X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

There are a couple of ways, if you send all your input channels to the card, and insert effects on some channels in the computer before returning to the outputs of the individual channels, then you'll have insert if you select card return as source on the channels you want inserts on. (Haven't tried, but imagine it should work)
The other way is to assign aux outs to card, taking aux returns from card, and using aux as inserts on the channels you want the inserts.

I did try your first suggestion, but if I chose card return as channel source, then I cant set the MICPRE gain, so this is not good.
your second suggestion only allows just a few inserts...

Any other suggestion?


Re: Flightcase with wheels - WHY ???


I am already on 1.09 according to the Setup screen. Updating the firmware was one of the first things I did. Is there something else I'm missing?

Also, to highjack my own topic :D~:-D~:grin: In Xcontrol, the User Assignable SET buttons are all greyed out, with and without the X32 connected.

Thank you for your quick response!
Re: Flightcase with wheels - WHY ???


I am already on 1.09 according to the Setup screen. Updating the firmware was one of the first things I did. Is there something else I'm missing?

Also, to highjack my own topic :D~:-D~:grin: In Xcontrol, the User Assignable SET buttons are all greyed out, with and without the X32 connected.

Thank you for your quick response!

Hi Mitchell,
I just tested it here to be sure with a 8GB SanDisk Cruiser stick. While recording, if you press "stop" (the first rotary encoder) you should see a new file appear in the list to the right. If you use the record button to stop, you are only pausing the recording. Hopefully this is it, but if not PM me and we will get it figured out.
As far as XControl goes, there is nothing wrong on your end. The program is still in its' early stages at version 0.7 so we haven't yet added that the ability to use the ASSIGN section.
Hope it helps,

John DiNicola
Senior Specialist, Product Support
Re: X32 Discussion

I did try your first suggestion, but if I chose card return as channel source, then I cant set the MICPRE gain, so this is not good.
your second suggestion only allows just a few inserts...

Any other suggestion?



Well, the mic pre problem is only major if you need to adjust the pre while using the insert. Having one routing preset for adjusting the pres and another for using the inserts shouldn't normally be a big deal. If you need to adjust pre and hear the insert at the same time, you could just monitor it via another channel.
Re: X32 Discussion

Well, the mic pre problem is only major if you need to adjust the pre while using the insert. Having one routing preset for adjusting the pres and another for using the inserts shouldn't normally be a big deal. If you need to adjust pre and hear the insert at the same time, you could just monitor it via another channel.

While it is really doable, it is certainly not a user freindly way to use the insert.
if there is a possibility to change it in the next firmware version,
it would be great to add to the insert list also the card IOs, or just
give the possibility to set, which gain I want to adjust, if Card input
is chosen....


Re: 48k vs 44.1k

Higher sample rate will give better quality audio, not too important for live audio as the x32 sounds amazing at 44.1khz, but recording at the highest possible sample rate is essential for better sounding audio. :)


That really depends. If the end result is going to be 44.1kHz audio, what is gained by 48kHz recording and processing is more or less lost in the sample rate conversion process that the final mix has to go through.
Re: X32 Discussion

While it is really doable, it is certainly not a user freindly way to use the insert.
if there is a possibility to change it in the next firmware version,
it would be great to add to the insert list also the card IOs, or just
give the possibility to set, which gain I want to adjust, if Card input
is chosen....



That is in the list of requests that the development team is hopefully considering, but in the meantime......

one advantage of the proposed method is that you have return trim so you can compensate for whatever changes in gain the insert effect is causing.
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Re: X32 Discussion

Rolling ATA as in tiny suitcase wheels? Why turn every bit of kit you have got into unreliable junk? I'm a fan of big (preferably pneumatic) wheels for anything that can be broken, and wouldn't use those cases for anything electronic that wasn't extremly well suspended inside.
So far, nobody has done more than around fifty gigs with the mixer, so I think we'll have to wait for a couple more months to get any kind of answer.

I totally agree. I am getting a plain case and use my Magliner. I have enough broken caster wheels to know what kind of force they endure.
Re: 48k vs 44.1k

That really depends. If the end result is going to be 44.1kHz audio, what is gained by 48kHz recording and processing is more or less lost in the sample rate conversion process that the final mix has to go through.

That's true Per, I agree... unless you leave it at 48 for post production.......he he he :)
But also, it's at 16k not 24, so there will be no significant difference.
Best leave it at 44

Re: X32 Discussion

Daft idea. Keep your crossover/system controller. Seriously.

Thats twice now in this thread that you have rubbished the idea of having the crossover in the desk.

For the audience that this desk is intended for, having a (or maybe several, as they are just software) DCX in there is a really good idea. For folks who might use this desk but who are not the intended audience, then it is an unnecessary function.

It's a really good idea, as long, of course, as it is done correctly. So that the virtual crossover "sticks" in place, despite recalling scenes. So the outputs stay in place and don't change on recall. The probably realisation of this would be another page on the display with the DCX on there with its own set of store and recall functions, all entirely independent of the console recall. As this'll use DSP resources, it may be that slots in the effects rack may need to be sacrificed. As these are all software choices made at runtime, its a choice a user can make "eyes wide open" with no penalty incurred for not using the crossover.

So a bijou band just runs a Cat5 from X32 to amp rack, and the S16 is in the rack all cabled ready to go.
Re: X32 Discussion

Thats twice now in this thread that you have rubbished the idea of having the crossover in the desk.

