! Thankfully, everyone's on ears, I'm quite reluctant to hand someone control of a wedge. And so far and band budgets being what they are, I walk out front with my bass wireless and dial up a mix as best I can. Most of the gigs we're doing are a 1/2 step above speakers on sticks. In one 80s R&B group, we are all on ears (we send all the vocals, instruments, plus a kick mic and a carefully-placed overhead mic to the mixer). I just tried sending my bass directly to the mixer, then sending a mix of bass and kick drum to my amp park my bass rig right under the speaker on a pole to get bass into the house and not tax the speakers on poles. Just being creative. Worked out pretty well. I'll keep playing with the set-up.

I'll start the process of getting a split sometime late next month, Got to recoup some funds!
Re: New Stage Boxes

Hey guys, I might need help/advice with something. Got my M32R and I have an issue with fader calibration. As far as I could check all the M32 full desks within my reach have the same feature and I cannot think of this as anything else but a bug or sloppy manufacturing. Plus I think some X32's have the same issue to some extent.

The problem is that the fader motors don't carry the faders all the way down. This is experienced when I have two channels linked and use one of the faders to drag the other one down. The one carried down by the motor stops at -50 indicator, that's over 10mm from bottom position. Same happens when I edit the channel level through software: the motor just doesn't react between -87dB and -53dB. When I go to a layer that has the faders at "lowest" position and the motors snap the faders there, it's still a few millimeters from the bottom.

Funnily enough everyone I asked hadn't paid attention to it so it might not be a big issue live, but c'mon...

The picture illustrates what I said above. Ch1 and ch2 are linked and ch1 is dragged down manually. Notice the difference between ch2 and the rest of the channels which have been brought down to a position the console thinks of as bottom position.

I guess I'm asking for advice: is this something to submit to CARE and does this seem like something that can be fixed at all? Maybe I am making fuss over nothing?
Re: New Stage Boxes

Does this happen on every pair of linked channels or just when you link ch1 & ch2? Also, does it matter which channel you try to bring all the way down (ch2 vs ch1)? If I were you, I would get as much detail as possible then contact CARE.

Tony Martin
Re: New Stage Boxes

Does this happen on every pair of linked channels or just when you link ch1 & ch2? Also, does it matter which channel you try to bring all the way down (ch2 vs ch1)? If I were you, I would get as much detail as possible then contact CARE.
Tony Martin

Yes, every fader exhibits the same problem and I'm fairly sure that the software just tells them that -oo is a bit higher than what is written on the board itself and that if the fader is moved by motor and not user (linked channels, channel levels operated through software) then the motor doesn't work from -53dB (as seen on screen) down.
Re: New Stage Boxes

Yes, every fader exhibits the same problem and I'm fairly sure that the software just tells them that -oo is a bit higher than what is written on the board itself and that if the fader is moved by motor and not user (linked channels, channel levels operated through software) then the motor doesn't work from -53dB (as seen on screen) down.

Please try the following and let me know what the results are.

First unlink all your faders on layer one. Then make 4 scenes, in scene one bring all of the faders all the way down and store the scene. Scene 2 all the faders at nominal, scene 3 all the faders all the way up and scene 4 all the faders all the way down. Now recall those scenes one at a time going down thru then and then up thru them. Do the faders all do what they are supposed to do or are any lagging? Now link the channels as you were before and run thru those 4 scenes again. How is it behaving now? Is the board very cold as in just taken out of a cold truck? The scene sequence should exercise the faders and if they are cold should warm them up a little.
Re: New Stage Boxes

Please try the following and let me know what the results are.

I didn't go through with everything you asked, but the board has been in a warm livingroom for a few days now, faders are moving just fine and if I bring all the faders as down as physically possible and store the scene, recalling puts them to the software -oo that is a few mm above the physical -oo. Recalling linked channels doesn't change a thing.
Re: New Stage Boxes

I didn't go through with everything you asked, but the board has been in a warm livingroom for a few days now, faders are moving just fine and if I bring all the faders as down as physically possible and store the scene, recalling puts them to the software -oo that is a few mm above the physical -oo. Recalling linked channels doesn't change a thing.

It sounds like there is some sort of fader offset set and I haven’t found a way to do a fader offset on the X32 or M32, so that seems a bit unlikely. It definitely sounds like something isn’t right but I don’t know what it would be. Personally I don’t like linking faders. You can link 2 channels without linking the faders.
Re: New Stage Boxes

I didn't go through with everything you asked, but the board has been in a warm livingroom for a few days now, faders are moving just fine and if I bring all the faders as down as physically possible and store the scene, recalling puts them to the software -oo that is a few mm above the physical -oo. Recalling linked channels doesn't change a thing.

I should add that when using an M32 last Monday evening I had channels 31 and 32 linked (for CD playback) and I didn’t see the behavior that you are describing.