For the audience that this desk is intended for, having a (or maybe several, as they are just software) DCX in there is a really good idea. For folks who might use this desk but who are not the intended audience, then it is an unnecessary function.

It's a really good idea, as long, of course, as it is done correctly. So that the virtual crossover "sticks" in place, despite recalling scenes. So the outputs stay in place and don't change on recall. The probably realisation of this would be another page on the display with the DCX on there with its own set of store and recall functions, all entirely independent of the console recall. As this'll use DSP resources, it may be that slots in the effects rack may need to be sacrificed. As these are all software choices made at runtime, its a choice a user can make "eyes wide open" with no penalty incurred for not using the crossover.

So a bijou band just runs a Cat5 from X32 to amp rack, and the S16 is in the rack all cabled ready to go.

Those who think it's a really bad idea will probably say so everytime the question come up, and I don't blame them.
Even if firmware was to be implemented that tucked the settings away in some dark, hard to find location with trolls and dragons at the gate, a full system reset would still be likely to cause havoc, or if it didn't and some outputs would defaulted to a safe state, what should that safe state be? And how would you protect the S16 from getting routed the wrong way? "Many pitfalls here, better leave it be." would be the prudent and most likely the correct decision. Providing a feature that potentially would help clients destroy their speakers, and getting blamed for it whenever it happens for whatever reason, is not likely to be a very attractive proposition for Behringer.
But one can allways hope that some of the things that would be helpfull will get implemented eventually, like selectable slope filters, polarity flip on outputs, additional routing flexibility etc. One prerequisite for being able to implement a full crossover function would be that they get rid of the power-up/reset pop, untill then I'll happily do my subs to powered tops processing and move my dbx drpa+ to monitor duty giving me two more individual feedback controlled monitor channels :)~:)~:smile:
Re: X32 Discussion

Thats twice now in this thread that you have rubbished the idea of having the crossover in the desk.

For the audience that this desk is intended for, having a (or maybe several, as they are just software) DCX in there is a really good idea. For folks who might use this desk but who are not the intended audience, then it is an unnecessary function.

It's a really good idea, as long, of course, as it is done correctly. So that the virtual crossover "sticks" in place, despite recalling scenes. So the outputs stay in place and don't change on recall. The probably realisation of this would be another page on the display with the DCX on there with its own set of store and recall functions, all entirely independent of the console recall. As this'll use DSP resources, it may be that slots in the effects rack may need to be sacrificed. As these are all software choices made at runtime, its a choice a user can make "eyes wide open" with no penalty incurred for not using the crossover.

So a bijou band just runs a Cat5 from X32 to amp rack, and the S16 is in the rack all cabled ready to go.

FWIW I use the sub crossover function(speaker matrix) in my iLive all the time. I run subs on an aux crossed over at 90hz, and the rest of the system 90hz and up - typically AES EBU into a couple of LM26’s which are used for the main mid/high array(s).
Being able to adjust the delay on the desk to align the subs is so quick easy. It’s also very handy when mixing and matching various powered boxes/subs for smaller shows.

Not sure about having a dedicated “full” crossover in the desk … but the sub crossover is great.
Re: X32 Discussion

Thats twice now in this thread that you have rubbished the idea of having the crossover in the desk.

For the audience that this desk is intended for, having a (or maybe several, as they are just software) DCX in there is a really good idea. For folks who might use this desk but who are not the intended audience, then it is an unnecessary function.

It is a moot point, as this desk does not have a crossover in it.
Re: X32 Discussion

It is a moot point, as this desk does not have a crossover in it.

Of course it does, it has multiple assignable outputs with lowpass and highpass filters, compressor/limiter and EQ. Sounds like crossover to me :)~:)~:smile:


I could see how a second cable (xlr) could be a difficult task... *eyes rolling*

cat 5 from x32 to s16 - TWO (gasp) xlr cables to the amp rack.... ;p
You wouldn't run an xlr to the amprack, anyone with half a brain that doesn't have a rack fetish would tuck the crossover away in the amprack and run the outs via the S16. Having a crossover at FOH would soon necessitate a multi to run all signals back to the amprack, my analogue setup have 10 returns to stage when I also count monitors. The S16 and any x-overs and feedback killers goes in the amprack. You don't spend money on digital stageboxes to have more cables to lay down.

PS: Since most of us have a rack fetish and feel naked and vulnerable at FOH without the racks, my suggestion is to strip the racks of old stuff and fill them with a couple of computers and screens to do recording and a couple of instances of Xcontrol, that way it looks really cosy and professional. 8)~:cool:~:cool:
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Re: X32 Discussion

I just got my x32 yesterday and I was playing around with a mic and the channels, and I noticed that when I am talking into the mic (or making any noise at all into the mic) and at the same time am trying to change the Gain I hear a clicking/popping noise as it moves up and down the gain structure.

I am listening through the headphone monitor, so it is possible could only be there, and not the main outs. I have not hooked up to my system yet to the board. It will not make any noise when I am moving the gain for my MP3 player through the Aux 1&2 only through the Mic on any CH (I tried multiple.)

Let me know what you guys think, or if you can re-produce it.

Re: X32 Discussion

I just got my x32 yesterday and I was playing around with a mic and the channels, and I noticed that when I am talking into the mic (or making any noise at all into the mic) and at the same time am trying to change the Gain I hear a clicking/popping noise as it moves up and down the gain structure. Let me know what you guys think, or if you can re-produce it.

Mine does that too - holding a "note" on the mic, and you will hear the scaling, I attrubuted that to the console "price point", but I would appreciate knowing it if that is not the case...